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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. I don't think so, take a look at the video that is posted above. The Leo 1 goes fine through trees (saplings really) that are about 100mm or less in diameter. Most of what it is cruising through are just young pines but see the problem it has when it crashes into the creek bed. Also have a look at 2:20 which I would call a small tree and then at 3:30 at a medium tree and see the drama the tank has. Again at 4:30 on see the trouble it has with scattered light timber and again at 10:00 in the thicker forest with still quite small trees. Tank hates trees at the best of times, no chance in a mature hardwood forest.
  2. As an Australian Scot I am drawn as to whether to demand a Didgeridoo as well or slap my countryman for his implied disrespect of the pibroch !
  3. M47's actually but I am pretty sure Hitler didn't have too many of them either and the US Army had nowhere near that many M24's, mind you Tigers, Panthers and Shermans were probably pretty hard to come by by the time the movie was made.
  4. And you remember what happened the last time, in came the Echidnatruppen and EVERYONE was crying foul !
  5. James MacArthur, ironically died in October last year just after the remake of 5-0 premiered.
  6. Advance the timeline? I am guessing that the base and Commonwealth modules cover the fighting in Normandy which is June to August 1944, Market Garden was September 1944 1 month.
  7. I empathise with your thoughts there but really that can be said of any war. I had a distinct shortage of Uncles growing up because of WW2. For me the experience of wargaming brought their reality a little closer to me so I could get a small inkling of what they may have gone through. Modelling the modern genre I believe makes us better equipped to understand the issues at hand and maybe make better choices when we are judging the politicians who put our children in these situations.
  8. Depends on how many copies of the box set and download bandwidth will be available. If things are tight my advice would be to wait until I have my copy then do what you wish.
  9. The problem is the roots, it is highly unlikely you would sever a tree trunk so more likely you will push it over if it is a small one or come to a screaming halt if it is a big one. If you do push it over then you have this huge root ball underneath the tank which can easily lift a tank off the ground it only takes a little bit of a lift to lower the ground pressure to the point where you have no traction. -oh- I am a tree grog -oh-
  10. Oh come on the final charge of 200 Chaffee's across the open fields cutting down the evil SS is the seminal work in Armoured Colleges to this day. Besides the fuel drum thing was a simple mistake "Hey ? I thought you said the offensive failed because they ran INTO fuel, not OUT OF fuel"
  11. Trees are strong too, I have seen many a Caterpillar D10 have a world of trouble with a tree of even a modest size.
  12. How about a Falklands Module? There are hardy any games of this conflict about.
  13. Yes I agree but I think it would be bad marketing that if I wanted to get the whole series I find that some modules contain a whole stack of new things, 21AG, SS, FJ, Scenarios, Campaigns and terrain and other contains everything I already have with different terrain and scenarios. To put it another way, the choices are : I'll sell you 2 eggs and a piece of toast for $10 or 2 eggs and a glass of OJ for $10. If you want 2 eggs, a piece of toast and some OJ then you are up for $20 and you'll have 4 eggs.
  14. Herds of disabled sheep True enough I have been told on numerous occasions it was because "Monty was like a douche, end of". Think I would remember, must be getting old. My only concern there would be the value for money perception if the MG module costs the same as the CW module and really just contains a compendium of the modules that have gone before with a few new bits I would feel a bit ripped off I think. For my money I would think the best configuration would be to leave the FJ out of the CW model and make MG a kind of Airborne module. So the new units in the game would be the UK/Pole Abn , US Abn and FJ. To make the module complete you can add in a repeat of the SS. If you want to be able to game with XXX Corps then you need to buy the CW module, if you don't then you won't. Kinda fits in a bit in that if you just want to do just the US stuff for example you can buy the base module and add MG and you could then do all situations in the US NWE campaign from D-Day to VE-Day. We Commonwealtheans need all 3 but that is OK because our dollar is worth more than yours now.
  15. Me too always good to have a stable of different games at different scales in different time periods. Crikey I still play The Operational Art of War !
  16. Perhaps we should read a goats entrails? or tea leaves ?
  17. install it all from basic to NATO with out any patches. Then only do the final 1.31 patch. Worked for me on Win 7
  18. Noob was looking at something alone these lines https://sites.google.com/site/cmbnoperationcarentan/
  19. Lesser tubes might give you longer firing times perhaps? Not sure if the ammo is counted on a per tube or per battery level. so 1 tube can fire at heavy rate four times as long as 4 tubes ?
  20. Who knows, ask BFC direct I guess. One thing tho' is that the statement has been made that one module will not rely on another, so that should mean that the Market Garden Module will not rely on the Commonwealth module, I don't see how that is possible really but if that is the case it would mean the US, UK and Polish Airborne are in the MG module. Not sure what you do about XXX Corps though.
  21. I didn't say that, only talking about the infantry in the module.
  22. Do the Construction Battalions still exist ? Probably not I suppose but I remember them as being one of the first things I ever read about in the Pacific Theatre.
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