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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I wounder how allied airpower will be able to handle that thing...Perhaps that could be a good counter (weather permitting)
  2. I guess this is what happenned... The way things turned out Bils attack failed but as you mentioned...He's still in the game. Although his losses will be hard to take they might not be decisive. He may still turn this thing around. The next couple of turns will be intresting to follow. Had he commited fully to this attack and failed it would be all over ! He might have hesitated somewhat to fully commit to this plan considdering the effects of a failure...A bold plan it was...No doubt
  3. I don't think that it is the power/protection of the Jagdtiger that is the only reason for Bils current situation... I think he did a misstake with his initial advance on his left flank. He left good reverse slope possitions and advanced into a not fully ID:ed enemy possition. Something that in my oppinion was quite unneccesary. It would have been better to let Baneman do the advancing and wait for him to come across the crest of that first ridge or through Coburn and deal with them...many on few. Using his scouts to observe Banemans movements and possition his armour accordingly. Not as aggressive obviously and perhaps not as good an AAR...but better imo
  4. Ouch ! Your options for taking that thing out is quickly dvindling away... I'm looking forward to see if you will be able to stop it (and the german attack as a whole). Good luck !
  5. Intresting... Maybe it will be as a result of failing to achive the objectives in an - reach supplydump - mission. Or... a new feature ! I'm guessing...Option one.
  6. Excellent post ! First glimpts of the JagdTiger in action...I guess we will soon find out what the reload-time is on that sucker... It looks like it has more targets in sight...
  7. Have you checked the LOS from the hellcats possition towards your haltrack ? At groundlevel and also level 2 (this might be the turret hight)...
  8. Go Kitty, GO !! I hope you will get a break and get some good LOS/LOF both with Big K and the VG-Panther... The LOS/LOF have not been on your side so far...Its time for some payback !!
  9. One of my hopes for the future of CM is that BFC or some partner to BFC will get working on providing us with seperate OOBs from diffenent countries and time-periods... No campaigns, No scenarios...Simply the OOBs...and sell those as sort of 'packs'... Some examples... - Current day IRANIANS... - Current day NORTH KOREANS - Desert storm timefame IRAKIES and COALITTION FORCES - ISRAELI FORCES...current day as well as OOBs from the Israel - arab war timeperiods... Combine these OOB packs with TERRAIN/BUILDING packs and we will have us quite a sandbox enviroment to be able to create a wide variety of scenarios... I know this is not likely to happen but it would be a cool idea...
  10. I would go for option 1... I think dismounted infantry are to slow in these condisions to be able to supprise, fool or overwhelm Bils 'armoured-defence'... Like have been suggested previously...Have the JagdTiger lead the way to take some of the initial blows...shortely followed by the remaining Panthers (less then a turn behind)... The JagdTiger need to get into the fight !
  11. I think that very much would depend on the situation... - What are the current threatlevel to the crew if they bail out as opposed to remain in the tank...? - Will they still be able to assist friendly forces in a meaningful way if they remain in the tank (they still have a working gun and machineguns..) or not ? I don't think that an automatic bailout and withdraw would be an improvement to the current system...
  12. My guess would be that BFC will provide the battlepacks with some kind of licencing...simular to basegames or modules.... Otherwise it might be difficult to prevent extensive...sharing...
  13. I hope so to... I think this is the best bet we have of getting a steady flow of new scenarios and campaigns since the free community made scenarios are few and far between... A partnership between BFC and some of the talented community members to produce 'battle packs' is a brilliant idea imo and i hope it will be s success that can be expanded upon to involve more and more 'developers'...hopefully leading to mulitple battlepacks every year ! The price...10 dollars...is ridicoluisly cheap...for the amount of work spent on this... An instant buy...No question...
  14. If i recall correctly there are a few threads scarttered among the different CM2-title forums (CMBN, CMFI, CMRT, CMBS) that deals with various parts of scenario design... But nothing as comprehensive as JonS AAR/tutorial i think... You could try to find them or why no...Ask any SPECIFIC questions you might have regarding AI programming right here... Some of the more experienced scenariodesigners will most likely answer them for you...
  15. Banemans Picture 4 and 5 on the first page of this thread shows the UI at the bottom...or do you mean something else ?
  16. Jesus christ ! Can't you ever post ANYTHING possitive... Is your personal goal here to get others so irritated that they start calling you names...Thereby having every thread you visit locked...?
  17. Their plan is the natural way forward imo... I think most people wants another module for each of the other basegames (CMRT, CMFI and CMBS). Scenariopacks will also be a very welcome addition i'm sure...
  18. Thanks...good to know... I'd hate it if i ruined this christmas drama...
  19. No problems...You might be right...Others might agree with you (hopefully not though)... Mary christmas to you to...
  20. Have a look at the picture posted 6:48 in banemans thread... shows 5 tanks backing up...does it not ? (besides the already killed...) I hope i have not given anything away...That was not my intention...
  21. By God,,,I hope not ! Baneman have clearly identified those tanks backing up to behind the ridge.... I don't know what i could have revealed ?
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