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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This one was in service, when "Azov" just formed as National Guard battalion and suffered lack of APCs. Now this BTR-152 already not in running order. Just stay on rear base. "Azov" equipped with BTR-3E, Spartan, Cougar, Shreck One, Raptor armored vehicles. Though, their first self-made APC (armored KAMAZ truck) "Prianyk" (eng. "Gingerbread") since June 2014 still in service to this time. But now it plays a role of ZU-23 carrier.
  2. a. I for the first time see this "type 1" formation. Previous, before 2012 variant was 2 squads with 2 RPK in each and one squad with PKM and sniper. Knowingly, that this variant had platoon, which was shot out near Volnovakha in 2014 (full list with platoon's staff was issued and widely known in network). So, as standard we put in the game "type 2" formation. с. This mysterious "third crew member" is a deputy of platoon commander. By Field Manual he stay in BMP during combat and command by platoon's armor group, when platoon commander make command from the ground. I know, that in some (many ?) cases platoon hasn't this separate duty and deputy of platoon commander=1st squad commander. But we have included in the game full staff. d. This extra person is a radio operator from battalion signal platoon, which according field manual have to attach to each company. Other members: company commander, deputy of company commander ("zampolit"), senior technecian, company's sergeant-mayor, sanitar-instructor, SBR-3 operator, BMP driver, BMP gunner - total 8. e. Recon platoon given by field tactic book 2009 for military academy. But yes, BRM crew lost one member %). Thanks, this should be fixed. I doubt, that AKMSB or silenced pistols really uses by battalion recons in real, when in 2014 was lack of all specail equipment even for battalion and special forces recons... f. Of course, in the game represented paper staff of AT-platoon. Of course we oftenly have situation, when in platoon delivered Fagots w/o tripods or vice verse %) h. Alas, BMP-1KSh was rejected by game designers as minor vehicle, which will be incomprehensible for most players. So, initially in battalion HQ were included two BMP-2K. I spent many efforts that they moved one BMP away and included MTLB for battalion staff, as most similar by armament and look on BMP-1KSh. Sorry, but they will not model this command vehicle. Yes, engineers now are organic platoon in each battalion, unlike in the game, where they only in BTG. AAA squad.... I hope we will see ZU-23 in future additions... i. Emmmm.... How this "not depicted" ? You can choice mech.battalion (BTR) and sure that they have BTR-70/70K (and BTR-4 optionally) and some different structure from own BMP pals. Each comany has 4th AT-platoon. Recon platoon on BRDM, because in field tactic book was said that recon platoon of BTR-battalion differs from BMP-battalion that its vehicles are wheeeld, not tracked. Possibly 92th brigade has BMP in this unit, but on moment of game issue 92th was almost dead and exists like one company-tactic group... Too few photos of their vehicles was in UKR military resourses. _____________________ My addition: j. Since 2015 MG platoons were established. With lack of PKMS they equiped with PKMS, Maxim and PKT on tripods or wheels. Composition of this platoon, I think is equal to Soviet time, but doubt thay have own armored tramsport. I don't know also either 12,7 mm DShK (also on tripods or wheels) are included in these platoons or just given for strong points like supernumenary weapon for reinforcing,
  3. I have gathered some for you . I don't know how this equipment realized in the game, but in real we have next: BRM-1K equipment: 1RL133 (PSNR-5K) radar. "Single man" target detectin range - 3...4 km, "group of men" type - 5...6 km, "truck/tank" type - 8...10 km. Probability of detection - 80 %. Errors of range measuring: no more 25 m in sound mode, no more 50 m in visaul "A" mode, no more 100 m in visual "B" mode. 1D8 (DKRM-1) laser range finder. 300-8000 m range finding at the day and up to 400 m at the night. Error of measurement - no more 10 m. ERRS-1 SIGINT station. Enemy radar work detection up to 60 km with error no more 15 deg of direction. Deternination of radar wawes in 2,7-30 sm and frequency (200-8000 Hz) diapasons For visual night observation has only one binocular BN-2 (up to 600 m range for tank and 300 m for man) or gun sight 1PN22M2, which in night mode usable on 400 m range. BRM-3K equipment: - 1RL133-3 (PSNR-5KM) radar. "truck/armor" type detection range raised on 10-12 km in comarison with PSNR-5K in BRM-1K. Target coordinates calculation accuracy - +/- 50 m - IR observe device 1PN71. "Tank" type target detection up to 3000 m. Zoom - 3x, 4x (spotting mode), 12.5x (detection mode). Visual angle: 1.3 deg (narrow), 4.3 deg (wide) - active-pulse night vision recon device 1PN61. "Tank" type target range detection on 500...3000 m. Visual angle 3 deg 40'. Zoom - 7x. Has three modes of use: passive (the range reducing to 1300...2500 m depending on target type), observation with laser lighting on target, observation with range finding. Target coordinates calculation accuracy +/- 30 m - laser range finder 1D14. Up to 10 km range for armor and up to 20 km range for large objects. Error of measurement no more 10 m on 10 km. - satellite navigation system and recon data transmission system.
  4. Weiking First of all let define object of discussion. Because, I think, we say about different things. I know, that BMP-1s were in use in some our brigades before war (but yes, I forgot about Rubizhne). But I just wanted to explaine why BMP-1 are abscent in the game. The decision about its removing to reserve really existed. Of course, Ukrainian army in that times was in deep lethargy, so you have to understand, that if MoD ordered to move away BMP-1, this is not the same these vehicles will disappeare during next day. So, when Chris had sent me UKR TO&E list I removed from it all BMP-1 modifications, because I thought that up to 2017, these vehicles would be completely removed from brigades and stored. Process of BMP-1 removing have started possibly at the end of 2012, because on mil.in.ua (I am one of old-timers of these resourse) appeared such posts like this (spring 2013): http://mil.in.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5735&p=54511&hilit=БМП+1#p54511 .... Для прикладу можна навести скорочення механізованої частини в Західному регіоні. Сучасніші БМП-2, які стояли у неї на озброєнні, перерозподілили до військових частин, які дислокуються в сусідній області. Тоді як БМП-1 були вилучені на бази зберігання. or this (spring 2013) http://mil.in.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1516&p=53771&hilit=БМП+1#p53771 По 17-й не скажу, а по 1-й є цікава інфа. Якраз хотів поділитись/порадитися. КОроч, що виходить: 1 і 3-й бати на БМ Булатах - 82 танка. 2-й бат на Т-64БМ2 (мінімум 2 роти) і Т-64Б (не БВ). + позаштатних 40 танків, які по осені пригнали з заходу (чи не ТБ 128 ОМБ чи 300 ОМП??). Дрова. Всі тили порізали на щабель. Мехбат переводять на БМП-2. По слухам, інфа не підтверджена, див БМ-21 розпустять. or this (summer 2013) http://mil.in.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1419&p=62802&hilit=БМП+1#p62802 Знову новини з 93-й... Засвітився БИП-1 а вчора і в 30-й ОМБ. Їх же, ніби, мали всі замінити на БМП-2... So, my decision was based on the information, which can trust. Of cousre, now situation sharply changed, so, I think, we will turn back BMP-1 and not only its.
  5. 3) No :). All BMP-1 were removed to reserve during 2012-2013. Of course, many of its still in own units vehicle parks as supernumenary weapon and sometime for training purposes in order to keep resourse of BMP-2. Also in that times almost all brigades were significantly shortened, so mech,companies in tank brigades were on the paper... Initially BMP-1 were in equipment list, but we have removed it. Now, of course its need to return like and 2S1. Its also during 2012-2013 were removed from brigades. First BMP-1 appeared again in the late summer-autumn of 2014, when was need to substitute heavy losses of BMP-2 during border battle. 6) Again, up to 2013 9P149 were removed from brigades, except artillery. Terms of use of missiles was expired. In this war 9P149 uses as AT-reserve. First known episode was during Vuhlehirsk assault, other during withdrawal of Debaltseve group - 9P149 cover it and have destroyed two tanks and BMP in Novohryhorivka area. Composition of AT-guns battalion exactly as in the game (but in real MT-12K "Ruta" is very rare guest on the front), but some minor battalion units shortened and HQ unit some simplified. 8) All what I heard about recons, was an attempt to make new formed 1xxth recon battalions on new staffs, close to claims of ATO, but generals decided to establish it on current staffs, close to late Soviet. By understandable reasons activity of reckons, especially corps level doesn't cover in media. But in conditions of position war and abscense of solid front, reckons now prefer guntrucks, jeeps and foot walk, when their armor vehicles mostly stand on positions...
  6. 1. UKR TO&E in the game concorded before the war, so not fully corresponds with current situation. Of course changes will be added. 2. I proposed to remove BTR-4E from mech.troops untill National Guard will not be issued, but developers asuumed to include it for better... damn...how to translate it....играбильность. Same thing with BM Oplot. Russian T-90AM present in the game by the same cause, though Russian MoD even havn't plans to order it. 3. No BMP-1U in use. All 10 these IFV were sold to Georgia in 2007. But possibly will be appeared BMP-1UM in next year. BMP-1 on time, when TO&E concorded, were removed from army. 4. No more upgrading of T-64B to BM Bulat. In plans only mid-variant of T-64BV upgrade - "Nozh" ERA in containers of Kontakt-1 (for fast repair by repair unit w/o moving on factoru to the rear) and mount of Bulat's fire control system. 5. 1,1 milliards hrivnas given for BM Oplot building for Ukrainian army in 2016. So as minimum one tank company will be operational in 2017. 6. 9P148 were stored after 2009. Now only in some motorized infantry battalions, VDV and marines. 7. For this year by info of Ukroboronprom 30 new ATGM complexes were built and several hundred missiles for it. 8. Our recons in mass are changing seats from BMP and BTRs to guntrucks on the base of civil jeeps. It turned out more appropriate for uts missions, than soviet armor vehicles. Of course it still in units order, but BTR-80 almost not in use already, mostly BTR-70. All alive -80th taken for substitution of losses in VDV units. Possibly new Dozor-B APC will come to recons in first order. 9. Yes, structure of motorized battalion now is unclear, but it in whole repeats mech.battalion structure. As i know it consists one mech. company on armor and two or three mot.inf comapny on trucks. Mot.inf brigade has one tank company and two towed D-20 artillery. Possibly it also will be added in next packs/modules 10. D-44/ D-48 AT-guns are non-order weapon. Its were brought on positions that troops will have possibility to hold enemy light armor if it will attack, because when 100 mm caliber weapon was denied by Minsk.and removed, infantry remained almost helpless. But interest, that for these guns only practice and smoke shells remained...
  7. I think, you will see Ukrainian National Guard (former and re-organized Internal Troops) and pro-Russian UNCONs in some modules or packs . NGU has a lot of interest light armor vehicles and small arms, differs from Army.
  8. About armoring of T-90A again. In RuNet exists an article "T-90A vs M1A2. Other opinion". I don't know who is author, possibly it is copywriting, but it very interest. Here it full article, posted on Russian WoT forum: http://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/727654-т90а-vs-m1a2sepv2-другое-мнение/ I translate a place about T-90A glacis armor: Under article in comments, the author adds: "I forgot about 16 mm hard steel plate on glacis, I thought it was removed, but not". So to calculated above 600 mm we should to add 16mm*1,3/ 0,38= 55 + 600 = 655 mm resistance against CE. For KE 16*1,34/ 0,38=56+530=586 mm against KE. I took coefficients by Zaloga, though it can be optimistic variant, because in latest discussions about armor strength calculations the coefficient for hard steel assumes 1,1...1,2 depending of sort of steel. The front turret resistance w/o ERA in this article calculated in 600 mm against KE and 800 mm against CE This composition of glacis radically differ iеself from the picture of T-90A glacis cut, which I posted on page 4. If anybody can to calculate roughly its resistance, try it. I will try tomorrow too
  9. For this we have sound recon complexes AZK-5. Though its old, but gives enough information about enemy artillery positions. Also soon will be launched new complex of such type "Polozhenie-2" with seismic sensors.
  10. We don't know what actually amount of money of these 1,8 milliards will go directly on shells producing, how much on production preparation for absolutely new ammunition and how much on official's villas and cars %). And we don't know terms of contract and producing capabilities. May be I very pessimistic, but I supposed, that first numder in 100 millions is a real funds for shells %)
  11. Not AN/MOQ-4, but AN/TPQ-48 counter mortar radar and AN/TPQ-36 counter-artillery. To this time only two AN-TPQ-36 arrived, rest will come next year. Yes. every UKR mech. or tank brigade had own brigade artillery group with artillery recon battalion, equipped with ARK, AZK, SNAR etc. But since 2012 these units was shortened and remained only in artillery brigades. Experience of summer 2014 campaign showed, that these units need turn back. But stored artillery recon equipment was mostly old and faulty. Also was lack of sklled personnel, so during late summer-autemn effectiveness of these equipment was very low. Situation was changed in winter, when radars was brought to more normal conditions and personnel gave training and combaty skill. During Donetsk airport fighting and Debaltseve Bulge battle effectiveness was significantly better.
  12. I saw this document, but it says only "to start procedure of closed auction among ammunition produsers and WHEN this will be done, to make deal with manufacturer about Svinets-2 producing on 100 000 000 rubles". According to Wiki US M829F3 cost 8500$. In conditions of Russian enormous corruption, when prices on state indents rising up to the heaven for dividing of income between managment and state officials (for western users, this I try to explain Russian corruption slang word "otkat"), price on Svinets-2 hardly will be lower than US vis a vis. Even probably higher. So, let auction is done and Svinets-2 producing started after all start and adjusting works and bureacratic procedures in 2014. 1$ = 32 Rubles in Jan 2014. Let cost of Svinets-2 is equal to M829A3 (very optimistic variant). So, one Svinets-2 will cost 8500*32= 272 000 Ru. Ammunition program funded on 100 000 000/ 272000 = 367 APFSDS. Ok, let even 500. Ammunition load of one tank is 12 APFSDS, so 500 shells is just for 41 tank. Some more, than tank battalion :). Russia has 218 Т-90А (on 2011 year), number in 550 tanks I think is doubt, so take less number. So for all this need to produce 2616 Svinets-2 for one ammunition load only and as mininum to have five ammunition load as reserve - 13080 shells. Oh ! I forgot about T-72B3 ! Russian Wiki says about 1000 such tanks, but this number also very doubt. Do you imagine quantity of Svinets-2 for this armada ? Which need to produce up to 2017, but in conditions of sanctions, crisis and 71 Rubles per 1$ ?
  13. Nobody knows effectiveness of Svinets-2 or M829A4 on modern ERA examples - Duplet or Relikt. Best way to avoid speculations would be throwing both away and using more closer to reality current APFSDS ammunition 3BM42 Mango and M829A3 as most mass types. Ok, let Svintets-2 remains for T-90AM only and give to this tank bigger rarity. No any information that Russia launched mass producing of this ammunition, since in priority now Armata with its Grifel APFSDS. For UKR tanks situation in real more pooor then reflected in the game. Main APFSDS now is Zakolka, no DU Vant in T-64BV and Mango in Oplot/Bulat. But as for me better to use real equipment, this will force player more carry on about tactic.
  14. Driver's hatch ? Not surprising. On top picture with red shown frontal zones unprotected by ERA in T-90AM. As you can see, zone, which in CM names "superstructure upper hull" really has not full protection
  15. But "iterations" appeared with every new modification, but not with every year. So this is "average temperature of hospital" %). Т-72B mod.1989, than Т-90 in 1992 and T-90A in 2004-2006. From where 23 years for T-90 ? And take into account decline of military researches in former USSR and Russia, until oil not have started to rise in the mid of 2000th. As I read on Balancer forum, last known glacis improvement of T-72 or T-90 is new back steel plate, but nothing super-puper. So I doubt, that since 1989 rising of armor strength tempo was saved.
  16. Vasily Fofanov and Andrei Tarasenko - thrustworthy Russian and Ukrainian tank specialists consider most Steel Beasts volumes as pure fantasy. I personally asked Tarasenko in his LJ about SB and he just laughed. And, yes, of course T-90AM is just T-90A with Relikt, additional screens and better equipment. No different in armor in export version and domestic. Differences only in equipment and ammunitions - export version of T-90A - T-90S has fire control system like on early T-90 (without "A"). There no any secret alloys in its - usual hard and medium hardness steel and STB. All innovations touch only blocks metal-ceramic packing of turret. According to you I have to demand from developers a bare glacis on BM Oplot impenetrable for Svinets-2, Kornet, M829A4 and direct hit of Death Star, just because our media claimed that Oplot is a best tank in the world ). But reality it is old, slightly modernithed hull of T-80UD with new ERA and euipment. What revolution in alloys could make NII Stali in the mid of 2000th in order to put it on serial tank ? All their new developments implemented in Armata, but T-90 is just upgraded T-72.
  17. Your key word is MUST BE better too, but WHY ? Т-90А is deeply improoved T-72B. New gun, new sights, new turret. But where you heard about significantly reinforced glacis ? Look at the schemes of armor layers of T-72B and T-90A and say, - what difference between it, that one would can maintain protection against CE in two times more, then other ? Thin plates of mithril ? You can calculate estimated glacis protection against CE by known methodic and it can't be more 600 RHAe. Zaloga's calculations gave 540 mm of T-72B mod 1989 glacis w/o ERA against CE. So, 800-1000 of T-90A is unreal.
  18. Both types used in Ukraine by Russian troops and two of its were lost. This is MT-LB 6MA of 8th motor-rifle mountain brigade (Chechya), destroyed 26 Aug 2014 on march by MT-12 AT-gun near Ilovaisk This is MT-LB 6MB, destroyed in border settlement Stepanovka near Saur-Mohyla hill probably 13-15 August 2014. Vehicle belonged to 17th motor-rifle brigade, also with dislocation in Chechnya. Also by 8th brigade used MT-LBVM, abscent in CM. This is MT-LB with 12,7 mm NSVT HMG. Several of its also were lost in Ukraine. Among other versions also spotted MT-LBVMK, the same as -LVM version, but armed with 12,7 "Kord" HMG. Its mostly used by the same 8th brigade and by 200th marines brigade, so, I hope, both will appeared in the next module. Just have saw - in the game third type of this vehicle - MT-LBM has incorrect name. Really the model represents common MT-LB with 7.62 MG in cupola, when -LBM vesion is just basement for big number of modifications, including -6MA and -6MB
  19. UKR ORBAT still very close to old Soviet variant, with removed COMINT company, so I have proposed for CM this variant, which gathered from different sources. Russian ORBAT of "new image" , possibly given according to Ryadovoy-K forum info. I gave it to developers, but didn't track what they to do with it, because was lot of work with UKR TO&E. I think, you should to write Chris or Steve, for including to beta-testers and consultants team, when time for next modules will come.
  20. LPR is not designators, but imroved range finders ;). I agree, that ORBAT in CM is more similar to infantry, but their specific is more belong to operative level, which not covered in CM. So seismic equipment useless for CM level (or wait for special forces module). Thoug some ELINT elenent would be appropriate to locate sources of radio signals.
  21. Relict was adopted in 2006, but it development started as far as end of 90th, when M829A3 didn't exists yet. According to information of NII Stali this ERA can protect a tank from M829A2 with reducing it penetration capability on 60 % (maximum value - depending on angle and zone of hit it can vary from 20 to 60 %) from 1000 m. About Relict anti-tandem capabilities, it was designed on the base of light ERA, which have to protect ligt armored vehicles from SPG-9 ammunition. All it anti-tandem capabilities acheives due to timing delay increasing of HE initiation and throwing of back plate. This is not the same as double ERA layer in for example in Duplet ERA. Real reduction of tandem-missiles effect by Relict estimates also on 60 % level. NII Stali guaranted protection against TOW-2A (850 mm beyond ERA) in front projection: 850 - (850*0,6)=340 mm, so it have a sense.
  22. Front turret of T-90A estimated 800 mm RHA, T-90AM - 830 mm RHA w/o ERA. But wasn't signed this is against CE or KE. "Korsar" can penetrate in front projection only in "upper hull superstructure" (driver triplexes), under turret and in gun mask. Lower picture - T-90A glacis (all from Otvaga-2004).
  23. "Azov" is a regular National Guard unit (officially they named "special purpose detachment "Azov") and they are under protection of minister of Internal Affairs Avakov, so they equipped with large number of modern small arms of "Fort" weapon factory (Israeli clones), APCs BTR-3E, Cougar, Shreck, has tank company and artillery battalion. More, they train own personnel by own programs, which differ from state program for National Guard and has own TO&E structure, differ from other NG units.
  24. About BTR-3E guys from "Azov" (that was their APC, lost during battle for Shyrokyne) told it was hit from the tank, but HEAT or HE shell blew up on the cage armor. Driver was wounded, but all crew successfully escaped.
  25. According to old Ukrainian field manual (actually copy of late Soviet), engineer-sapper platoon of battalion has a task: - minefields laying. Two engineer-sapper squads can set one minefield (500-600 m wide of AT-mines or 300 m AP mines) in front of positions of one company strong point per night (10-12 hours). - minecleaning. Two engineer-sapper squads per night can make two passing in enemy minefield. For this every squad has 6 mine-detectors, one KR-I mine search&remove kit (six probing robs, three 30 m grapnels for booby-trap removing and AP-mines drugging off, one scissors for barbed wire cutting, kit of flags for mines marking). - tranches digging, blindages building and establishment of command point of battalion. This is duty of third engineer-position squad of platoon, wich abscent in CM TO&E. It has only two servicemen anf PZM-2 or PZM-3 earth mover (on base of T-150 tractor). In position building also participate two engineer-sapper squads, which have two motor-saws. In first order engineer-position squad build positions for command point of battalion. For 10-12 hours it can to dig 3 km of positions In real situation, before war began, Ukrainian battalions hasn't engineer platoon, which were removed from structure. Its were included again, when the war started, but turned out almost w/o equipment. Most need for their purpose turned out modern chainsaws and electricity generators, which were dilivering by volunteers. Main weapon of sappers turned out primitive probing robs, lack of servicable mine-detectors was in whole overpassed at the end of 2014. But even now problem still sharp. Big number of losses to this time fall on mines and booby-traps.
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