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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Thanks guys, helps me to go on,...adding particles and artifacts, 4 layers for every explosion BMP (there 25, sad explosion still are 2D though,..). Same explosion sequence, 0.2 secs after: P.S. I know I know, Hollywoodesque , but it is starting to grow on me, I won´t go back now,...too much time wasted already!
  2. Explosion Mod has come to a stop. Hundreds or MB have gone to the trashcan alreasy,...and still, can get it right, I don´t know if I am over ambitious, or my skills are not on par with my aim, but this mod is my hardest mod, ever,...I may release it as unofficial, not Aris approved one,...will see,...
  3. I guess is just a matter of playing with the mod and without it long enough, and choose. Sooner than later, you will realize what you like the most. Changes are tough for the mind, comparing is unavoidable, but eventually you will say "ok, I got used to it, and I like it" whatever the option is, of course.
  4. I don't mind criticism phil, thanks for the feedback, I won' have too much time for modding in the following days,...but, you can try other great smoke mods in the meantime
  5. Ok ok, two requests in 2 minutes! I'll see what can I do,...Explosion MOd leaves nearly no time for anything else though,..
  6. Oh no! No hiring please, I am a FREE freelancer!!I would hate to work on schedule,...under pressure,....no, not for me, thanks
  7. Thanks for the feedback Childress, well,...as It Happens, impossible to make everyone happy...It would be annoying to make versions and subversions of my mods to please everyone, so what you see is what you get. Maybe next mods will be more of your liking...I hope.
  8. I am planning to do an explosion Mod, actually I am making it, but it's a very delicate complicated and time consuming job!
  9. This mod affects ALL types of smoke ingame. Dust in roads, and mortar explosions, black smoke from burning vehicles, white smoke from grenades and other smoke ammo,etc,... Drakenlorde made an AMAZING set of flames, I won't try to improve them, 40+bitmaps with alphas (which I personally hate ...), I love and use them myself, and so I told him in the forum. So, let's improve what CAN be improved
  10. I am not sure either, I love the cloud textures myself but I will have to find a fix for that annoying effect,...
  11. Poor boys, they had to die so that this modder could take pics,...
  12. NEW SMOKE textures: can you notice the difference? I now love to move my tanks on FAST over dusty roads! (NO Photoshop on the pics):
  13. BTW, if only something like this could be implemented,...Dream on,...: http://www.footagefirm.com/free-fiery-explosions-vol-2-special-effects.html
  14. Explosions can be modified so that they have smoke, particles or fragments,...but the explosion in CMx2 lasts about 2 secs maximum, so the human eyes can barely notice the subtleties most of the time. I could make them bigger, and more colourful, for sure, (and I will,...) but in a 2 second lapse is very difficult to enjoy a Hollywood show, Fire and flames , on the other hand are WAY more enjoyable from a modders standpoint, since the sequence is much longer.
  15. Thanks guys for the feedback, appraises, and critic. For now, I am dedicated to something completeley new to me. Explosions for CMFI. Something very difficult to me. I tried it in the past, one year ago, and I felt it was beyond my skills, until now,...or so I hope. I'll keep you informed on this project. If textures don´t end in the trashcan, that is...
  16. Highway tiles, ok, I'll see what can I do... Edit: Maybe...something like this?
  17. Yes, I could have modified the Color Balance, but that will have to wait, for the Terrain Add-on Pack, I am preparing :Walls will be modified this time, some of the walls from CMBN could be used in CMFI...but what would be the fun?
  18. Ok, mod ready, soon to be uploaded to CMMODs (and available at the Repository on Monday). New Horizons and... New Clouds. Hope you like it. NO Photoshop on these ones:
  19. Anyone noticed this glitch in the stock horizon? I have been trying to fix it, but it seems plain impossible...
  20. Well, my latest Landscape (the one appearing in the previous post) is working nicely and matches the terrain and Theater nicely, quite happy with it. So I will work on it exclusively from now on. It will be ready soon. I think it´s very atmospheric and good for taking screenshots!
  21. Let me learn something more about landscape modding and then,.... This is another, very Mediterranean "not so" distant ground test:
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