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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. To sum up all the work, I am doing, I have decided to open one thread for my whole project. I will create a campaign pack, including 3 campaigns. Name will be "Against all Odds" in reminescence at an old superb CMBO-Campaign. "Tiger Trail" Belorussia summer 1944 "Final Hope" South of Berlin spring 1945 "Broken Fortress" East Prussia winter 1945 At the moment, there is enough F&R stuff for players soon after the release. So, estimated arrival time of this pack will be in 12-18 months.
  2. Some impressions of the Autobahn Bridge near Fuerstenwalde, where mixed forces of Heer and Waffen-SS tried to hold a bridgehead to the north until 25th April 1945, in order to rescue the last rearguard from Festung Frankfurt/Oder...
  3. Early stage of some testing. Young grenadiers of ID "Scharnhorst" fighting in the outskirts of Beelitz, facing heavy Soviet Tanks for the first time.
  4. Some new impressions of map work in progress. Southwest of Frankfurt/Oder, the defenders of the so called fortress broke out on 23rd April 1945 along the "Reichs-Autobahn 12" Frankfurt - Berlin.
  5. Interesting source Aragorn Ideal conditions for a campaign ! Huge variety of forces, including everything except SS-formations. I am working on two F&R campaigns at the moment, what means a ton of work, but in my head the idea is slowly growing, to generate a whole CM F&R Campaign/Battle Pack...and East Prussia had definitely to take place in such a project
  6. Progress of map making is going on. So, I hope to be able to start the playtesting with both of my Campaign projects within the next weeks. This Campaign will finally include 16 single battles from 23rd April 1945 in the area of Frankfurt/Oder to 7th May 1945 at the Elbe-River.
  7. Some impressions of the area eastwards the small town of Fischbeck. Here, the Divisions "Scharnhorst" and "Ulrich von Hutten" of 12th Army fought their desperate fight to hold the thin frontlines around the last bridgehead from 4th May until 7th May, when General Wenck and his staff were the last to cross the Elbe River in a small motorboat.
  8. A new map is finished. 2km south to the famous Elbe-Bridge in Tangermuende, in the morning hours of 7th May 1945, a small unit of Division "Scharnhorst" had to counterattack a Soviet assault, which almost reached the Elbe River bank and threatened the evacuation of the remnants of 12th and 9th Army.
  9. @Aragorn: Yes, their uniforms and helmets Even their generals wore the same pants as their predecessors in the German Army of WW II
  10. Even the Warsaw Pact Army of the GDR (the NVA/Nationale Volksarmee) used the exact style/dress cut of the "Wehrmacht-Uniform" during Cold War
  11. Some more impressions of map work in progress...the small town of Halbe, where the remnants of 9th Army started their desperate attempt to break out...
  12. Always thought, they started the CM-Project in their Twenties....
  13. If I understand correctly - the future vision for CM is to create more battlepacks and such a stuff ? Expanding content is always very welcome Will there definitely come another module, which brings FB to the end of the Westfront ? And a charmless question: How old is the developer team in average ? You are producing CM since 1999 (I bought CMBO in 2001 and it almost killed my university career... especially after CMBB arrived ) - so, the leaders should be around 40-45 ?? Enough time to develop CM3... Regards Mr.X
  14. @wadepm: Thank you for these info. Very interesting! Is this guy still active with CM? There should be a Russian Multimillionaire who sponsored the Eastfront Titles
  15. Did I miss something? CM Fortress Italy was initiated by a private guy, who payed for the development ???
  16. While waiting for F&R Release, 4 of 16 Maps of this campaign are more or less finished. This is the Master-Map of the Region south to the town of Beelitz. Along this famous embankment, there was the furthest east position of 12th Army - on May 1st 1945 the spearhead of the forces breaking out from the "Halbe-Pocket" arrived here...
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