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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. I was thinking an AMX-30 but the drivers hatch is central, on the AMX it is offset to the left (bloody Euros on the wrong side again). It looks too similar to the M-60 to not be American but the side mounted IR searchlight has me stumped.
  2. here you go, not a real good graph but it is a start http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_spaceflights I am with you again (shudder A Kiwi and all !) so much better if we were looking above and beyond
  3. So killing should be answered with killing? They kill and cheer in the streets then we kill and cheer in the streets, I was saddened the other night by the scenes of jubilation in America mainly because it looked just like down town Baghdad with different hair styles. You do not defeat your enemy by becoming your enemy in fact you hand them victory. I did read what you wrote and the Somali Pirate situation is a prime example of where might is not working. Large numbers of the world's navies are engaged in the region in an attempt to provide security which, as you listed, is not very successful. The riches (booty?) that can be had by the pirates far outweigh any risks they might expose themselves to. So shooting them is never going to be the solution unless you intend to kill them all. What needs to happen is to take away the motivation to commit piracy and you can only do that by placing them in a situation where they have more to lose than gain from piracy. That involves giving them stability. Killing is easy, pick up a gun and boom it's done. Actually solving the problem is hard.
  4. So why do we have police and prisons? That is just silly to suggest if you break the law you are no longer protected by it. Should people should be executed for stealing? Name one instance where "fannying about" or perhaps you mean taking a civilised approach to a problem has caused more problems that it solved? I am not talking about political correctness or pandering to the terrorists I am simply looking for a solution that works because the current thinking is not really getting us anywhere.
  5. No rule of law is not petty revenge or any other form of revenge. It is punishment and rehabilitation.
  6. 100% with JonS on this one. Having a "hit team" assassinate some one, who ever they may be, is not a way forward out of the eye for an eye loop. Having said that it appears that a genuine attempt was made to capture Bin Laden with, presumably, the goal being to have him face an international court. It didn't pan out that way and another person has died. I don't see that anything other than petty revenge has been achieved.
  7. I think he means can you put AT Guns into damaged buildings. Not sure if CM:BN is modelled to that level but it would depend on the size of the gun, anything over the size of a Pak38 / 6lbr / 57mm I would think would be very hard to man handle which would preclude it being placed anywhere a vehicle can't tow it, or a very short easy push for the crew
  8. Is there a way to place a bitmap in the map editor? What I am thinking here is to get an aerial photo, resize it to the correct scale and then in the map editor "colour it in" with the game terrain tiles.
  9. +1 on that one. I would hate for CM to become a Formula 1 type game where you could calculate and predict everything to the microsecond much better for my mind to play by "feel" . The more fuzziness in your command process the better.
  10. Only thing with CMSF, when I first bought it, it sucked and I hated it. A year went by and I came back to it and it was great, I think a new system in the interim helped.
  11. Well I don't know about CM:BN but I do know in CM:SF and the CM:x1 the troops do press on into fire a bit more than you might expect. past the point where they would have taken cover, or at least halted.
  12. I'd share that feeling if I thought for a moment that this would mean it is all over, maybe it can be used as a face saving watershed to realign foreign policy for the US but I am not hopeful.
  13. No, it's just that the others are Hobbits and cannot reach the hatches to get out.
  14. Circumference maybe, not diameter I don't agree you can see quite clearly that the tank I brought to a halt by the trees and it is not a lack of vision, you can see the tank straining against the resistance. Actually the correct term is Momentum
  15. ahhh ??? Your opinion is hairy ? I think you will be invited to (ahem) SOD OFF !!
  16. NO put them down this instant you don't know where they have been !
  17. Can't see how a module themed on Market Garden would include the French who were well to the south but were there really any major changes in the Allied forces up to November? The Scheldt Estuary will require the Royal Marines, Canadians and the US so you'd be looking at the Commonwealth and base modules for that.
  18. Ah but that is a BRITISH film, entirely different kettle of fish.
  19. That could be a .................. useful ......... skill
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