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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. WOW, this looks really, really good ! Is it just me...? but it looks like you have been able to reduce the zig,zaginess of the roads even... Instant download for sure. Thank you !
  2. "The kind of foxhole in the game seems to be with a pile of fresh soil around it, and topped with sandbags, which would be pretty visible in the landscape." I don't think that is neccesarley what they are ment to represent. It is more of a work around IIRC due to some FOW issiues with foxholes and trenches not being able to be lowered into the ground without being spotted immidiatelly due to changing the elevation of the map. but i agree with this. "If foxholes were spotted afer infantry it might look odd, firing away at a guy and have a foxhole pop up around him and then sometimes disappearing." I just wish they where not spotted quite so easily...Not the 'well prepared ones' atleast.
  3. Hopefully we will one day soon have an option between: - Hastely constructed defensive possitions that have been established in a few hours inbetween firefights (simple foxholes and such) and - Defensive possitions that have seen days or weeks of continues improvements...Making them much harder to spot (both the fortrifications as well as the men and equipment in them) Perhaps the level of camoflage could be toggled in the editor in a simular way as leadership, fitness, motivation etc can be set now. There is room in the editor UI for atleast one or two more toggle options i think....
  4. There is an campaign unpacking tool avaliable for download at CMMODS III.. link: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=229 Download this and follow the intructions and you will be able to split up the campaigns into single scenarios and then load them into the editor...
  5. They look good ! If the rest of your vehicles looks simular i will DL them all... Thanks !
  6. Oouuch ! Stupid me ! I thought it looke pretty nice as it was... Mods installed...This looks better ! Sorry for the misstake...
  7. I'm currently playing one of Kohlenklaus africa scenarios H2H against him... The last couple of turns have ben really nice...I just had to upload a few pictures... Especially the last one is really nice i think...
  8. Hello... I have finished my first arfica scenario...Rats in Gabes The player will be commanding the 7th Argylls battalion/ 51st Highland division. The battalion have been tasked with assulting the town of Gabes, west of the Mareth-line in march 1943. The 51st along with a few other formations have been able to bypass the axis defences along the Mareth-line by circuling around the Matmatahills to the south. Your battalion are now in a good possition to assult the town from the south. If succesful this will close the only escaperoute west for the axis troops holding the Mareth-line. You will initialy be commanding 2 companies of infantry supported by a few shermans from the 8th armoured brigade. Later one more company (depleted) will become avaliable. The size of this scenario is BATTALION MINUS. I have also included a 'reserves function' in this scenario. About halfway into the fight the player will recieve some additional reinforcements (reserves) from an other battalion. If your attack boggs down and you feel that you will not be able to achive your asigned objectives you will be able to commit these troops to the battle. However..these troops where initially intende to do other things and it will not go down well with you 'higher up' if you need to commit them. The player will lose points in this scenario if he does. A total victory will no longer be possible. Use them only if you need them... The map is basically a rubbled town with some desert infront of it. Al the larger modular buildings and some of the smaller ones as well as some of the independent buildings have fully functional internal doors. The scenario will take advantage of several of the north africa mods that Kohlenklau have put together in his north african dropbox folder... Many thanks to the modders ! A few pictures... I tried to upload the scenario to the scenario depot but that did not work...probably due to the size because of the mods... You can download it here... https://www.dropbox.com/s/b92xe0wl4r685sa/Rats%20in%20Gabes.rar?dl=0 Good luck with the fighting ! / RepsolCBR
  9. hmmm...maybe something is wrong with the page right now... I tried to upload some pictures of my first africa scenario yesterday and that did not work either But then again...Maybe it is not this page that is the problem (atleast not in my case). My photobucket account have been messing with me a bit lately... The scenario is closing in on a finished product and will hopefully be avaliable in a week or two...
  10. Honestly...It sounds that you haven't even read the manual...Is it perhaps not included in the demo ? Move the map... 1... hold down the left mouse button and move the pointer option 2...Move the pointer to the top, bottom, sides of the map to move it or 3...Use the W,A,S,D keys on the keyboard change elevation... 1...Mouse scrollwheel or 2...Number buttons on keyboard rotate the map 1...Move mousepointer to screen corners 2...Use Q and E key 3...Hold down right mousebutton and move mouse I usually use the mouse in combination with the WASD keys to move around...Not difficult at all. The V-key is also very useful. It will instantly flip the wiew 180 degress.
  11. I think that making sure that the scenario has clear weather and daylight conditions will atleast limit strange LOS occurrences as far as possible...
  12. i'm afraid that if you want to create scenarios that feels like 'your own' and fits your prefrences you will need to invest some time creating them. There's pretty much no way around that..... Have you tried loading some QB maps into the editor and go from there. The maps with OPEN terrain should be pretty flat i think. If you use a QB-map for a single player scenario make sure you select an AI plan with no pre made-orders as the active one...
  13. No worries, George I have been quite busy myself the last couple of days. My goal is to have the next report ready for you come next weekend... And...Ice climbing !! That sounds dangerous ...
  14. Thanks for your continues work on this mod. Good stuff ! I have been doing some other things for a few weeks but i will soon get cracking working on my first africa scenario ones again. I have tried your flat-roofed buildings and they look very good. I will most certanly use them in a future scenario but in this first one it would require an almost complete remake of the map to fit them in. Looking forward to your next 'add-on' in this mod-pack... good work !
  15. hello, kch001 No i do not plan to finish this campaign. I have lost scenario 3 and 4. Many, many hours where spent working on those scenarios and i will not try to redo them. These first two scenarios are all there will be. I hope you will enjoy playing them. Any comments regarding these two scenarios will be welcome (good or bad...) I'm currently working on other things... /RepsolCBR
  16. Report from Kampfgruppe von Schroif...All objectives secured. Mission completed ! Today i finished the campaign. The last mission (in the path i followed) has to be one of the best AI-attack/meeting engagement scenarios i have played. Very enjoyable ! The battle swung back and forth several times. I was not pleaced with my initial progress but after some time i felt that i had it under controll but then.... "no, no, NOOOO !!" But then ones again the fortunes of war turned in my favour..."Yes !, Yes ! beatiful !! Take that !!!!". and this went on....until finally VICTORY Many thanks for your massive work on this campaign ! A feedback-report is forthcomming... Cheers / RepsolCBR
  17. Hello... I have been able to find the files from the first two scenarios in this 'would have been' campaign if i had not misstakingly deleted the whole thing... It is not much of a campaign left but if some of you would like to play them as single scenarios (wich will work fine...) i have uploaded them to dropbox. links: mission 1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uuyiomlbgyzwvtc/the precious few 1.btt?dl=0 mission 2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yx8boc1ufqd48rs/the precious few 2.btt?dl=0 / RepsolCBR
  18. Glad you liked the screens, AAR, guys. I'm currently involved in heavy fighting in the subsequent scenario...NICE !
  19. I think there are some nice pictures in there... Kind of showcasing the graphical quality of CM... When this amount of work have gone into the maps it really looks very, very good !
  20. I'm glad this upload worked ! The old forum had a restriction of 5 pictures/post IIRC. That would have ment something like 40 posts... This went alot smoother And...Nice to have a place in the record books
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