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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. More tests...and experiments, this time what you see is actual Sicily, Prizzi area...120kms from Gela.
  2. This is one experiment Learning to make distant grounds, I ended up with something more suitable for Tunisia though,...
  3. We would need someone with the ability to create 3D objects and port them to a CM compatible format. Not something a humble modder like me has learn´t...yet. A pro work I would say...only the 3D editing programs are hundreds of euros, and the skills needed are very tough to get.
  4. I may give it a try. The problem is that Distant Ground BMP is repeteadly used and tiled. It MUST be seamless, good looking from closer ranges and far away. Blended with the terrain and the distant mountains too,...quite a challenge. Blending it with distant terrain would imply a very diffuse and blurred bitmap from close range, so it´s kind of a compromise. Regarding color, it may better blended with mountains, but not with the game terrain itself...but I will give it a go someday this week.
  5. Doodads are 3D plants, flowers, grass, clover, bushes, etc
  6. Doodads were packed in a different folder as I suspected this kind of opinion, Glad you like it!
  7. I have been thinking about creating a Torrent file which has all of my mods in just one pack, just unzip and drop to Z( that would be good, huh? , well,...maybe, one of these days,...
  8. Uploading to CMMODs, this is version 1.0 or 0.9 I should say (as you may find some bugs,...no testers were harmed in the making of this mod after all) I may update it someday,...or not. It seemed impossible to me at first, but I think I have improved the terrain,...time (and you guys) will tell...File size...270 MBs! This has been the most challenging mod I have ever made...in any game...Terrain Modding is not as easy as vehicle modding to me. Enjoy! P.S: I haven´t modded trees and some other foliage. 95% of doodads are modded anyway, and I think you may notice the difference this makes now. No walls were modded either, this "may" come in a future mod ( I should say "WILL").
  9. Your will is my command,... ...don't know if they will meet your expectations, but I like them better know. Hope you will too.
  10. Mod is 95% ready, Doodads will come in a separate Pack, as they must blend with the new textures color balance (stock ones are way to green as it happened in CMBN...). Most of the new textures are new now and are HD (bigger size, better detail) so the mod will be quite big in size...so I will use CMMMODS exclusively to avoid file splitting, just one file is what I look for. Regarding performance,...I bet you won´t notice the difference,...
  11. Someone asked for a more random pattern, less repetitive Heavy Rock texture in this thread...well, I love feedback (we don´t come to see it often, we modders), so here is my gratitude for him...Directly from Catch a Tiger scenario,...new Heavy Rocks:
  12. Thanks for the tips, but... The game engine doesn´t recognize the texture and loads the default one. I think we are tied to what we have.
  13. Tested, sadly doesn´t work. There is no way to add normal maps to simple textures. That would be a very welcomed feature for future modules... Where are bump maps stored?
  14. If it was possible to add normal maps to terrain textures, then, man, that would be just great. At the moment, vehicles have them and paved roads too, but other stock textures lack them. Does anybody know if adding normal maps to Z would work?
  15. There are two pavement textures in FI, this the second one, in combination with a new dirt road texture:
  16. Yes, but , well,...it started being little, and now it's growing more than I anticipated,... Another change:
  17. Broadsword, if you want a Tunisian, more desertical sand for your pack, just let me know,...
  18. Yes Bimmer, those Heavy Rocks are one of my headaches. Hard to improve, but will eventually find something, I am sure. Thanks for the feedback.
  19. All the following screenshots are NOT photoshoped in any way,....work goes very well, and quickly:
  20. A VERY difficult texture to improve...rocks of all types are greatly done in stock graphics...this is the best I could do...
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