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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. BTR About SBR-3 and other. I read on Ryadovoy-K forum (or Balancer... forgot now) that both Soviet and Russian armies almost don't have trained operators for these devices and this duty mostly was just formality. Though in current war were spotted several SBR-5 among DNR or "vacationist" forces. In UKR force structures these devices almost unseen, though Border Guard service uses some quantity of new "Barsuk" and "Lys" radars. BMP-1 and 2S1 in UKR side are abscent in the game, because TO&E for the game were composing in 2012-2013, when these equipment was removed from service. Now BMP-1 appaared in service again since late autumn of 2014 and 2S1 since summer 2014. In next modules, I think, its will be added.
  2. Now our main ammunitions are 3BM22 Zakolka and 3BK14/18/18M. In most cases It's enough for opposite T-64BV and T-72B. I still didn't see any photos with more modern T-HEAT of APFSDS from frontline. Often happen that only HE OF26/36 only available for crews. I read we have lack of these AP-ammunitions, possibly 3BM42 and T-HEATs are "emergency store" on case of full-scale war with big numbers of modern tanks. To this time appaerance of Т-72B3 and T-90A in Donbas have episodic charecter...
  3. I mantissed ammunition mismatches for Ukrainan tanks, before 1.03 was issued, but possibly already wasn't have a time to make something. So, looking on T-HEAT abbreviation, this means that UKR tanks in the game have TANDEM HEAT rounds ? If yes, this is mistake!
  4. In real more appropriate solution in this case for the tank is to ram light armored vis a vis and crash or turn over it... Or shot out with remote controlled HMG.
  5. Yes, but if you will continue to lay on the road, sooner or later you will be hit. And for what to stand up and run if one may to crawl or roll away? In CM1 units in this case were mostly more adequate - if they encounter strong small arms fire, they fell prone and crawled to more protected area if stay under fire was unable for long time. If they paniced, they just run away and often suffered big losses. Of course, CM1 AI also often have odd pathfinding and vision what location is more safer in this cases, but it will be not so passive.
  6. Hm... I see just soldirs which lay on the dirt road. I think, any soldier which found himself under so intensive fire, naturally will be seek more safe place, but doesn't hope on protection of small undulations.
  7. What weird AI behavior since 7:01 ? Russians lay under heavy fire on the open space, but instead to crawl or run away in more safe place, they still make this odd "embryo pose" under shower of bullets on the road! Possibly for AI "supressed" is equal to "paralized in fear" ? But in such situation voice of instinct of self-preservation would be much lauder than voice of fear
  8. Euri Tank gun missiles is a Soviet doctrine of "long hand" in tank duels. Because of western APFSDS were better than Soviet, was developed such ammunition, which allow to hit any western tank on the long range in 4-6 km before it can come on distanse of effective fire by APFSDS. But in real this weapon can give advantage only in flat terrain. If terrain with any crossed locations, target visibility anyway reduces to the same 1,5-2 km like for fight with APFSDS. ATGM "Kombat" is tandem missile with 750 mm RHAe penetration beyond ERA, which can fire on 100m - 5 km. APFSDS 3BM42 Mango effective fire range is just no more 2500 m with about 500-520 mm RHAe penetration under 0 degrees, further significantly fall accuracy and penetration capability. Effective firing range of 3BK14/18 HEAT shells (T-HEAT in game) is just about 1800-2000 m with penetration 450...500 mm RHAe and it can be defeated or significantly reduced by ERA. So, in some conditions, Kombat is "only hope" %) In the game, of course, is very odd tanks behavior in choice of this weapon and ranges from which it uses. Also, for example, heavy overmodelled front turret armor of T-72B3 and bug with K-5 ERA on turret, which in 15-20 % hits defeats tandem missiles, make ATGM "Kombat" too weak for successful fight with Russian tanks.
  9. Thewood1 Yes, this problem take place, but haven't mass character. All depends from honesty of storages chiefs, which send K-1 HE blocks to front. In whole we have much more happens, when T-64BV successfuly survived after multiple RPG-7 hits (PG-7V/VL, tandem -7VR is very rare ammunition at both sides). Absolute record of surviving belongs to T-64BV which during fights in Donetsk area got 17 RPG-7 hits, but left on move and could withdraw from dangerous zone. Of course, he lost all optic, gun was damaged, all crew was shell-shocked or wounded.
  10. Video from dashcam of UKR Mi-24P, which was shot down at 20th August 2014 during two pairs of Mi-24 attacked the hill near Georgiivka, which was taken by two companies of 76th division of Russian VDV. Several MANPADs were launched (though also Pantsyr version exists), one of them hit this chopper on low altitude... Both crewmen got killed immediately...
  11. I don't know what armor data modelled in the game, but in real glacis equivalent of T-90А is 500 mm LOS (590 mm LOS RHAe by other information), so PG-7VR with 650 mm penetration beyond ERA can penetrate its front hull.
  12. Again not Russian, but UKR Hinds on super-extremely low flight. Photos form Shyrokyi Lan range trainings.
  13. Steve, difference is that in CM you can read in scenario an information about expected enemy forces and, for example, for this situation on video, beware tank appearance. In this situation and in whole during summer 2014 camapaign most of engagements were characterized by full "fog of war" for troops and chaos in C&C. Platoons on neightbor checkpoints didn't know situation of each other, reckon and intelligance support was very poor, so in many times both sides during advance suddenly got "ooops"-engagement.
  14. >He's too low to get a good hit Our helos were shot down over Sloviansk by MANPADs approx. on the same altitude >Haiduk you should have wished ISIL to have a ZSU-23 it would have been more effective. FSA is not ISIS. Alas, Talbiseh in enclave and nobody to help them... BTW how differense, who will cause losses for Russia?.. The more Russia will lose money, soldiers, armor and aircraft in Syria, then better for us. It's just a war.
  15. Digital camo need to by by default, but old "dubok" camo let still too. It will be useful for example, for making historical scenarious of 2014 year battles when VDV and UNCON modules will appear.
  16. Russian Mi-24 attacked FSA in Talbiseh (near Homs). No ISIS here. Damn... If only one MANPAD for FSA in that place...
  17. >Let us not forget that many FSA members went over to ISIL. Heh... Man... This will be great discovering to you, but FSA and Jaish-al-Islam are the enemy of ISIS and fight with them. Yesterday ISIS pushed off FSA from infantry scholl on north from Aleppo and... without fight gave up it to SAA. Just a picture of strikes 7-8th Oct. Most on FSA/Jaish territory. ISIS marked with pink, rebels with yellow
  18. I chek not YOUR sources, but interactive map of your bombing, based on video footadges and reports from different sources . ISIS takes minimum bombing. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=z4PF1SFiMPjQ.kFa_qMMdFl48&hl=en_US - you can set different filter to sure in this. >They go around starting wars backed by a few foreign suppliers, So yeah they are terrorists. We bomb... all with joy. Kremlin mafia afraids Quatar gas pipe through Syria and Turkey to Europe, this will means end of Gazprom lever on EU. So, you of course can defend own interests, but Gulf states also will defend own and support FSA and some groups of Jaish-al-Islam. And cadres of Talbiseh or many other Sunni settlements, leveling with Russian bombs just will cause swift response. One of it already done - Saudi Arabia entered on EU market and started push off from there Rosneft'.
  19. FSA in that area have only one old ZPU-4 on pickup to fight with aerial targets. Because of Russians operate so impunity. More HMG or MANPADS and these helos would be downed...
  20. Battle for Luhansk airport was shorter in time, but its rage and intensity were no less than in Donetsk. But this battle not so well-known like DAP, especially in western media... But in Luhansk airport 29-31 of August 2104 in deadly fight clashed Russian VDV with T-90A support and our units of 80th airmobile brigade with some ATGM "Stugna-P" and 1st tank brigade. Losses form both sides was very big - even after our guys manage to break through, Russians two days didn't risk to enter in abandoned and totally ruined airport... But this is another story...
  21. Tools of CM editor dont't allow to reflect this... Just see how looked new terminal inside in last day of defense. These photos made 18 Jan. This last small space was last stand of Cyborgs. Next day two huge explosions will demolished the roof above them anf the floor under them - about half of them will die... Sector directed to the side of old terminal. In holes in the roof enemy threw grenades, smoke grenades and gas. Only the guy left survived, was captured. Now he returned to home. In the middle - commander of 7th company of 80th airmobile battalion. Right - platoon commander. Both KIA... Man with cup in hand - legendary medic of 80th airmopbile brigade Ihor Zinych (Callname "Psyho"). He did amazing and inbelievable things. He saved many lives and even conducted surgical operations directly in terminal when temperature fell to -25 C (-13 F). He stood in this ice hell about month. In last days was wounded, but rejected to evacuate. Got lost during explosion - his body was cut in two parts by concrete plate... Empty boxes - weak cover against fragments and bullets. This guy from 3rd battalion 9th company of 80rh airmobile brigade. KIA.
  22. Bastables We have tank repair plant, which specialized on T-72. It's situates in L'viv. Also some sort of works on T-72 can do big tank plant in Kyiv, but now it's mostly involved in T-64/APCs repairing and BTR-3 producing.
  23. LukeFF This is typical intercourse model of Russian trolls, never mind %)
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