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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I'm letting the HMG crew pick their own targets. They swept the area clean (it seems) around the Southern Wood. If this is true, then 1st Squad will have a leisurely all towrd the farmhouse. I hope I its, I feel like a rat in a cage up on the Wood Lot hill! Everyone except Willy's group are still basically where they started. Good suggestion though, if I end up haveing targets for the HMG I'll definitely do what you suggest. I'm fact, I might do it soon as area suppression fire. I know there are GIs behind the orchard hedgerow. A bit of suppression may be useful...
  2. Never occurred to me to give green troops high morale and leadership ratings LOL. The game affords a lot of flexibility.,
  3. But I thought rarity was also a consideration. Yes, it does add to direct cost.
  4. I was experimenting with QB setup today and set rarity on normal, and could get M1A2s with APS at no rarity cost. Same with M2A3 Bradleys. Isn't APS supposed to make those more costly?
  5. That would be manageable; larger and I go mad, at least at my present skill level
  6. Strange how one GI with a rifle grenade has me so worried. I guess that's what happens when your whole force is only 41 men! Casualty wise were sort of even, but if Kohl has a full platoon that's 39 men right there and not counting bazooka teams or the MMG and I don't know if he has anything else. He's lost a little less than me but has more to start with. I hope I don't run out of ammo for the HMG 42. That thing does miracles!
  7. That's how I feel. I bought CMBS last night and played against the AI...and won. But that was only because the AI was not a Human.
  8. Some people really like larger battles. You can talk to IanL here about a monster battle he did with I think over 20000 pts. I like smaller battles, a company in size max, as it keeps giving orders a lot less tedious. And I find it overwhelming when I have a large force, it's just so many details to take care of. I'm sure if you post in the opponents wanted forum here and explain your experience, and what sort of set up you'd like (Small forces, QB, what ever the case may be) you will find people interested in playing you. Good luck!
  9. This brings us to the end of the first 6 minutes of this 30 minute battle. Both of us are maneuvering for an advantage, and Kohl is doing quite well in making my Infantry Gun utterly useless. I'm concerned about that guy with the rifle-grenade in the southeast corner. I think there are likely a good 8 infantry shooting at the IG. On the other hand, my mg's might have swept clean the field near the southern wood. If that's the case, 1st Squad may make it to the farm in the next three minute segment. That will make it a lot harder for Kohl to ever reach let alone take the objective...I hope. SitRep coming up...
  10. now that I have my computer back I should be able to resume the battle, and the CAAR...
  11. Thanks for the reply - yes, that actually makes quite a bit of sense as to what their reasoning is.
  12. CMBS isn't greyed out, it simply doesn't exist! What is the latest version of CMH for Mac?
  13. Ah, so you feel their poor behaviour is remarkable even for green troops. Interesting.
  14. Yeah, that is exactly what I thought was strange not to have. Are they not actually in active service?
  15. Ok, so I was right....interesting!
  16. Browsing the CMBS manual (don't have the game yet) I see that UAVs are largely Immune to SAMs. But the U.S. has nothing like the Tunguska. So how do they shoot down the Russian micro-UAVs?
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