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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Nominally under Ukarine control, actually was in grey zone. And this town was a gate for contrabanda. Also at south outskirt situates huge pigfarm, which was supplying DNR with meat. Some military are writing, that control over this source of food also have played some role in decision to enter in the town.
  2. Ratio almost the same. Read separatists posts in social networks. They say about LNR forces have too few troops there and most of them have retreated on southern positions (four were killed on "Kikimora"). Biggest losses suffered group of "Shaytan" (3rd company commander) i first day, when they were advancing to third enemy position - five killed (with 19th Dec - six). As minimum three of them were killed from bullets hit, other from artillery and mortar fire. Also most of their group (platoon +/-) were wounded and shell-shocked. 152 mm caliber used not often, you can see this in OSCE reports. It's not enough to shot many shells, need to hit targets. Real war is not CM, when spotter with 90 % probability will maintain precise hit. You saw separatists video above, when our artillery is firing several dozens of shells with UAV adjustment. Did you see at least one direct hit in the trench ? Just two close hits. No casualties. Why separatists artillery and mortars should be better and like in CM will impact 60 % of shells in circle with diameter 16 m around target ? %) Photos of highest industrial building possibly on outskirt of Novoluhans'ke settlement, which was taken under real not only map control several days ago. Fighters of 54th brigade somewhere on positions on Svitlodarsk bulge
  3. Truce have started from 0:00 of 24th Dec. But clashes is continuing, though mostly with small arms skirmishes. In Ukraine Catholic Christmas also celebrating, though till unofficially (if parliament will vote "for" soon, we will be celebrate two Christmas). There are relatively many catholics in Western Ukraine and in Kyiv and Zhytomyr.
  4. Partialy encircled (mostly by fire, than phisically) was only about a platoon sized group on some of middle positions. This happened 19-20th Dec. Further special forces unit (SSO) arrived and have mopped up terrain. When group made own work and prepared to go back, one mortar shell have impacted nearby and slightly wounded two SSO-guys. Overall losses I, think quiet high for about two combined companies (part of recon platoon, part of 3rd coy of 1st battalion, part of 1st coy of 25th battalion), which have participated in this battle.
  5. Typical "зрада". If guys from 54th will meet him, which unit was too far from battle, his face can suffer for "failed atatck"
  6. Soviet WWII fortification achievments are useful even in this war. In early period of war Ukrainain troops almost didn't dig full-profile tranches, just mostly "foxholes" and chekpoints on the roads from concrete blocks. Even spreading of artillery usage will not forced them to maintain normal positions - summer of 2014 was too hot, engineers units have too low digging vehicles, soldiers was lazy. Only units, which were defending on the border under endless Russian artillery shellings dug in as deep as can. Donbas soil mostly too hard for digging - on the 0,6-1 m deep rocky hard groud lays. Without special vehicles is too hard to build proper defense lines. So our troops about months was under arty and MLRS fire in own foxholes and mostly shovel-made shallow tranches. Just amazing, how with such number of shellings (see Bellingcat report), we have lost relatively so less personnel, though about 2/3 of their vehicles, which were staying on open ground, were destroyed or heavy damaged, personnel was badly demoralized (except VDV units) and many battalion tactical groups completely lost own combat capabilities. First good example of fortifications we have during Mariupol defense in first datas of September 2014. Only three weak equipped national guars and territorial defense battalions defended the city - their positions was heavy reinforced with steel plates, delivered from local steel plants. Russians were hummering their positions with "Grads" and heavy arty and have thougt all fortifiications completely destroyed, but when their forward groups have started to advance, they got lot of lead from "destroyed" defenders. Since the end of 2014 end up to mid of 2015 large-scale works have sterted - three defense lines were built. This is a sytem of company and platoon strongpoints, most of which built for round defense. Concrete buncers, wooden blindages (light and heavy, which can resist 1-2 120 mm hits), full-profile tranches, trenches for armor etc. All of this you can see on Yandex maps, which have newer maps. As you already say Vladimir, relly dangerois weapon now stay mortars. To hit platoon strongpoint with howiyzers from 10-15 km even with UAV correction is very expensive task, wich need hundreds of shells. You can see on maps our positions and dozens of craters around - heh,if enemy artillery has the same accuracy and shells dispersion like in CM, our first line already would be completely grounded Ok, back to forest fight. For past day enemy used mostly small arms and snipers. Several 120 mm shots. Typical "Holiday truce". Also Intelligence issued a report for 19th-25th Dec - the enemy lost on all frontline 18 KIA, 38 WIA. From which 7th LNR motor-rifle brigade, which has positions on Svitlodarsk direction, has 15 KIA and 32 WIA. I don't know either enemy losses for 18th included or not. If not, as minimum +4 confirmed. Thus, for all time of battle, we lost 10 or 11 soldiers and about 40 were injured and shell-shocked (heavy injured less than 10). But really number of injured/shell-shocked is about 70, just about half of them rejected from hospitalization after first aid. Engineer service of 54th brigade is strengthening taken positions now.
  7. Heh, this is typical "all is lost" "expert". From where common lieutenenat, which wasn't in this battle, can know about situation there ? There is no any National Guard units in that sector. Here the video from 24th Dec - Ukrainian troops on seized enemy position - looks like this "Kikimora", I cant say exactly. In reportage its named "former separatists positions and now it's our close rear". There is was agreement with enemy, that during truce they will allow our search group to take the body of killed soldier, but when volunteers came on field, they were shelled and forced to return. Where Gram Philips with own video from northern position "Kikimora" ? Here is a map from separatist sources. Even they showed half of forest under UKR control and half in neutral zone
  8. Thanks :). I doubt about "enough troops". We have lack of soldiers in "linear" units. Platoon strongpoints guarded by 10-15 men instead full platoon with support. So, operation was very risky - to attack enemy positions without appropriate information about enemy forces there and without enough reserves Are you asked about UAVs in this battle ? On the video above on 4:23 separatist crying: "Ask Anatolyi, is this our "bird" or not ?", on 4:35 "A drone! Is this our "bird" in the sky ?". And answer "No, not our". So, this shelling is adjusting with Ukarinain UAV. On 10:30 you can hear the same in English ). Also separatists discussed what system shelled their trenches - either 82 mm 2B9 automatic mortar or 152 mm SP gun. Enemy positions lays on the forest ridge. Forest is too dense for any armor, so infantry have entered into the forest on own foot, armored vehicles remained only for reinforcement and ammo delivering to the battle.
  9. Man, we are not Israel. Hundreds of our soldiers have own accounts in network, thousands of volunteers is supplying frontline and seeing all what happen there, of cousre, some of them like to share panic. News about each even platoon-level fight is immediately sharing in network faster, then official information. To hide loses in these conditions just impossible. If you want to beleieve in 100500+ hidden UKR soldiers - it's your business. This topic not for this discussion.
  10. Well, they walked free without any shellings and showed only two corpses. Damn, why Russians so like conspiracy theories? We have complete list of confirmed losses - every can see it. Every name of 3640 lost this time - combat and non-combat losses together. Have Russians such list ? Or "there is no our troops in Donbas" ? And to beat off deputies, which want to make photo of graves?
  11. Largest ? Ha! No more other sources? Twitter Helgi_UA - medic of 54th brigade for example. Anyway KIAs will be here soon or later: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втрати_силових_структур_внаслідок_російського_вторгнення_в_Україну_(з_жовтня_2016) About your "several batteries have smashed all"... Looks like you really think there Kursk scale battle or many time play in CM, when artillery strikes much deadly then in real %) Why separs didn't show a video with hundreds of corpses, but only two, if our troops "withdrew " and separs again have took own positions back ? Do you seen video on previous page - separs position in several hundred meters southward from the forest.
  12. As I promised, I post translated story of Ivan Myrnyi, serviceman of 54th brigade (looks like from assault company of Right Sector, which officially is a part of 1st battalion of this brigade). Myrnyi participated in second phase of assault of enemy positions 18th Dec and was there about two days. Original text has a lot of military slang, so I changed its on normal terms. My comments are in /.../ Original text here: TWO DAYS OF THE HELL Morning... Urgently TA-57 is shouting /ancient 1957 year WWII-style field telephone wire communication system, though 100 % stable for EW/: "Myrnyi, gather a group and fly on first "organism", there is orcs making breakthrough!" I take three own guys and additionally six more from a company, advance, I am reserve group. We are sitting, waiting, listening by radio our counter-attack: "Shaitan /callsign of 3rd company commander/ have advanced forward, passed their observation position!". My guys are sitting and also going on the warpath - awaiting for orders... To lunchtime: "Reserve - to strongpoint! Will meet there with battalion recons and will go to trenches mop-up!". "Rodger!!!", I shout. A route. I carring all pesonnel. Deputy of company commander says: "There are nobody /in first line of enemy trenches/! Need to seize their fforward position and secure on position!". Ok, if nobody there, we can rush on the armor's top. Our ten guys plus five from battalion recons embarked on BMP and ride forward... 800 meters have flew fast, 10 meters to their trenches, BMP is stopping... and hell have became! Orc is looking out from the trench and slashing armor with burst ! 10 meters !!! 10 f...g meters !!! And nobody !!! Nobody hit !!! I am falling from the armor, rifle didn't drop, have landed "lucky" - directly on coccys. No pain, adrenaline anywhere. All have lay down and peppering the trench with lead and brass. A shout from right! Van'ka "Piranha"! Under the BMP's track! I'm running to him, pulling, he's crying: "Bro, this thing have run on me, don't leave me !" I'm dragging him for TLBV... he turning blue... somebody is throwing grenade in the trench... lleftside on the footpath I'm wathcing three organisms, splitting there dozen of bullets, guys are joining, two - one after other are falling down, third running away... Kiriukha from company is nearby on knees, I see by his eyes, he shell-shocked. I'm beating his back of the head and shout "Help me, @#&# !!!" Van'ka is crying, turning scarlet... BMP have moved, I'm seeing radio on the land, grasping it and cry out: "Kupol" to "Topol' "! "Kupol" to "Topol' " ! Need emergency evacuation! How assume?". "Rodger "Topol' ", a "box" /slang name of ligt armor/ through three little... I'm dragging Ivan... "Vania, don't leave me, Myrnyi, don't leave!". "Will not leave, bro! Keep yourself ! I going to make now injection to you, have patience, bro !". BMP is taxing up, peppering with fire a field in front of us. 20 meters to it... We are dragging... "Vania, now will be very painful, have patience, bro, have patience, Vania...". "Kiriukha, drag !!! DRAG, f...g b...ch, DRAG!!!!" We are dragging, Vania is crying... An iron rain over our heads, hit in the armor.. here is troop compartment, I'm opening, shouting "Kiriukha, go inside!", give "Piranha" to him, he is looking at me from inside, closing a door, shouting to driver "Go! Go ! Go !" With crawling move to separatists trench, there is dead orc under my foots, his skull cut out, nobody are paing attantion, walking on him... what to do... it's a war... I'm shouting "Shoot out tree-plant from left!", on rightside our guys as if took enemy position "Cross". "Topol', Topol' I'm "Shaytan". I'm turning back from orcs, don't shot me! ". "Rodger, Shaytan". I'm running on left flank, second dead separatist under my feets, also with cut out skull, brains outside, I'm overstapping him, shouting to own: "Our guys now will be going, don't shoot! ". "Shaytan, Shaytan, come, our guys are expecting for you". "Rodger, Topol', 300 meters to you..." I'm turning back to center, Max staying there and one infantryman, an arm of Max in blood. "Guys, get me out of here", he saying. "Now, bro, they will take you away". Infantryman also has injured right arm, a hole like a finger in thickness, I'm shouting: "Give me a transport, I have two 300th! /300th - callsign "wounded/ " "Shaytan, Shaytan, where are you?"... Silence... I'm calling once more... "I'm Gonta, I'm Gonta, "Shaytan" is 200th ! /200th - callsign "dead"/, have left there, I'm approaching to you". I'm crying with obscene language... They are coming, "Kinder", Gonta and "Dranyk". "Kinder's" leg is wounded. BMP is coming, we are embarking injured... hot like in the hell... I'm adjusting fire of artillery by radio, we are shooting to forest, 10 men in trenches. I'm calling reinforcement. "No reinforcement yet, wait". Enemy artillery is showering us. A half of us already shell-shocked. I'm calling out "We need evacuation!!! We can't hold here anymore!!!". "Minus... minus... Now ammunition will bring to you". Anton with broken arm, "Koliasik" is peppering tree-plant and field in front of us with PKM... One more injured... All already shell-shocked... Third hour of fight... I’m calling BMP by radio, it arriving, bringing ammunition. I’m embarking “Mongol“ and other injured, embarking with them, shouting: ”Koliasik! I will return with next !”. We are departing in troops compartment of BMP. On company strongpoint I’m finding the senior officer: “Lieutenatn, where is our reinforcement?! I need AGS, people, night vision devices and IR-sights – we will not hold positions in the night!”… There is nothing… I’m cussing out… “If there is no help, I will take my guys back and let f…k with that positions!”. “Explain this for the staff! ”, he is answering. I’m calling, chief of the staff is taking a handset: “Comrade colonel! Give a reinforcement for us!”. “Already done, they coming to you”, he is saying… After 15 minutes detachment of 25th battalion /25th motorized infantry battalion “Kyivska Rus’ ” of 54th mech.brigade, well experienced and mottivated unit/, with their senior, someone with callsign “Chornyi” /black/. We are driving back to positions. Kol’ka and recons are really glad. “What, brutes, did you think I had slipped away ?”. They are smiling, answering that no, even hadn’t thought about this – kidding me, possibly… … Night Artillery is showering us further. Six of the group, which have remained, I gathered in blindage, appointed Kolian to PKM, we will change him by turns. “Chornyi” is running and shouting, that I put my soldiers in the trenches, I’m saying “You have enough people, let my guys take a rest till”. He is mumbling something like “how you, authorities, have bored us”, I’m crying in answer from blindage that he is “rubber product” /metaphorically - condom/ and promising to beat his face. My ribs and coccyx are starting to ache, very painfully, having blinger of a headache, it’s all – adrenaline is gone. We are exiting by turns to the trench nearby, skirmishing with separatists, I’m laying can’t to stand up. At 24:00 BMP with ammunition is arriving, guys saying that I leave with it, I’m politely telling them to eff off. BMP is taking “200th” separatists, total 4 organisms. Gonta is sitting and only not weeping – there is impossible to take away the body of “Shaytan”. Close to morning enemy is beginning to shell us with rifles, we are hearing they have approached on 250-300 meters, later 122 mm barrels are showering, just explosions only heard, already when impact… I’m injecting nablufin – a pain is subsiding, but I’m starting to switching off – is this a drug? Through seven hours only me have let went off, suppressing the chills on the side with ibuprophen. I’m calling to deputy of company commander, but us will not substitute so far… Second morning I have swallowed ibuprophen, bones are aching less, walking around with guys, picking up bullets… Big desire to naff out of here, but I’m not showing this outwardly. Andriukha is sitting, shaking, - never mind, bro, it’s not bad to fear… “This is my first SUCH fight”, he is saying, his eyes frightened, hiding after each explosion, me fearfully to the hell too, but as commander I must keep cool… I’m praying in tenth time… “Never mind, guys, we will be substituted soon!”, but somehow it came out uncertainly, I’m trying to joke, sometime going in the trench, shooting out 2-3 cartridges on each shot from enemy side and reloading. Romka from battalion recons is sitting here too… He’s telling he had called to own commander and he had ordered them to be ready to move back. “No”, I’m saying, “I need to wait reinforcement for my guys”… Close to lunchtime a hell again… Enemy is shelling in our trench with all weapon, which they can. We are hearing, that they are crawling too much close. We are opening return fire, ammo are melting like a snow under machine-gun. I’m calling deputy of company commander again: “Bro! All my people already shell-shocked – WHERE IS OUR REINFORCEMENT ?!!!”. “Stand by…”. I really don’t want to be captured and don’t want to die too… In order to suppress these thoughts I’m reloading cartridges. Bones and head are aching unbearably. After lunchtime three our guys are coming, I unbelievly glad to see “Zubr”… Other guys are on route, I’m keep my group in place so far… In tenth time guys are taking me in order I will not beat face of “Chornyi”. In 18:00 it gets a dark, MTLB is arriving, we are flying on the top, at a moment unloading ammunition and side by side ducking inside vehicle. We are have been substituted. All way back I’m thanking to God. Near our positions MTLB is breaking down, I’m taking shell-shocked soldier and our five guys and walking to company strongpoint. On the way our troops are shelling us twice… Came to positions, I want to kiss the land, but keep cool view, Americans say “be cool”. My car is standing on the same place, when I have stayed, throwing rifles on the seat. “Koliasik” is sitting up front, we are driving to the base, about 10 kilometers. I’m calling to my wife, she is weeping, two days didn’t speak with me. All right, I’m saying… I’m alive… Today a st.Nicolas holiday /celebrating in 19th Dec in Ukraine/, thanks for gift…
  13. Let try again. Military (local enlistment offices) only gives bodies to families, but bodies are delivering by civil volunteers from frontline. Soldiers on frontline are evacuating bodies and giving its to volunteers. All documents making, reports going up to HQs and on next day we hearing ... KIA, ... WIA. In delivering state and army doesn't play any role - they just can't do that, because no any servivces. It's completely substituted by civil volunteers as well as emergency evacuation groups of civil medics, which on crowdfunding money equipping emergency cars and carrying wounded from frontline to hospitals, because army medics almost havn't modern vehicles with modern reanimation equipment. Society is controlling army even more then it allowed in other countries, especially in such sensitive questions like injured and fallen... So, your conspiracy theories of Russia propaganda "Ukrainian generals hide losses" you can remain for yourself. And Russians, which buries own troopers in deep secret @kinophile All available information from the battle is going from volunteers and rarely from soldiers, which have twitter or FB. Video from UAVs if issuing, not early that through several weeks. I suppose, that our artillery recons and brigade recons are using it, but no information in present time. Also all 5x th new brigades equipped worth, than older, so I doubt, 54th brigade recons have own "birds". Except possibly Chineesse toys from volunteers...
  14. Тrenches, whcih you have posted, are on eastern side of the lake - all fightings for hill with forest - on western side. No any tank company attacks, only in one day tank platoon shelled our positions. All our KIAs are becoming known in several days by name, you can see this list in Wiki. This data is gethering by volunteers. It is imposible to hide losses, when bodies of fallen soldiers are bringing home not by army, but by civil volunteers and burials conducting with all military honors. Now knowingly about 10 KIA,
  15. We din't pay for its. This is USA aid program. 12 millions $ of US taxpayers can be spent more effectively...
  16. Video of Gram Philips, filmed on 4th checkpoint (see a map above). He names own video "Ukrainian army shelling our positions", but on 0:48 fighter, which sit in the trench with him says: "Ne dobivayut" ([they] make undershots]). If you see how shells are hitting (dispersion ellipse from SE to NW), direction of shelling will be from east bank of the lake - this is enemy 82 mm mortars shell our positions on 5th checkpoint on the southern edge of the forest, but make big undershots - shells fall between 4th and 5th checkpoints. Today dense fog and some snow. Visibility no more 300-500 m. No major clashes, mostly mortar and artillery shellings. Yesterday we have there 1KIA and 2WIA, but medic volunters say, after clashes in past two days on battle field still some killed and injured from both sides - no opportunity to reach them under fire. In this night our artillery reportedly hit enemy battery positions near Kayutyne village, south-west from Vuhlehirsk (Uglegorsk in Russian). Next information about units involved: as minimum one company of 17th tank brigade stay in reserve and ready to counter enemy tank attack. Enemy also have in reserve two company tactical groups near Bulavinske village, south-east from Vuhlehirsk Unit of 46th special purpose battalion "Donbas-Ukraina" completely have took under conrol Novoluhanske settlement on the west bank of Vuhlehirsk power plant water reservoir. This settlement on the edge of fronline considered under our control by the map, but there is no any administration - smugglers really ruled there and enemy recon groups often checked situation on outskirts. About two months ago UKR mobile group of SBU and DFS (State Fiscal Service) tried to enter in Novoluhanske and check possible smugglers activity, but were shelled by unknown men.
  17. Bad news, enemy have captured three our wounded soldiers 20th Dec, moved them to Debaltsevo, tortured, filming this on video and uploading this in Youtube and today executed all three. I think, our soldiers will not understand any "truce" which planned from 24th Dec...
  18. We use digital radios - own "Telecard" manufacturer, US Harris and Motorola. But RQ-11B were with analogue control channel. Even our own new UAV already have digital one...
  19. Direction of our attack was from north to south. You can see our positions northern of "Kikimora" on Yandex maps. From where the enemy is attacking I havn't information. Situation not so good for defenders - the soil in forest too sandy, trenches dug in this soil have worth resistance to shellings. Also shape of the forest made it ideal target for artillery fire from south to north - dispesion ellipse almost matches with it. For past day we have 11 WIA, but this is not only in Svitlodarsk bulge. Also yesterday in the battle were entered detachments of 46th special purpose battalion "Donbas-Ukraina" of 10th mountain assault brigade.
  20. Three waves of attacks today on the forest. Artillery shelled too. Acoording to Girkin's post "A wind near Debaltsevo" can asuume, Russians threw in the battle own regular units, masked as separatists forces ("nothwind" - slang name of Russian troops, inaved in Ukraine, which is using in network among Russian around-military community). On the picture pointed a system of taken enemy positions. From up to bottom positions with codenames "Kikimora", "Krest" (Cross), "Zvezda" (Star), 5 пост (5th chekpoint), 4 пост (4th checkpoint).
  21. Yes. I wrote yesterday we took VOP ("vzvodnyi opornyi punkt" - eng. "platoon strongpoint") on west bank of the lake (terrain around also known as Markiv Yar), but enemy probably recaptured one position of three, our special forces 20th Dec made mop up and helped infantry to turn back control over all VOP again. Yesterday to the battle have joined detachment of 2nd battalion of 54th mech.brigade, they also gained some land, but no any info where. 2Vladimir - no minefield on the way of our troops 18th Dec. All loses was sustained in close skirmish and artillery shelling after taking positions.
  22. Not 220 hill, but VOP "Kikimora" westward. 5 KIA, 1 captured at 18th 20th Artilery used more then infantry weapon. 4 WIA for today as minimum
  23. Censor.net is resource of journalist Butusov, which was close to oligarch Kolomoiskyi. He is often sharp and unreasonably blaming president and chief of the staff in all failures on front. Butusov=hysteria. But, from other hand, his resourse contains priceless stories of servicemen, which took part in different operations - by its can clarify many moments. Despite on Butusov like to pump "all is lost !!!", his articles about Svitlodarsk bulge battle mostly reflect real situation Back to the battle. Today enemy wasn't so active, but their mortars and artillery worked long time. Small groups of enemy infantry are trying to reach own lost positions, sometime they approach up to 70-100 m, but pushing off by our fire. Our artillery also work, but mostly like barrages. No command to suppress enemy batteries on outskirts of Horlivka and other settlements.
  24. Last news. Our detachment on seized enemy positions, which was partially encircled, now deblocked. Special forces break through and mopped up enemy in this area without losses. Though reportedly infantry has 1KIA and 5 WIA for past day. Night have passed w/o clashes, guys have a rest. Upd: both sides made a deal that UKR medics will take a body of 3rd company commander, which got killed as far as 18th Dec and his evacuation turned out impossible.But when our medic MTLB drove to this place, enemy opened fire and hit vehicle, no casualties, fortunately.
  25. Small clarification about battle area. Here is small forest (or big tree-plant) with three small positions, which was taken by UKR troops 18th Dec (marked by red). Hight 223 and around on eastern bank of the lake still in enemy hands You easy can see trench system there on Yandex maps (Google maps don't show positions there): https://yandex.ua/maps/?ll=38.277453%2C48.388742&z=18&l=sat%2Cskl
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