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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. "There's only one thing worse than taking shrapnel in the duffle bag..."
  2. There is definitely a graphic novel feel to it. Now, if you don't mind, I have to give those pesky French...er, I mean, infanterie...a piece of my mind.
  3. "I've never been with...you know...another man."
  4. Thanks for the heads-up, Bud. Since reading your post one week ago, I have played nothing else. Bought both Battle Academy and the Mega Pack of individual scenarios for a song. I am currently immersed in Battle Academy: Blitzkrieg. Tons 'o Fun while you're waiting for BFC to get around to early WWII circa 1940.
  5. "Never mind, I'll take my chances with gangrene."
  6. "My sock, you idiot. There's no feeling in my sock."
  7. "While I appreciate the offer, I don't believe the snake was venomous."
  8. I see what you did there, Beeper. Too funny.
  9. "I'll ask you one more time. Have you seen The Privates?"
  10. In other words: "Be careful what you wish for."
  11. "As I said, I'm giving my body to Science."
  12. You'll need an army of zombies to do that.
  13. "For your information, I've never even been to Brazil."
  14. Well done, Sir. The only question I had was "weather" or not you were going to give a nod to "Stormin' Norman".
  15. Ask me what I did today. It kinda pales in comparison. KSquared, you are an inspiration. We might have to start a new thread, though. Thankfully, the title of this one is a little bit dated.
  16. Way to derail the thread, HS. That's my job.
  17. Commander to Radio Operator: "What part of 'hold my calls' don't you understand?"
  18. Easy, KSquared. The heart, the heart...
  19. I see what you did there, Kuderian. Too funny.
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