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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Denying Wehrmacht atrocities is bazarre, its not like it would exonerate them of anything, could I feel for the few soldiers who refused to comply and were convicted? Sure. However they murdered millions and to deny that because of a minority is ridiculous, I thought we moved past the "Wehrmacht didn't kill people" phase.
  2. I completely acknowledged that in my post. " although the Russians are worse due to unguided munitions and unclear targets. There are also videos and allegations of purposely targeting civilians which of course is unacceptable and they should not continue helping the Syrian government in doing so." When I said I agree with the Russians on civilian casualties I meant that both sides are guilty of it that's all.
  3. Honestly I can agree for the most part with the Russians in terms of civilian casualties caused by both sides, although the Russians are worse due to unguided munitions and what seems to be unclear targets. There are also allegations and videos of purposely targeting civilians which of course is unacceptable and they should not continue the Syrians government in doing so. Although we just blew up a doctors without borders hospital late last year with an AC-130, and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq so this isn't black and white. Civilians are going to die in a war zone everyone whose posting on this forum knows or accepts that I would think, what matters is what each side does to mitigate and eventually stop it. Precision munitions are fantastic for this but humans make mistakes and there is no technology out there that can stop that.
  4. AEGIS ashore should be coming to Poland as well I believe.
  5. If I was Ukraine I would also be very worried about ballistic and cruise missile defense, hopefully you guys have systems that are capable of that. In a full spectrum conflict the Russians have the capacity to do some serious damage with naval and air based cruise missiles far enough away to where you have to shoot down the munition instead of the platform firing it. Does Ukraine have any version of S-300 or do you rely on more legacy systems like SA-6 and SA-11?
  6. Its ok we're also running out of precision munitions... http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/04/politics/air-force-20000-bombs-missiles-isis/
  7. Don't insult my intelligence, because I never discounted what you said about Allied rape, especially the Soviets when they entered Germany. I only attacked the idea that a woman portrayed in a World War 2 movie near soldiers must be raped or its "Unhistorical" which is still a very strange viewpoint in my opinion.
  8. Doesn't this go both ways though? You can't say that literally every woman would have been raped if they passed by a soldier in World War 2, that movie depicted a woman not being raped. There is nothing wrong with that, unless it is historically dishonest depicting a woman not being raped in your eyes which is just...strange.
  9. I was being sarcastic, I am in agreement with you. But people are obsessed with how "great" and well "equipped" the SS were, chances are if you see reenactors they are portraying the SS because muh Tiger and muh STG. Than you show them casualty figures and how they died in large numbers like everyone else and they either lash out or humble up a bit.
  10. They were all fanatic conscripts, really bad purchasing decisions for that QB on the German side.
  11. Of course its the SS, they are totally the coolest guys!
  12. Are the Abrams smoke launchers intended to cover only itself or is it also designed to cover friendly vehicles around it? I always run into the problem of having an Abrams that gets a laser spot blinding everyone else around him. Of course this is largely my fault due to spacing but depending on the situation I don't have much of a choice. Draws Abrams pentagram on the ground to summon Panzer
  13. We've come a long way since cannon balls that's for sure.
  14. Is that really something we can quantify as a whole in regards to the Ukrainians military effectiveness, it honestly comes off as a sputnik headline more than anything else?
  15. Russian air launched cruise missiles are something the Ukrainians would have a very hard time dealing with. These take a while to arm aircraft with and are definitely not surge friendly but if its a strategic strike on multiple targets its definitely doable.
  16. There is actually a scenario from Shock Force that has you command a force of German gebirsjager in a heli assault on a Syrian airbase and I remember it being pretty fun.
  17. Look I love wargaming out things like this as much as anyone, but its also fun to play devils advocate to something like this. Don't take my shoot downs of anyones ideas as me being grumpy, just contributing in my own way.
  18. Airfields also tend to contain anti-aircraft systems.
  19. You better hope AA is suppressed and Ukraines air force has ceased to exist before you try a freaking paradrop or helicopter assault on a modern battlefield.
  20. Yeah the only way the poor allies could beat the uber Germans was to throw as many useless tanks at them as they could.
  21. Unless were talking front lines that are 150m + there is literally no reason to use those air fields. Seeing as there would never be a front line that stretched 150M's in one direction in such a situation it wouldn't happen.
  22. "Engineering disasters: The Sherman tank" What a load of bull man, I know its cool to hate the sherman and love the kitties, I went through that at a young age, but the myth just lives on and we keep getting crap like this from the "History" channel.
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