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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This is HMMWV of 1st battalion of 80th air-assault brgade (mixed M1114+BTR-80). One they alredy lost - blew up on AT-mine.
  2. I'm already thicking of your trolling posts. Repeat more Basurin's fairy tales about "uncontrolled nazi battalions", which seized water filtering station yesterday. What "every guy with weapon" ? Give a list here of these uncontrolled "armed men"! Statement of MoD is just information pressure on crimean tatar unit - all "attempt of attack" is just werbal and push-pull bickering, when tatars fighters were checking civil transport, which drove to Crimea and troopers of 34th came to ask "who are you guys and who ordered you to do this?" Bickering finished with several warning shots in the air and police arriving, which confiscated all weapon of "Asker". Yes, this was real war ! ) One of tatars leader Isliamov want that battalion "Asker" (hm... less then hundred men) was recognized officially and officially armed. But MoD don't want to hear about any separate national units, so offer only to include "Asker" in 36th Marines brigade as company or battalion depending on how much people they will enlist.
  3. This is some SSO unit (Syly Spetsial'nykh Operatsiy - Forces of Special Operations). Not VDV. SSO has been established in 2016 (though process of forming and training started as far as in 2015). SSO has own Command like Ground forces, VDV, Air forces and Navy. SSO consists of 3rd and 8th special operations regiments, 140th special operations center, 73rd naval special operations center (transferred to SSO from Navy in 2016), 142nd special operations training center. Recently special operations regiments were subordineted to Defense Intelligence.
  4. Yes, all three it's a mix of various combat episoded throughout 2014-2016. On first video is a summer and Uragan salvo - this is 100 % 2014 year. Second video filmed by DNR side. What "mining equipment" do you mean ?
  5. Grach (eng.rook) is unofficial name of Su-25
  6. These are old videos (2014-2016), so, its better to post in Recent combat vids from Ukraine thread:
  7. Looks like Ukrainin troops have took Donetsk water filtering station (DFS) under control. Some chronicle of this: - during the night of 23rd of Feb DFS (stands on neutral zone) was hit by DNR artillery or mortar fire. - 24th Feb director of DFS made statemant, that personnel is evacuating and station is stopping work. - At 14:30 of 24th Feb OSCE mission moved in Yasynuvata (under DNR control) in order to launch UAV for monitoring of DFS shelling. DNR fightres threated to OSCE members with weapon and seized their UAV, after this shot several times in patrol direction: http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/301766 - In the night from 24th on 25th Feb UKR troops, looks like detachment of security battalion of 55th artillery brigade (former 39th motorized infantry battalion "Dnipro-2"), seized abandoned DFS and was establishing own positions around. DNR "official representatives" already confirmed this fact. Ukrainan side keep silence. Last night our positions on Donetsk direction were under very intensive artillery fire with 122-152 mm, especially Donetsk airport outskirts and positions around Avdiivka. HQ prohibited to open return artillery fire (possibly because of Savchenko and Ruban mission in Donetsk). In twitters soldiers were angry on that. 16 WIA and almost no one our artillery shot. Here the map with allelgible lines of control of both sides. DFS is on east side from Avdiivka UPD: Neither Ukrainain officials, neither locals/soldiers/volunteers in twitter/FB nor OSCE didn't confirm to this time seizing of DFS by UKR troops. Possibly this can be provocation or informational background to some other actions - reportedly several DNR (Russian?) vehicles of chemical defense were moved to Yasynuvata outskirt. DFS has reservoir with 6 tons of chlorine and DNR speakers claimed "Ukrainian troops plundered equipment of station and can damage tanks with chlorine or even make chemical attack"
  8. T-72A/AV/B. Which were decomissioned from service since 2007-2008. Good trolling. Radios, about half-hundred of counter-mortar radars, 2000+ nightvision glasses for VDV, 72 UAVs. And yes, we want Javelins. Yes this is the same as mothballed tanks. Bravo. Next good trolling.
  9. Russian Wiki says this media have auditory in 75 millions and was most cited channel in 2014. The channel has both internet and air transmitting (occupied Crimea, Moscow, S.Peterburg). As well as Russia Today it became like a standard of Russian propaganda and pure lie. I believe 1st channel, Russia 24 and other also filmed reportages about this scholl and use video of Life, ANNA-News and others. Any Russian channel will say you that our troops in Donbas only that do, that "murder women, oldsters and children and day and night grounding cities and villages with heavy artillery".
  10. You can enter in search line of Youtube "обстрел школа Зайцево" and watch huge of TV news video - DNR channels, ANNA-NEWS, NEWS-FRONT, Russian TV channels еtс Here Lifenews - "fighters of Right Sector are lunching ATGMs not in military vehicles, but in the school and in nearby houses of grandma's and granpa's". Though Right Sector didn't fight in this area and Russian journalist "forgot" to say, that school is a fortified position and neighbour houses already long time ago abandoned and turned also in fortified positions. But in brains of Russians is laying an accent "evil Right Sector specailly shoot on children and oldsters"
  11. When arty starts to fire, the best way to save yourself is to run and hide to any pit, cellar of building or blindage. To be inside standing armor under shelling is very bad idea. Fragments of 122-152 mm or Grad sometimes penetrate even side hull armor of a tank.
  12. 1V13 ACRV (command and FO vechicle of arty battlion commander) of 72nd brigade, destroyed by direct artillery or mortar hit during battle for VOP "Almaz" near Avdiivka. Since 1Vxx vehicles use rare by own direct purpose for FO missions, this one used for logistic tasks and evacuation of injured soldiers. Here it in Avdiivka ... And since several days near "Tsar's hunting" recreation complex in 500 m from VOP "Almaz", captured by UKR troops, Fortunately, no casualties. Today separs celebrating 23rd Feb - Soviet army holiday and decided to congratulate Ukrainian troops too - the post of Russian volunteer Zhuchkovskyi Translation: We have congratulated Ukrainans with 23rd of February. With largest caliber. Keep yourself, all the best, good mood, health Our troops have returned many thanks. Also post of separatist fighter: Translation: DNR, Zaytsevo /Horlivka outskirt/. Serious escalation. In 6-00 heavy artillery shelling started. On 18-00 we have 8 KIA, number of WIA unknown. If in the morning losses were only because of artillery fire, then in second half of the day we have losses becaise of bullet wounds. There is tough fight, not all managed to evacuate. I don't know either DNR artillery possivle to answer or not. For Zaytsevo, alas, this is normal situation. This is Ukrainian army in such way congratulated militants with 23rd of February About week ago after enemy recon group probe and mortar shelling on positions in our part of Zaytsevo, was killed one soldier of 25th airborne brigade and one was heavy wounded in the head by sniper and died since two days in hospital. Looks lile this is revenge - as if our heavy artillery today could hit directly building of Zaitsevo school, which enemy turned out in heavy fortified strongpoint. Long time we shelled outskirts of this scholl only with heavy infantry wepon because after each shelling Russian TV was making next reportage how "chesteners of junta again shelled children in the scholl". But today possibly was received permission on artillery strike on building. On satellite photo you can see fortified area around this school building. There is a system of trenches and two strongpoints on crossroads. Ukrainian positions are west in neighbor Zhovanka village. Also some westren, beyond edge trench, two more trenches are situate and several as well as several minefields.
  13. Cenral area (Joint Tactical Group "Donetsk") has widest "grey zone", where we can advance forward without formal violation of Minsk aggrements because we just recapturing our conrol zone and moving to 19 Sep 2014 demarcation line. There are also several key points, control over its can significantly influence on DNR logistic and operative situation. For example, advance in Avdiivka area completely stop traffic on M-03 highway Donetsk-Yasynuvata-Horlivka. Now in order to reach Horlivka, enemy vehicles are driving long hook through Makiivka - Yenakieve - Zhdanivka. Also Debalteseve - our forward units already in 6 km from the city outskirts. Mariupol direction has two hot places - Maryinka (periodical heavy skirmishes), Dokuchayevsk - Olenivka area (our troopers say they easy can take this town, but no political will to give an order, though Dokuchayevsk must be under our control by Minsk-1). Front line now about in 20-25 km from eastern outskirts, so enemy arty can't hit this city, but sometime shelling nearby settlements - Sartana and Talakivka. Though enemy can reach Mariupol with MLRS In last time activated warfare near height 73, which defends western outskirts of Kominternove (new name Pikuzy). Height has a garrison some less a company and has support of mortrars and sometime arty/MLRS. Our marines tried two weeks ago to seize height 73, but were repelled (reportedly 2 WIA, one armor damaged). Since that in that area only position skirmishes. Seizing of Kominternove will not give to us any advantage, further task have to be advancing and catching lateral road Zaichenko - Sakhnka, but these villages have heave VOPs and this will be large operation, which will have unwanted resonance among our "deeply concerned" european allies... So, from military point Donetsk direction will be main in "crowling offensive" tactic.
  14. Just interest information - in battle on Svitodarsk bulge for VOP "Kikimora" were involved total 156 Ukrainan troopers (w/o distant support), 63 of them were from 25th motorized infantry battalion. 9 KIA, 70 WIA, traumatized, shell-shocked (2/3 of them slightly, about 50 % of total number of injured have rejected from medical threatment and weren't in official WIA count) In battle around VOP "Almaz" near Avdiivka, enemy launched on our position and on the city 7500 of heavy ammunition - from 82 mm to 152 mm and Grad rockets. Level of front activity of course have reduсed, but fire exhenges are continuing, almost every day we are loosing our men. Yesterday were active clashes near Dokuchaivsk, but w/o advance - just very intensive skirmishes, though locals thought UKR forces already come to the town.
  15. Not any new information in that. Most of that 30-35 % of population are people older 40-50 years, which have old stamps of Soviet/Russian propaganda. Also about 1,65 millions of Donbas inhabitants since 2014 moved on Ukraine-controlled territory and can influence on polling results - many of them continue to consider itself as "Soviet people", but just don't want to go in distant areas of Russia, where they often are sending Russian authorities. Reducing of NATO supporters and their moving in "neither" cathegory is a result of uncapabilty of NATO and EU to respond tough on Russian threat, so this people want either neutral status or militarization of Ukraine, in order to we can respond themeselve on any agreession like Israel or Switzerland. Last polling of Kyiv International sociology institute in May 2016 shows next results on question "what variant of security wold be best for Ukraine?" Blue line - membership in NATO, red line - military alliance with Russia and CIS countries, yellow line - neutral status, green line - don't know. Color circles - ratio betwen support of "NATO membership" (blue) and "neutral" (yellow) by years and regions. From above to bottom - West, Center, South, East, Donbas (Ukraine-controlled part) In case of referendum in May 2016 78 % of participants would vote for "NATO membership". Most of people, who consider NATO as threat is a so called "swamp" - they just will not go on referendum without administartive force.
  16. @John Kettler MTLB with ZU-23 isn't Azov new feature. Such vehicles were in service of 128th mountain brigade as far as before a war. Different units have different ZU-23 carriers - there is no any system, some were lucky and received MTLBs, but most uses trucks with mounted ZU or even just towed version. Azov really can make great videos, they spent many times on ranges, but... their real combat experience still under big question - in Army, "Azov" is sometime calling "selfie-regiment". I say about infantry - their tankers are mostly skilled men, which have experience of Soviet/Ukrainan army service or as minimum want to learn to be a tanker. System of service in National Guard and especially in "court" regiment ("Azov" is a favorite toy of Internal affairs minister Avakov - therefore unit has many new weapon) some differs itself from Army. "Azov" already have experienced several "generations changing" - there is remained not so much people, which fought in 2014-2015. Already almost a year or more National Guard hi-command didn't use this unit on frontline. Some say this is because Minsk agreements (as if only Army units can be on frontline), some say about Azov not to let on front, because they have negative "nazi" image in eyes of EU politics, some say about Azov not let on front because there is deep business and political conflict between people of Poroshenko and people of Avakov - National Guard commander is a man of Poroshenko. About black sun and other symbolic - many have opinion that this is evidence of nazi-chatacter of Azov, but in real they better to compare with Norway battalion "Telemark" with similar "viking" traditions (also were blamed in nazi-propaganda). Both of these units uses elements of cult of Germanic mythology (in case of Azov + Slavic mythology), ancient symbolic, cult of "predaccesor-warriors". Because of this Azov, for example, has biggest concentration of neo-paganists :). Of course, this attrackting in the regiment also and real neo-nazi, though as say one man on our forum form Azov recon unit, recently commanders interdicted toughly all public developments of frankly nazi things. But fіguratively speaking, really very hard to differ where ending a gesture "from heart to sun" and starting "hail !" All in the heads. Also because of Russian propagada is portraying Ukrainians as "junta, fascists" and Russians in social networks is naming our troops as UkroWehrmacht, our society and army, which inherent the irony and great skill to ridicule of the enemy - we are thinking "Well, do you want fascists? Ok, you will receive fascists" - and this motivates many our troopers to cosplay "Wehrmacht-cult" - photos on bikes with Yugoslaviaan clones of MG-42 in sidecars, comments to photos "Oh, you real fascist in this gears! How much Russian toddlers are you crucified today in glory of our Ukrainain Reich and Bloody Pastor ?", rhunes on helmets, joking "zig-hailes" etc. Of course, many in Westrn world perceive it as "disgusting things" (I'm recalling big scandal, when USMC trooper draw SS rhunes on own helmet), but indeed this is just feature of our mentality - to banter over all what impeds to live. I'm also medieval re-enactor - in our museums lay many artefacts with swastikas, black suns and other. In slightly modified versions all this symbolic survived on our lands untill the end of 17th century. Ofen we are replicating its in our clothes decores or other things. This is part of our culture and alway will be a people which will use it in militray culture, especillay on frontline, where enemy close and hi-ranked committees too far. Well, sorry for offtop On photo - crew of Bulat after that fight near Lohvynove. On other photo - the same tank, but better seen a damage. HEAT shell impact tangentially, initiated two ERA blocks and caused residual penetration. By statistic, any ERA roughtly reduces RPG shells penetration capability on 90-100 %, ATGMs on 80 % and tank HEAT shells on 70 %.
  17. There is no stastistic, I know only one episode, when BM Bulats have clashed with T-72B mod.1989 with K-5 - during Debaltsevo battle in Lohvynove area. There was two episodes "platoon on platoon", but in one case T-64BV participated. Bulat have survived after direct hit in turret from Russian tank (possibly HEAT shell), Russian tanks in both cases were destroyed almost completely. We lost one T-64BV. Also Azov's tank survived after ATGM hit in ERA turret block, but was moved on factory for repaire and optic changing. Big disadvantage of Nozh (and K-5) is the need to move tank to rear for ERA HE changing after initiation. Because of "Microtec" have designed "Nozh" HE elements, which can be placed in K-1 boxes for fast repalcing on frontline. Also during Ilovaisk massacre, two Russians T-72BA with K-5 were destroyed by tankers of 51st brigade, but I can't say how it happened, what ammunition was used and in what places of tanks our shells hit. Total Russian losses of T-72 with K-5 ERA: 5 T-72B mod. 1989 (one of its have received penetration from MT-12 AT-gun in lower front hull and was decomissioned) + 3 damaged and probably decomissioned, 3 T-72BA, 4 T-72B3 +2 damaged, but its destiny unknown. Total Bulat losses: 17 destroyed, 1 abandoned and not captured by enemy, 3 captured, 6 damaged. In some cases in ERA blocks of Bulat was mounted K-5 HE elemnets. In whole, in this war there was not many situations, which would give opportunity to develop of Nozh all its strong and weak sides. Designers of Nozh say this ERA can reduce up to 20-30 % effectiveness of tandem HEAT and resist to EFP ammunition, but these specimens very rare in this war. Most of our tank losses causes are mines, indirect large caliber artillery/MLRS fire and technical failures. So, I can say, for that weapon (mostly old soviet), which uses both sides, both ERAs are approximately equal, possibly Nozh some better (on 10 %)
  18. Another "small step forward". Looks like it happened already some time ago and became knowingly only after clash 3-4 days ago. In Maryinka area 12 soldiers of 92th brigade repelled enemy attack and destroyed with ATGM KAMAZ with 10 DNR fighters (1 KIA, 1 lost an arm, rest were slightly wounded). Other enemy losses unknown (reports of known Ukrainian civil volunteer Roman Donik about 50 KIA and WIA from enemy side is obviosly very overestimated). Here the social network post of former (?) DNR fighter, from which can something to draw on map: Translation: On Petrovka /plural name of Petrovskyi district, SW "appendix" of Donetsk/, more exactly on Trudovskie /settlement of Trudovskaya coal mine on west of this district/, on rotation our KAMAZ with guys has been hit with ATGM at the morning. Nothing have told about victims. I am waiting all day, but there is no communication. I already a year don't serve there. Guys are complaining, ukies just in this year also shelled them on rotation with ZU-23. Fortunately weren't any victims. For what I say - ukies already so close, that if military vehicle is driving further than bus station "Trudovskaya", it is just shooting out. There is a direct road on T-shape crossroad. When I have served, ukies have only "eyes" on that position. Now, thanks to our curators (prohibit to shot) there is strong firing position. And silence in media, I have got through, they briefly have explained to me: yes, KAMAZ has ben hit with ATGM with direct shot further of bus station "Trudovskaya". One man torn off the head, other - an arm. Other were chopped with fragments variously. Here the map (sorry for bad drawing). Yellow marking - bus station "Trudovskaya". T-shape crossroad I found only one - this is side road to horseriding club "Equicentre". In 2015 DNR forces from this position launced atatck on Maryinka. In 2016 our troops burned out enemy fortifications there, but not seized this positions - its were remaing as contest area. So, our fortified point can be in scholl or even already on crossroad itself. Roman Donik also said that two weeks ago our troopers from that position badly damaged two enemy trucks on 1430-1530 m with DShK-TK HMG (Donik's and other volunteers project of precision fire HMG and specially trained machinegunners for its). For direct hit with ATGM and HMG operators have to see a target, but because of houses close LOS on Petrovskogo street in bus styation area, I think new position is on crossroad.
  19. Here it several videos of T-64B1M1 of "Azov" regiment. These tanks were appointed for Congo, but in 2015 were directed for "Azov" tank company. I think, this is most beautiful look of T-64B upgrading - designers of T-REX obviously were inspirated by its turret form. T-64B1M1 is upgraded T-64B1 with "Nozh" ERA, which cover a tank on turret and side much better than BM "Bulat"
  20. Produces on "Precision mechanic factory" in Kamyanets-Podilskyi, "Lorta" in L'viv (ZTM-1 for BTR-4) and KBAO in Kyiv (as KBA-2). Barrels also produce in Ukraine, possibly in Kyiv: http://kba.kiev.ua/produktsiya/30-mm-stvol-avtomatichnoji-garmati-kba-2.html
  21. This project (UM) already two years is presenting to MoD. Generals looking, saying "this is good, this is optimal decision" and... nothing. This model even wasn't direcetd on program of state tests.
  22. No information about this drone. It has massive block with 12 hi-res cameras This is article in Russian about all known this type UAVs, which were shot down - 2 over Ukraine (now already 3) and one over Turkey - http://bmpd.livejournal.com/1529603.html
  23. Russia will sent other - this is fighting with windmills. We can't risk with own SOFs only for searh&destroy operations if its hasn't any operative points. Luhansk sector almost hasn't strategical key points. We control energy plant in Shcastia town wich supplies Luhansk and almost all Luhansk region with electricity and heating. What other reason can be to advance in vicinity of Luhansk in this time ? Siversky Donets riverbanks in many places are quite steep and overgrown with dense tree-plants sometime passing in forests - not too much usable places for crossings. Also banks filled with mines and booby-traps. Ok. We will attack in Stanytsia Luhanska area, cross the river (under arty fire) advance some forward to cut a road Luhansk - Sukhodilsk.. And what ? Our troops turn out between Luhansk and Russian border (18-25 km). Russians can even not to cross the border, just set artillery/MLRS and repeat border fights of 2014 year. Our troops never will receive order to open return fire through the border. Well, let try in other place - we atteck in Triokhizbenka - Slovyanoserbsk direction to cut R-66 and M-04 roads. We are advancing and... turned out between Luhansk and big agglomeration Kadiivka-Brianka-Alchevsk. All our suuply of troops will be conduct only via pontoon bridges - all enemy artyllery and MLRS will work to destroy it. So, remains just one part of Luhnsk region - NE part of Svitlodarsk bulge in area of Troitske village - Popasna town - Novozvanivka village. In that area we have seized some grey zone and now approaching to Kalynove village. I don't know for why this, I doubt we will assault or block Pervomaisk - Kadivka - Brianka agglomeration, though some guys, which served there say, that Pervomaisk can be taken relatively easily. But other problem, by Minsk-1 these cities are behind of demarkation line. In Mariupol sector marines shot down (or EW unit have jammed) Russian-produced UAV. I have forgot it name, one such model was shot down in 2014 over Donbas and one Russians lost in Syria. I have read this is some new model, which teststing in combat conditions and can not only transmit video and data in real time, but also has functions of cartography. In front part of UAV looks like a hole from bullet.
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