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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Can you post a link to a save file so that others can see it and experiment? Makes bug reporting easier
  2. Nice handling of both PAKs! It was touch and go there for a while. Your opponent us doing a good job of making you pay for every step forward. Challenging is good
  3. Thank you for the link, Vanir. This is really interesting. Certainly when it comes to occasional "house rules" for a QB, it might be very interesting to see what would the impact be for both sides.
  4. Ok, that runs contrary to what I would have expected, given the tech disparity between Russian and US hardware. Very interesting though if it's true. Certainly would be fun to try a battle with those conditions.
  5. I wasn't enthusiastic about it when Kohkenklau urged me to get it. In fact I was really uninterested.,but the terrain and earlier time period made me come around. While it's not my favourite, I really do like it now and actually am more excited about it than CMBN which surprises me.
  6. Nice screenshots and story. Is it me or was that last panther a mission kill already with a shell through the its gun barrel?
  7. Yes, that makes perfect sense. It would be...peculiar...to drive only partway when you're not encountering resistance. Thanks Bil!
  8. Bil, thank you again for another great addition to your site. I did have a question: You indicated that you don't see Deep Attack from the Soviet interpretation, and in fact penetration of enemy lines is not necessarily the desired outcome. I see that in the Eye of the Elephant AAR, but in the CMRT AAR I feel as if you're doing exactly what you say you don't want to - you're penetrating the enemy lines and it's far far more than diversionary, it becomes an exploit and drive straight for the objective. I do not doubt you, your logic or tactics, so I'm not splitting hairs, I'm trying to understand the distinction you make with Deep Attacks from merely penetration of enemy lines and rapid exploitation of the gap that follows.
  9. You work is done here. This is not the thread you're looking for...move along...
  10. That orchard looks like a pain but in my experience it doesn't offer a lot of cover to an armoured opponent. Hopefully you'll be able to clear it without major losses.
  11. Don't sweat it; we all get speed-bumps now and then
  12. Very useful, like all your tests, my friend. Thanks for doing that and coming up with a SOP to use with the information gathered.
  13. Heinrich is right, hardly difficult to stick with you in this AAR. Fun thing it illustrates us how a situation can turn in an instant from success to mess!
  14. That and people simply post in the game thread they're interested in playing
  15. On the defensive I also find it hard to gauge whether to keep holding fire or to open up - the tipping point isn't clear to me when it is ideal. And of course it's completely situational so it's not like there is a clear "open fire when they are within 400m" or whatever.
  16. I hope my partner in making comics gets his internet issues resolved - we were starting the battle for the next Comic when things went belly up.
  17. The next battle I will be paying a lot more attention to who leads and who covers, believe me. It's embarrassing at times to see this now, because in retrospect I'm catching many of my own mistakes and wondering, WTF??? On the other hand, I want to show the bad as well as the good honestly, so...
  18. Thanks, Bulletpoint. It makes it a lot easier to show one's mistakes when the comments are positive and instructive rather than derogatory. I appreciate them all, and will be going over this AAR many times reading advice over again to try things out and improve. So no ones effort here at contributing is a waste.
  19. {emphasis mine} You've hit the nail on the head, Ian. Speaking of being here, we need to have another coffee together!
  20. Minute 38-37: With 3/1 squad and 1B/1 team in position I have them provide cover fire on the houses as well as area firing behind them in case the Germans have Panzershrek teams there. RU079 They do a fine job of suppressing an HMG42 team behind one of the houses. Yes, the same one we saw running around earlier. This guy has a necklace of rabbit feet… So my question to you more experienced gamers is this: What is that contact icon near the HMG icon? Can it be other team-members that I don’t see, or does it imply there are other infantrymen there from some other squad? RU080 1. The CO of 1st platoon gets aboard 1st Tank Plat HQ. I'm going to bring him to the farmhouse, where his platoon members will join him as they advance. The tank is given the order to move toward the houses while firing as shown. I want the nearest house to be saturated with HE so that any German infantry in there will not be able to fire AT weapons, and also kill my infantry. You can also see my FOO moving closer to the farmhouses but keeping to the woods. I want to get eyes on the German second line of defence ASAP so I can target the other half of my rockets. It takes 9 minutes for it to land so I need to be ahead of the action. Risky. Too risky... 2. The 2nd T34 in 1st platoon (remember the 3rd tank is an IS-2, and is on AOA 1, not here) is ordered to area fire behind the houses near where I can see infantry contacts. It stays stationary. 3. 2nd Tank platoon CO is ordered to advance toward the houses, riders aboard, and shoot up the houses as he rolls. He will stop near the rear corner of the closest house, limiting the directions from where he can be threatened. I realize in retrospect that I’ve just done it again - ordered my HQ tanks to advance rather than the platoon tanks. I WILL learn, I swear! 4. 2nd tank, 2nd platoon remains, riders aboard, in the cover of the trees to engage targets of opportunity. I do not give it any fire orders, I’ll let him pick his own. If it's hard to see detail, remember you can click these images and see them much bigger. RU081 Here we see 1st Tnk Plat HQ as it nears the farmhouses on KT 1, firing all the while it travels. Just like Bil’s CMRT Beta AAR against Elvis, where he had his T34’s charge and shoot at potential enemy positions, my T34 has its shots both hit the house and the grass all over the place. It’s very inaccurate, but sure impressive to watch on replay! You can see the ricochets from bullets hitting the houses, and much of the smoke around the tank is from blasting divots in the air from wild misses. 1A/1 team runs for the woods bordering KT 1 to join 1B/1 team, while both teams from 2nd squad (highlighted orange) remain stationary, in the hope they can see of the Germans have anything on the wood-line to the north (not shown). RU082 As the 1st Plat HQ Tank reaches the first house it stops - and blasts for good measure, while the 1st Platoon CO dismounts and runs for the house. Not to worry, that house has taken so much fire he could beat any Germans in there with a pool noodle. At least, that’s the theory… RU083 As 2nd Plat HQ Tank leaves the woods and rushes toward the farmhouses, an MG42 - still unseen - begins stripping it of its riders… What could I have done to prevent this? I can't blast every possible hiding place, so what is a good improvement on my method here? RU084 Here you can see the completion of this minute of action as most units reached their destination safely. Mostly? Mostly, because the HMG picks off a couple more men on the advancing 2nd Tank Plat CO tank. RU085 On AOA 1 the IS-2 makes it as scheduled on the road, with great LOS to KT 1 and the farmhouses. No obvious targets yet, while the two sections of 3/3 squad carefully move in bounds in the Western Woods of KT 2, and take fire again from an invisible German HMG, thankfully without harm. RU086
  21. Ok, so my impression isn't totally off. It's a very difficult scenario for the Germans. I've never used green troops so for the U.S. Player there must be some interesting cohesion challenges.
  22. Any scenario I make would not be worth the time to open. But a map on the other hand....
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