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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. I would like to thank Darknight Canuck once again, who has been providing me with a wealth of references, it's much nicer to work with such a human-encyclopedia.
  2. JagdTiger..., but only 10 degrees to the left and ten to the right ,
  3. Indeed they are frigo, eventually! Hope you like them!
  4. Umm, odd, this is the very first time that this happens to me, so my brain is still in the "not possible, must be alright" process....I'll wait for an hour and if not available then, I will reupload them.
  5. No idea, but just in case, I refrain from modding them.
  6. Ok, after Priest and Cromwell IV (uploaded already on Friday and Sunday respectively but not available yet...), it's time for an old friend which has less polygons than the US version (?¿) and some odd shadows cast in the hull..¿? Sherman II.
  7. I have tried the same in the past, but the "Replace color..." command it´s not helping too much. So I decided to desaturate the layer completely, recolorize the whole texture with the base color I wanted using Hue Saturation command and the finally use clone stamp to delete the final former camouflage completely. It´s a headache and time consuming...The final part was to replace some of the textures (like wheels, tools,...etc) who had appropiate colors by cutting samples from the original texture and pasting them back to the modified bitmap.
  8. I thought I would post some opinions on the vehicle textures of the CW module, since they have been object of debate lately. Sure there is a bittersweet feeling, a strange mix of ugly, good and delicious there as far as texture is concerning. I would say Cromwell, Otter, Carriers, Churchills, Jagdpanther, Daimlers, Humbers, Staghound, Stuarts, White SC, M5 HTs and Bedford Trucks are to be categorized as excellent and a joy to mod. On a second level, would be the Shermans (which seem to have less 3D detail than their american mates?), Sexton, Achilles, Jeeps (which has some ugly mapping problems), Priest and Wolverine, which are not bad but not as good as the ones posted above. Recolouring some of the textures to match CW greener shades of CW vehicles made some of the textures to look lime green. And finally, some vehicles that don't match the quality we came to expect from CMBN: Lynx, Wespe, Marder (IMO, worse then CMBN) and KingTiger. So German vehicles seem to have suffered the worst part. All in all, specific CW vehicles (those not from American origin) are the best of the lot and the above mentioned german tanks would hugely benefit from a make up. Surprised to see such a mixture of quality in texturing, not very coherent, but I suspect that's what happens when you work with different artists and timelines. Anyway, thanks BFC for a work well done (even if that Wespe hurts my eyes ).
  9. Here you are, six decal options (plus vanilla weathered): Mod almost finished, track links and wheels to be improved...Available on Monday.
  10. Sure! hehe,..depending on a random 3D model load they may even have 3 in a row!
  11. Adding some nice decals... ( 6 decal sets to be included)
  12. ..and this what happens after some more hours of work,...I think it will be ready in 3 or 4 days (of maniac removing, adding and retouching), lots of decals to be added too!!
  13. This may take a LOT of time to get it right, buy I really like the vanilla base texture...so I will try my best. Very early phase pic so that you can see what I see as I start modding...
  14. Great. Uniforms now look so...out of place...
  15. Patboy's mod includes everything, Erwin. You don't need my mod installed.
  16. Eventually, I have included 3 sets for the Heavily weathered Priest (artistic license...) and three for "softly" weathered vehicles. The ones in the picture are heavily weathered, so don't worry if you consider it to be non-historical, you may like the lighter version... (I also have included an improved version of the "Us gear.bmp", that is, ammo and food boxes, ....you can see it at the back of the Priest where tons of stuff were piled).
  17. Ok, I will include two optional weathering levels in this one then...
  18. What a great job...eagerly awaiting to click "Download".
  19. Next the Priest ...(the Cromwell will be after this)...I bet you can say what hasn't been modded yet...can't you? I am not sure if I should remove a layer or two to decrease the weathering amount...
  20. If you spent hours and hours looking at the tiniest detail of these vanilla textures, you wouldn't say that, they are very very good ( I can sense the shadow of MickeyD behind me from time to time...scary;) ), but thanks, of course, .
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