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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. WOW, how many war / horror films have their been ? Mind you if I had to be stalked by a super-natural beast I guess I would rather be in a King Tiger than anywhere else.
  2. hmmmm, interesting never thought of it like that. Can one be rasict if you are of the same race ? not sure
  3. Yes that is what happened to me too I had a lot of things named "Stug III" There must be a fair amount of latent stuff in the game engine for the up coming WW2 games.
  4. I don't see how dubious anecdotes of prisoners bragging about how many they have killed equates to greater combat prowess of their respective armies. Quite the opposite in fact, killing of civilians and raping of women points to ill discipline and a lack of professionalism.
  5. Nah, still can't see it myself. Despite all of the supposed advantages that the Germans had they still only inflicted parity casualties on the Allies, who where engaged in a number of high risk operations like airborne assaults, amphibious landings, attacking bocage and attacking the elite panzers. Sure they had difficulty in manoeuvre and supply because of the air supremacy of the Allies but we have seen else where that the impact was somewhat overrated and the Allies did lose huge numbers of aircrew to German AA. Veteran commanders ? Not really the British particularly had many experienced commanders but also within the US ranks were many veterans of Italy. MG42, good gun for sure but its superiority really came out in the MMG/HMG role and in reality at the squad level it was not a huge amount different to the bren, the US BAR bears no comparison. Panthers - debate continues but the results where of the 2k German tanks in Normandy 100 odd survived. Don't forget too that any German company or battalion in France in mid-1944 would be suffering the privations mentioned above so for my money the answer is without a doubt "NO" and history supports this.
  6. Yes sorry my mistake it makes all the difference .............
  7. The thing that spoiled that movie for me? It is von Rundstedt and Model at the map table working out where to send the SS panzers and some how working out that the Allies only had enough for one attack and then asking who would lead it "Mongomery ? OOOOO HO HO HO HO oh Valter you always making the yoke ! " (this about the bloke who just kicked their butts in Normandy) Nien it will be Patton, so let's get the units that will be most needed to stop him and move it to the other end of the front ................ That sort of rubbish was really to sell the film to the US market and really destroyed any historical value it might have had. Was it a Bulldog or a Chaffee that gets pushed out of the way?
  8. No that is correct, pommie soldiers are skirts
  9. I un-installed the base game then reinstalled everything. No need to patch as the NATO one brings it all up to speed. The weird names thing is as a result of incompatible patches.
  10. I'd be think less about an absolute number and look more at "casualties over time". A unit might sustain 50% casualties over a week and be ok but on the other hand 10% in 5 minutes could leave it devastated. Think of a section of 10 men. In an advance if one man falls every 2 minutes the unit is likely to keep going as the casualties are mounting steadily, where as if 5 of them are taken down in one hit chances are the other 5 will stop in their tracks.
  11. I guess the nearest you might get to semi historical is the "Docu-drama" where actual factual events are padded out with fictional dialogue and minor actions.
  12. The leather pants are fine by me, and I have to say it wasn't the first thing I looked at but it did run a close second. Must take a stalwart soul to be trundling about a live fire range in a bumble bee colour WW2 tank! Any idea why it is a Firefly turret on an Easy 8 hull ?
  13. Just as an aside, I don't think that any of the Navy Gunline was at anchor.
  14. I do both, do I thank myself twice or just the once but say your welcome twice?
  15. I think you can pretty safely say that if an engagement was within range of the coast that Naval Gunfire Support would possibly be available. A similar wiki of the HMS Warspite shows her continuing to support operations in Holland.
  16. True enough, the Aussie Armoured Corps used the Centurions and M113's to get effect. Yes I have always been very disappointed that the Arab / Israeli Wars are taboo, it is a fascinating series of conflicts and would make for a great game.
  17. Looks strangely like the same butt that was in those camo pants on the other thread
  18. FO tank .......... cunning camo for an FO tank
  19. What on earth is that ? It looks like a Firefly turret with HVSS running gear ?
  20. Have you ever been in combat in chilly weather ? This is no joke. I am of course expecting the Jumbuckdingodonger to be included in due course. This Australian adaptation of the Kampfraumheizung was significantly different to warrant separate inclusion.
  21. We do, I was just using that to get you fellas to think out side the square, (or States)
  22. True enough for sure but the crux is that in Combat Mission you are everybody, not just the commander.
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