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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. @StieliAlpha the others BFC modules horizons doesn't works...? Is this only the horizons or all around, like Falaise mod seasoned terrains and trees? Perhaps can you working on one that already exist and have the perfect aspect from what you want... For infos I am working myself on horizons view for Belgium 40 but for the spring with real Ardennrste pictures, this is my first one I will see if this works... Edit @Aquila-SmartWargames was making also some test with real towns city's pictures, is a question to check how we can have the best way that we want...
  2. Some of us, like me, also for, modders, that want describe details on moments and situations. https://www.passionmilitaria.com/t51009-les-plaques-d-immatriculations-allemands-pendant-la-guerre
  3. Just recieve some help she is beautiful but hmm !! wait a minut, !!! when we meet her she was in civilian clothes, this picure is from the english intelligence services, no doubt she is from the other side, probably a spy !...2 maps will be to you, available soon, working nice so far with beautifuls trees...
  4. Oh Oh Oh is magic ...Like I said, it's a bit of an "illusion mod" because the telephone poles are Flavours Objects (FOs), they appear to be "connected to each other,... in fact only half of the wire is connected, (to give the possibility to the player to turn the FO, approximately to the place that he wants on the ground). You can understand in this way that the connection of the two wires is very difficult, and more when you try to "connect" a third one, but as the wires "float in the air" they disappear with the view and the distance, and seem to be connected, this is why another telephones poles is on the way (that I have to created), to have only one wire side to give more "facility" to be connected, to eachothers, of course if you look more closely at all the details, you notice that the wire is cut, but this way it gives a nice effect, but that's only my opinion. So yes this is a magic trick ! Mais il fallait y penser !
  5. Ah good advice i will try this, thanks, I didn t know this combination was also working for the editor !!! Just do it now... course it s work maps look like more differents now thanks again Phill !
  6. Hola guys Activities today ! Since, today... you will be able to have internet, and light on the battlefield, I' am working on maps and scenarios, with help from Phill, and I just made a (little illusion mod), just be awake when the mod comes out that will cost you, a bit of gymnastics to pose your telephone poles...so they are not perfects ! So far there are only two telephone poles I've been working on but I think it will be up to 8 variations with some broken ones I'wil see! Just a question: My trees dont appears correctly on the field with the editor, how is the procedure, I guess this is the differents levels ???
  7. Hey, Jacob how are you guy, hope your trip was fine, let you answers of your question see pm !
  8. Glad you like it man, all credits to @kohlenklau job !
  9. Here you have one from the CMMODs III @StieliAlpha Hope this is the one that you need, let it couple of days on my Dropplace ! Exist also the one from CMAF and CMBS I guess you can use some elements for CMRT ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/d4131x1otzbbu3p/3_0267 CMMODs.zip?dl=0
  10. This is the map that I would like to do from the belgian webside gouv, https://geoportail.wallonie.be/walonmap#BBOX=245762.0939972624,246799.92419792278,59853.67744646529,60393.42852596746 and for the time I searching the way to download (in files) elevation of the map like Butschi did with the NRW geoportal, but I have probably to contact the geo services to have access to the (phisicals) datas, because I don t find the way to download them ! You were giving me the possibilities to download datas from Italy, but for the belgian side I don t know how I have to do it, perhaps we have only a view of datas but cannot download it without permission, this is the step that I am now ! Or probably I have "to improve my french" to find the way, how I have to do it, also be registred I don t find the way untill now !! I created "myself" a map with infos that I could need save it in the geoportal but I have only a view on, I am not able to download it (in files physically) in the way of Butschi or like you show me...
  11. I was trying to have some view from the past to trying to remove some "things buildings... no existing on t this time, but I will let it fall and make a simple map with some elevations I was thinking to do it quickly but I am now 2 days on, I give up with this part, and foccus on simple things I just take care that any highway are not on !
  12. Thanks for coming back, yes aerial photos, to have the topography, Edit and old pictures from the past...I'm following the video instructions step by step, my question to both of you was because, it's free but I have to be registered to use the datas, I have my name everywhere (joking ) and I wanted to avoid this part, but it's understanding...
  13. Tony @Butschi or @nathangun I stick with instructions I was downloading all about : Creating CMCW Maps with CMAutoEditor - Part 1 now I am with the QGIS program and try to have connection but I dont know how I can enter the name and the URL ! perhaps easy for both of you but me I dont find it how ? Do I have to come back the other programm to find the localisation like JOSM ?
  14. Thank you guys, really appreciated, and sorry for this lazy moment...
  15. Hi Nico, @Butschi I try again your tool and I was also downloaded the geoportal but this one is only for germany and only NRW not another part, when I try to working on the triangle from lux bel france just on the border, do you know how I can have the same infos with another tool, and eventual everywhere I will try to build a scenario ?
  16. ...yep also, I think with the new module we would all have, including I guess, and hope, new things and formations added by Steve, to represent a fight in Europe, and we would be able to create n' any place with @Butschi wonder tools, and to make from BFC, the Master game ! .
  17. If only this was a new game that I'd never played before I'd be very excited, and is not only joking, waiting to the famous CMFB ritish with some added usa units crossing the Rhin, Remagen..., from the German North states to the South...and perhaps, perhaps, some free frenchs units to fight in the Moselle Alsace..., to enter in a big winter, close to the Hurtgen forest...all with, tanks riders, this is exiting... (not the Brit or FrenchUs, but the tanks and the riders).
  18. To me this is really understanding and I approve your point of view ! The world look us and not only Putin and Putin friends, I think this is a bad picture that we present to the rest of europe and to the rest of the world, do we need absolutly to present us in this way, when we give millions milliards to keep a good fight but also for pretended good things, that the citizens recieve only a drop of this lake, in the world we dont really reconize who is who both blocs have a agressive attitude and dont let any places more to feelings. This is the reallity that would had to open ours eyes in the past the first time when Putin was entering in Georgia who "almost nobody" was really taking attention to this far away country from europa, couple of years later, repeting a similar action in Crimea, also with stupefaction but not really actions... now europe is awake and try to close the eyes again, and imagine is only a dream, but a dream with heavy concequences when the eyes are open again.
  19. just a good opportunity to fuel Putin's propaganda !
  20. Just amazing ALL in ONE and ready from everywhere we need !
  21. Good job, than, I hope to see more about this, we dont have to searching how will look terrains tiles in the game, only that we have perhaps to replace the "tiles pictures in the editors" to have the correct view with a terrain and terrains mods installed, and not the original editor pictures from BFC ! But I think this could be a unhelpfull job ! Anyway the pdf is already helpfull, thanks again ! PS waiting to your scenario, but hey ! take your time to do it
  22. Very nice idea, helpful, and detailled infos, thanks, to share it,... need only to do it now for others CM titles. (kidding) ! Just a question, this is yours own pictures terrains tiles ? or original CM ones ?
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