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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Became knowingly about next advance of UKR troops. This happened also before New year, but because of all attention was attracted to Svitlodarsk bulge, this success remained unspotted. In Mariuopl sector, our marines and some detachments of recon battalion have advanced on 500 m and probably outflanked from south Kominternove town (line of estimated advance marked by yellow on the map below). Advancing was conducted in several stages - rush forward on 100-200 m, digging in and suppressing of enemy fire by support, pause in one day, next rush, etc.
  2. This was small operation "Sukhumi", which as far as before New year have conducted by platoon "Georgian legion" (personnel are Georgian volunteers, mostly former Georgaian troopers, which want to revenge to Russia for 888) of 25th mororized infantry battalion of 54th mech.brigade with support of several small units (no more platoon or battery) from 2nd battalion of 54th brigade and mech.battalion of 17th tank brigade. Only now about this made reportage on TV, though in FB about this wrote two weeks ago. Here is TV-reportage from there. I'm going to briefly translate: Separatsist recently have advanced in grey zone esstern of Popasna town, seized one height and started fortification works, but before set huge minefield in front of positions. Looks like after 20th of Dec, while main attention was on battle for "Kikimora" forest, our forces have blocked with fire enemy logistic communications with this height and forced "separ's" garrison to desert from own uncompleted positions, because they couldn't receive enough supply and materials for building. When enemy have gone, Georgians almost without shooting seized empty positions. Several tracks was cleared from mines, but main mineclear works wil start only when snow will melt away. Looks like death of one sapper of 25th battalion at the 28th Dec was in that area (in FB wrtote near Troitske not far from height 164). Probably he cleared mines on this track. Today Georgians already have fire contact with enemy recon group - they probably wanted to look how our troops settle there. From 3:12 tells about 46th separate battalion "Donbas-Ukraina", which sezed Novoluhanske during the battle for "Kikimiora".
  3. Hm... Where did you see these BTR-3 variants in Armed Forces ? If you means National Guard, then yes... But in Ground Forces, alas, no. About dozen BTR-3DA in VDV this is nothing.
  4. ΠΆ-72B3 has newer 2A46M-5 gun and upgraded autoloader, so it also capable for Svinets-2 ammunition. I think, if Russia really produces new APFSDS, its going to storages on case of "big war", but not in military units, which for current tasks still using older ammunitions. All photos from Donbas shows both separatists and Russian tankers using mostly Zakolka and some rarely Mango ammunition.
  5. We have many specimens of new weapon and equipment, but we have four big problems, which are breaking its adopting and producing: - lack of money for new weapon. About 60 % of all funds in military budget is going on army maintanance (payroll, food supply, fuel etc). - deep corruption in the state Ukroboronprom (UOP) company. Almost all their products have low quality and abnormaly big price (for Ukrainain conditions). Really interest developments have too hard way to army, but poor developments under cover of UOP officials often have green light. - complete decline of manufacture resourses for 25 years. Obsolete machine-tools and technologies, destroyed system of qaulified workers education, loss of many talented engineers, which because of small salaries and unemployment either immigrated or changed own job. - bureacracy. New specimen of weapon have to pass 1-2 years of trials before it officially will be adopted. Since 2015 military have found a hole in this paper wall - new weapon can adopt as "experimental exploitation" for several months "only" ( APCs BTR-3DA and "Spartan" for example). Or to say to clercs: "guys, this is not new equipment, this is deep upgrade of this thing" and then also weapon can be adopted faster (DShK-TK "sniper HMG" for example) All of this causes we can produce only 10 Oplots and 50-70 BTR-3/4/Dozor-B per year. No one state design bureaus didn't make any project of new IFV for BMP 1/2 substitution (excepted volunteer "Azovets" projects). And this in that time, when we almost have exhausted stores of BMP-2. Modernization project of BMP-1 from year to year is changing, MoD officials say "well, this is interesting", but vehicke to this time even didn't start program of trials.
  6. Not Svitlodarsk bulge, but another small step forward. Butivka coal mine north-eastern from Donetsk airport. Our troops have took this industrial buildings during final battle for airport in January of 2015 and since this time Butivka still a place of continuous shellinngs and clashes, because of it our nearst positions to enemy in Spartak settlement. Two days ago 8th company of 72nd brigade have pushed back the enemy from their forward positions in treeplant and seized its. Before the range between two sides was only 70 m, now about 400 m. On this video from 0:46 you can see Butivka mine buildings. Regular troops are rotating here, but company of Right Sector (really of platoon size) still keep positions here without changes during two years. Here it satellite shot of Butivka mine, summer of 2016 on Yandex maps. You can see trench system and huge number of craters around - this is result of two years of fights for this position and artillery shellings. If you will see older terrain shot without grass, number of craters will be look better.
  7. Looks like enemy is activating near Novoluhanske. Yesterday they have conducted next probe in southern outskirt of settlement near pig farm. I havn't yet confirmation about losses from enemy side, but source of 46th special battalion "Donbas-Ukraina" of 10th mountain-assault brigade reports about 12 total losses among enemy (KIA and WIA) Yes, position war. Many political things are keeping both sides from active war. Unlike WW1 there is no continuous trench lines. Just system of strongpoints. Ideal place for small groups warfare and small local pushes if need.
  8. Small clash between Novoluhanske and Dolomitne village. Enemy scout group was approaching to our positions and was ambushed. Local source have wrote enemy squad laeder was killed, five fighters wounded.
  9. We have seized several heights on wasteland and the forest with light poor fortified forward positions. And have made control over Novoluhanske real, not nominal. But we still enough far to main enemy defense lines. This was local operation for better positions. Not breakthrough. So, there is no reason for enemy to counter attack again under our artillery fire. Though now actions on north-eastern flank of Svitlodarsk bulge can cause more serious clashes, but meanwhile both sides only shelling each other with mortars and artillery without advance. And of course, Putin is estimating behavior of Trump. Also there are rumors about one "kremlin tower", which support Plotnitskyi, leader LNR, lost own influence and a decision have assumed to resign Plotnitskiy and to put on his place as leader of LNR other man - Bolotov. In Ukraine Plotnitskyi as joke calls "SBU agent", because he have killed, jailed or expelled all own pro-Russian political and military competitors. But Bolotov, which already was leader of LNR in early phase of conflict in 2014, have agressive rhethoric about Ukraine like DNR leader Zakharchenko. Also second version, that after resignation of Plotnitskyi, DNR and LNR will be united in one "state". So, till some "global" changes I, think, no any seriuos actions will be conduct.
  10. Svitlodarsk bulge, possibly Novoluhanske area. Roadblocks and HESCO-type positions.
  11. All terrain in that area is a small hills. Main defense lines and strongpoints of separatists are closer to villages in southern direction. Of course, we gave a risk of enemy conter attack, but our artillery on alert. Exactly our gunners by barrage fire didn't allow enemy to conduct coordinated attack on our forest positions. By some separatict info, yesterday push of UKR forces have took place near Troitske on north-eastern flank of Svitlodarsk bulge. During the battle 18-23th Dec for the forest Troitske was secondary direction and mostly just shelled by enemy artillery, thoug our troops seized height 164 there. Possibly we have advanced eastward to Kalynove and Pivdenna Lomuvatka villages. But this is unconfirmed.
  12. Our troops till don't interpose into enemy's defense deep. All actions are in grey zone, when guard and observation positions only
  13. Next step yesterday. But author said in comment that not in the forest, but "some aside". I think, we seized some heights in vicinity of Lozove village some westward from "Kikimora" forest. Also author say "our guys, when go on some heights, already observate outskirts of Debaltsevo" Translation: Freshest. Shortly and without details Yesterday on Svitlodarsk bulge our guys from 54th brigade much more have step forward very well. Up to 1 km. Yes, we have new positions again! And already our srtongpoints are standing on its. Enemy can't do nothing. Nothing. We are all working well Rear service is operatively delivering a wood /for trenches and blindages/ Engineer service - sandbags and clamps /for merging of wooden elements/ (though, we have a some lack of this, but never mind, we will solve this) Volunteers - electricity hardware and many other And no any violations! According to all international agreements this is our territory Working for victory Have a nice day!
  14. Ukrainian MoD speaker today have said that UKR troops took new positions on Svitlodarsk bulge. Thus, he has confirmed yesterday information in FB from civil volunteer, former soldier of 54th brigade about this. Looks like this happened on Christmas holidays while enemy lost vigilance. Hard to say what exactly positions were seized, possibly nearest "Star" or(and) "checkpoint 5" in the forest, which after 23rd Dec remained abandoned by both sides. Here FB post of Yury Mysiahin and translation below: Shortly and without details. On Svitlodarsk bulge we have a little new positions have appeared. Our /guys/ have very tried and, above all, have made this quiet. "Separs" have guessed about all only afterwards, have become active themeselves, but was too late. Positions are our and our firmly. Already strongpoints are standing on its. We need organized to there 4500 meters of electrical cable in ordrer to guys in blindages will have electricity and light. Working. If we will measure distance from company strongpoint to southern end of forest we will receive 2300 m.
  15. Soviet engineer units have huge amount of different digging and excavating vehicles and Ukraine have inherited it. Sappers have HE charges in their ammunition and can use it for many purposes. This method, I think also useful, but oly if you have hard (frozen) terrain and no one digging vehcile around... All three defense lines were created with engineer vehicles and mobilized civil building technics. Soldiers say about 2/3 of infantrymen have at least one light concussion. But even with average shell-shoking many soldiers don't want to go in hospitals. They are receiving an aid in battalion or brigade medic unit and are returning to own companies. As I posted above, officially in Svetlodarsk bulge battle we have 39 injured and shell-shocked, but really their 70. Rest just rejected from hospitalisation and didn't get into statistic. One more photo of soldiers of this battle. Valeria Burlakova, 30-year commander of AGS-17 squad. Awarded with medal "For military service" for this battle. She is not professional military. Two years ago she was a journalist of "Ukrainian's week". In 2014 she have a traininng in "Aydar" battalion military camp. After this she fought in OUN volunteer battalion and later as medic-rifleman in mech.platoon of 93rd mech.brigade. Since 2016 in AGS crew of 1st battalion of 54th mech.brigade. Her fiance and combat comrade from 93th brigade got killed in February of 2016...
  16. Only first video of Azov (battle in Shyrokyne, summer 2015), rest - of VUC "Right Sector" (ZU-23 I can't say where it is and last looks like Butivka coal mine, but can be "Sky" spotting positiion on meteotower near Donetsk airport) Most of BTR-3E1 here are from Thailand royal armed forces. This is "Zaporiz'kyi march", created in 1969 by blind banduryst Yevhen Adamtsevych (bandura - traditional 15-64 strings misic instrument of Ukrainian wandering bards. Almost all of them were gathered on so called "Conference of bandurysts", arrested and executed in 1932). In this composition used a motive of very popular to this days Zaporozhian cossacks song about hetmans Sahaidachnyi and Doroshenko. In 1970 this march have received orchestra arrangement and with great success was playing even in Moscow. But communist censors have seen in this music "propaganda of Ukrainian nationalism" and have prohibited it up to 1984. After Independence proclamation in 1991 this march have became first military march of Ukrainian armed forces under name "Cossac's march". What exactly rifle did you mean ?
  17. Digging in on new positions. Probably near Novoluhanske, but can be also on captured enemy positions in the forest. But.. Why they are using long shovels for market-garden ?
  18. Of course, if their salvo will be precision. But this movement is more for protection against possible further advancing of our troops.
  19. Offensive with two not full companies ? Are you joking ? %) This was local fight - no more. We have pushed separs far from our forward position near "Kikimora" forest, completely took under control Novoluhanske and now are building strongpoint on it southern outskirt (possibly is preparing a bridgehead to battle for height 318, which dominates over Novoluhanske), we have seize one height near Troitske settlement on east flank of Svitlodarsk bulge. Tasks in whole were completed. A tactic of "small steps forward" will be continue. ... Have said divan computer game "hero"...
  20. You can see Russian EW equipment and jamming systems, which were spotted during the war on our territory and will find almost all spectre of it.
  21. This is just demonstrator. Even army will want to get it, will need year or more that it was adopted. 2Kinophile: you are overestimating Russian EW capabilities. Yes, it very effective, but our communications and EW manufacturers also weren't born yesterday. Ukrainian-produced or volunteer-upgraded UAVs are successfully doing their missions. And in other hand our EW teams also several times jammed and landed Russian-manufactured UAVs.
  22. This is true. The legend of DAP mostly was boosted by media, so military command was forced to defend it to last man. Though, need to say, DAP was really important approx. to the end of October-November.
  23. Russian offensive in Luhansk sector was the same strong like on Donetsk direction, but Ukrainain forces were defending toughly and have foiled all attempts of Russians to make second Ilovaisk in this area. LNR forces participated in assault of Luhansk airport and in the battles around Luhansk together with Russians. Interestng, that success of UKR forces defensive battle in sector "A" to this time remained poor known for wide mass of Ukrainians. Every know about disaster around Ilovaisk, but much less about Luhansk airport, Khriashchuvate, Georgiivka etc. Despite on Ukrainan troops were forced to withdraw beyond Siverskyi Donets river, they could save all battle orders and inflict relatively big losses to Russian troops and to force them to reject from advancing on Kharkiv direction in case of total destroying of our units.
  24. Svitlodarsk bulge passes through administrative border of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. So, in the battle both DNR and LNR were involved and reportedly some Russian artillery units and some infantry units, masked under "militants" (but this unconfirmed on 100 %). DNR and LNR arn't integrated. This is very strange phenomenon, if we will remember so called "Novorossia" project. Even separatists are explaining this with different political influenses - so called "contest of different Kremlin towers". Though, in military sense both DNR ("1st people militia corps" )and LNR ("2nd people militia corps") subordinates to Russian 12th reserve command of Southern miliitary district with HQ in Rostov. Each separatist brigade and battalion has own shadow Russian commander. 1st Corps looks stronger then 2nd, thogh both have enough armor and artillery, but LNR has more separate territorial defense battalions which have less armor, than motor-rifle battalions in brigades. 1st Corps even gave own 7th motor-rifle brigade under LNR command - exactly this brigade mostly participated in the battle for "Kikimora" forest. Though, as say separatists, 7th brigade is worst among whole DNR and LNR units.
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