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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands you oranges...
  2. "Willy, what do mean when you say: 'Zis iz abowt to get veered' ?"
  3. ...or conversely, we could all accept the fact that BFC has already chosen the title. CM:FA "Fait Accompli" (Get your minds outta the gutter.)
  4. Please don't stop feeding the trolls. How else is a guy like me supposed to get a decent meal?
  5. Don't bring him into it. I mean, what does he have to do with Christmas?
  6. Too funny, Alice. No need to pre-order. Emrys is everywhere.
  7. Too funny, BG. Santa would make one helluvan FO.
  8. I've got a bit of a dilemma here. Don't know whether to drink red or white wine with this Christmas Bone. Thanks for the glad tidings, BFC. Orebest in 2016!
  9. Oh goody. I finally get to open my Christmas gift.
  10. My vote goes to CM:DSSB Did Someone Say "Blitzkrieg"?
  11. I am beginning to suspect that Emrys is The Bulge. Has anyone ever seen them in the the same room at the same time?
  12. That someone would be me. Looks like the Emrys vs Bulge thread has taken on a life of its own. Talk about having "bigger fish to fry". http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121076-bfc-office-pool-which-will-appear-first-the-savior-or-the-bulge/ (BTW, I'm nothing if not "gauche", Ian. Come on, Buddy. As a fellow Canadian, you had to have taken at least a couple of years of French. Or were you away that day?)
  13. Having held their positions for nearly a month, Sarge concluded that Willy really was "all talk and no action".
  14. Blame The Weatherman? Nah, it must be Goebbels" fault.
  15. Seizing the moment, Willy addressed the haggis. (For Banesy)
  16. We might have to break out some of that kohl, Kohl.
  17. Ever the romantic, Willy fixed his gaze upon the sergeant's crotch.
  18. We now return you to your regular programming...
  19. Nor do I have the second page to myself. You're here, aren't you? Still, with 500+ "views" (and counting) it seems someone's being entertained. I'm not exactly twisting anyone's arm. Hell, I even made you look.
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