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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Would you like to tell the class how you can mod CM's code to include fuel?
  2. Modding fuel in would be pretty much impossible.
  3. DUDE OMG. COMBAT MISSION: BREXIT Situation: EU forces comprising of Russian, German, French, Polish, Italian, and Dutch forces invade the southern coast of England to force Britain back into the EU. Maybe the expansion would add US forces to aid Britain, and than an additional expansion featuring the Irish invading northern Ireland. I would pay 500$ for that.
  4. I think you misunderstood Steve. RUSSIA DOES NOT HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO INVADE THE BALTICS AND THAN THREATEN WARSAW, THAT IS RIDICULOUS. I mean think through this man, what the hell happens if they capture Warsaw, the Polish just give up and say "Well the Warsaw pact wasn't THAT bad guys, come on fall in line!". This isn't World War 2, this freaking war is going to be decided in less than a week.
  5. This is my problem every time, if I would just think things through more I would probably win a lot more games. I find reconaissance irritating when I can't see anything and end up trying to draw fire which leads to the opposite of what needs to happen. Although sometimes like in the last Ukrainian campaign mission I just can't spot the enemy and I get stuck.
  6. Yeah but at least Clancy novels have cool stuff that happens in them like a US Armored division helping the Russians fight the Chinese in Siberia.
  7. That is not true, infantry in CMx2 are actually 1:1 in terms of representing soldiers, they are not blocks that is why individuals can get shot and it doesn't take away a random number of men when something actually hits them. This would have been true in CMx1 but it isn't now, an easy to way to see this is when a MG burst catches 2 or more soldiers at a time, if it weren't a 1:1 abstraction than it wouldn't matter where the bullets went as long as they "hit" which would mean it would just kill of random people in the fire team or squad instead of where they actually are on the map when hit.
  8. Also SIX RUSSIAN TACTICAL NUKES wouldn't cause nuclear retaliation from NATO or the US WHAT? Please for the love of god do not run for office or find yourself in charge of EUCOM.
  9. Its incredible that people think NATO would invade Russia, what the hell would be the point in that?
  10. My friends affectionately call the war games I play "Map Simulators"
  11. Not true. Shells that hit trees explode and cause air bursts in-game as well.
  12. That I definitely agree with, in those cases you get two or more soldiers "morphed together" and that shouldn't be happening.
  13. SM-3 currently has the capability of intercepting some ICBM's, I don't know if it could from where it is in Europe but at sea it does have that capability if its in the right place at the right time. What were most concerned about right now is intercepting Chinese Anti-ship BM's which is really what it was being rushed for If I'm not mistaken.* *Obviously it wasn't put in Europe to stop Chinese anti-ship BM's
  14. What has Russia done in recent times to make us think it isn't an aggressive country? You have to be able to piece this together.
  15. It is hard to say AEGIS ashore is ONLY for the middle east or anyone but Russia I have to concede at least that, I think we all know wheres that's predominantly pointing. BUT! If anyone here realistically thinks in a nuclear war that that missile shield is going to stop Russia from carrying out successful nuclear strikes with its over 2000 warheads on land air and sea than that's just silly. Of course this is an iterative process and I am sure the missile shield is intended to be able stop massive strikes EVENTUALLY but it is no where near that capability as of right now. Everyone (Russians and NATO members alike) should be at peace knowing that we can wipe eachother off the face of the planet 80x over with what we both have right now, regardless of missile shields!
  16. Mechanized infantry is modeled and you can actually move around as them and use javelins if they have them which is pretty cool.
  17. Now theres an idea! Everyone buy Steel Beasts, we'll hop in some SEPV2's and panzer can be platoon/company lead!
  18. No, I am definitely not a vet, just a very curious civilian who has far too much of an interest in military matters and tech like this. Although I have tried to join the military before, wasn't denied outright so the possibility is still there.
  19. DCS F-18 is coming out this year I am freaking hyped man, Duchess should train us up on it when it comes out!
  20. Ahem... Maybe a little too much hyperbole on my part, how about 8 hands or so?
  21. Yeah KA-52's are especially rare if those actually were destroyed, you can almost count the amount of serviceable Ka-52's in the Russian air force on two hands.
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