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Everything posted by Ultradave

  1. Slowly, hull down, covered approaches. And then that's about the time mine explode from something that saw them first. I've found it much more difficult and deadly to recon with vehicles than with infantry that can stay undetected a little better.
  2. Or failing that, PM me. I have room and time for another game and would be happy to take you on. If you haven't used them I can help you get set up with Dropbox and CMH which makes PBEM a breeze. I have all the CM modules and also all the SF modules so whatever you'd like to play, I'm up for. Pace of the game doesn't matter to me. I'm happy enough going slow if thats what you need as I have several games going. The Few Good Men is a good place to find opponents, as is The Blitz. There are probably others too but those are the ones I've used.
  3. I will agree with this. When I was in the 82 Abn we spent a month with the Cdn Para Regt. Wonderful hosts and top notch soldiers too.
  4. I have HOI3 - I haven't done much with it. At the time I got it I was too busy to put enough time into it. I enjoy AGEOD - Civil War (don't have CW2 yet), and Napoleon's Campaigns. (need a -2 for that too!) Command Ops - both Bulge and Market Garden are fun Command: Modern Air / Naval I spend a lot of time with. Flashpoint: Red Storm is good for modern - kind of a modern version of Command Ops. A bit hands off, but it is designed as a operational level - so once you give orders, units take over on their own. Like Command Ops it has a good and believable AI (I think).
  5. Count me in for testing if you need me. I have a MacBook Pro, 16GB RAM, 1GB video, so it would give you a Mac datapoint for performance and graphics. I'm semi-retired so I have the time.
  6. I'd be happy to give you a game. I'm very relaxed. I have a few games going but always with opponents who like myself, are not hung up about a turn a day or whatever. We play at whatever pace life dictates. So if you want to get started, pm me and I'll be happy to help get you going with H2H and using dropbox and CMH to make things really easy. It's also a good idea for beginning H2H play as it gives you time to ponder and not have to rush to return a turn. I wouldn't worry at all. You can easily find opponents who will accommodate your life.
  7. Yeah, and they are like that in real life too. I served in the 82d Airborne, and had some contact with British Paras, and spent a month with the Canadian Parachute Regt when it still existed. Outstanding troopers, all of them. You want them on YOUR side :-)
  8. CMBO at my local game war-game store. I grew up with board war-games starting with AH Tactics II, Bismark and Midway, and 1:1200 WW2 naval miniatures. As I got older (I'm 57 now btw) my board gaming got to be less and less but I still stopped in at a local game store. When CMBO came out I had been visiting the local game store and the owner suggested it to me.
  9. Personally I don't begrudge the price of these games and modules. Each one is less than the cost of a nice dinner out. But I figure the cost/HrPlayingTime is well worth the expenditure. Having done my share of software development (scientific programming) I am sympathetic to the amount of work that goes into finishing a good product.
  10. I spend a fair amount of time with Steam and Iron and with Command. Command seems basically the next evolution of Harpoon, which I've played from the beginning on computer and also with metal ships and paper, along with ww2 naval miniatures and Seapower II/III and Seekrieg. Good games and much more in the simulator mode - updated computerized versions of the paper/miniatures games.
  11. While watching someone's YouTube video of CM, catch yourself moving the mouse to rotate the image to see what is off to the left or right? Please tell me I'm not the only one :-)
  12. What I did is this (I think - I'm at work right now) The root folder was /Dropbox Then I have separate folders in dropbox for each of my opponents. I share out those. You should be able to keep things the way they are for the root designation but unshare the middle level folder, and then share the opponent 1 folder and opponent 2 folder with each of your opponents separately. You might need to edit game in CMH to make sure the correct directories are still set for each game. I *think* that will work. Dave
  13. Pm sent. I have it all set up - just need an email to send you the dropbox link.
  14. Only 2 right now. Kind of slow right now and could use maybe one more. Usually I have about 4 going. 24? wow. Even if I was fully retired I don't think I could handle that.
  15. Waiting patiently for the enemy. I'll try to do better when I figure out a place to put the images to reference them.
  16. It took a while after my Army days to STOP doing that. It also took me a while to decide that a camping vacation would be a good idea.
  17. I just bought and downloaded it yesterday and am playing through the tutorial campaign figuring it's a good way to get familiar with what's in there. Answer: Yes, it is worth the money. But then I've felt all CM titles have been well worth the money.
  18. And I imagine in the Soviet army of WW2 there weren't a huge number of those guys, making it even more important to get him.
  19. I lugged around a PRC-77 for a couple years and it was something like 15 lbs. That was bad enough crammed into a backpack. You'll hear them nicknamed phonetically (as in add an i in the middle and a k at the end and call them....) (don't want to get censored). But that thing looks uuuuuugly. The PRC-77 was an updated version of the 25 that they carried in Vietnam so imagine the weight was similar. (he says without looking anything up :-) )
  20. As a balance to the long download/complaint thread, I'd just like to say thanks for what looks like another great release. Already downloaded and checked out a few scenarios (haven't had time to play yet but just started up a few scenarios to take a peek). And thanks to Battlefront for returning and staying with the Mac platform. Not trying to start any platform wars at all. I use a MacBook Pro for reasons completely unrelated to gaming, so I'm happy that CM works great on the Mac again, and thanks to Phil for his troubleshooting in the past. BF always provided great value in my opinion so keep up the good work. Dave (entirely satisfied customer).
  21. I use an HP RPN scientific calculator (HP20 I think) at work and still have an old HP15C that still works just fine.
  22. That's a good question. I'm assuming that since you can call an airstrike on a spot, like the edge of a treelike, that they wouldn't actually have to see an enemy target to engage, but I could be wrong.
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