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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. It was never quite the same after Stuart Littlemore left. Like Aff says it had it's devout followers but was never a really serious "Media Watchdog" I'm sure there are similar goings on in the press all over the world but no press seems to be quite as Machiavellian as the UK press, not sure why. The Economist puts it down to the super competitiveness of the UK media but surly there is more to it than that?
  2. Actually if you could keep going with the quoting of my posts? I'd love to have this thread turned into a Compendium of OZ, thanks for all your hard work. If you could work in a challenge at some stage too, rules are rules after all. Oh and keep up the "lad" thing. One of the main attractions of the Peng threads is being called that, makes one feel young again.
  3. Crikey ! I reckon yer fair dinkum true blue on the knocker there !
  4. OK got it, but I can berate people for posting in other threads more than I would like them too ?
  5. Do you actually have a point Yek or is this the lead up to a CMBN challenge, the stated purpose of this thread ?
  6. LOL, excellent stuff lads, especially since it confines itself to challenges for CMBN and the resultant AAR's. I though thingy references were forbidden? Mind you, Yeknodathon (which is remarkably like the sound my dog makes when he spew's) is so poorly equipped I guess it doesn't count. Oh by the by, Magpies are mainly insectivorous so the seedy thing is not really going to be all that effective. Carrying on like a pommie toss pot is ok, indeed is to be expected from you, but you could at least try for a little accuracy. I'd stick to being a Overlord (elect) Stuka, you and your family will starve if your trying for Cess Pool Poet Laureate.
  7. I find the Hide/unhide thing a bit of a pain too, the Deploy/Pack Up too. There doesn't seem to be a definitive way to see what the status is. The terrain thing is a bummer but thing is it is a different world now I believe. Whether you are in scattered trees or not now is irrelevant, it is whether you are behind a particular tree or not that is important. Having lots of trees in front of you increases the likelihood of the bullet hitting the tree but to all intents and purposes your men are standing in open ground.
  8. Lower volume of fire over a larger period of time I'd think. Never used it myself I always go full battery
  9. Does any one know what type of entanglement the game wire is meant to represent? Not all wire is equal and it could be an entanglement many metres deep or a single line of concertina wire. You can jump a single line of concertina but spend, quite literally, the rest of your life in a major entanglement.
  10. Well a gun barrel is pretty strong, they are designed to contain and explosion after all. You can "spike" by shoving another round in the end of the barrel and it may crack the barrel but I think a mortar round striking the outside (1 in a billion shot) probably wouldn't really damage the structure of the barrel because the explosion is not contained. Also most of the BANG from an arty round goes out and up not down.
  11. I think he was part of the S2 (Intelligence) team, Hanks got him because he had lost his German speaker.
  12. Ah I see the problem, Occupational Health and Safety regulations prohibit BFC from allowing a pile of junk to be left outside of a doorway , so the "Tidy Bot" cleaned them away.
  13. What if you gave them a Slow move order, i.e. crawling under it ?
  14. Good o thanks for the heads up. I'll tone it down with the opinions and just stick to personal attacks in Pigeon English and likening people to insulting photographs
  15. Why would you want to face a limbered gun?
  16. My wife is a grown up so no gold sparklies, I was thinking more along the lines of the industrial equipment a more mature woman equips herself with, emery boards etc. Nail polish, bright red, makes excellent tail lights. Knives are my only problem, gluing myself to things has never been an issue, but thanks for the tip
  17. Ahhh When all else fails, pull rank, well done. Not sure any of this lot play CMSF?
  18. I seem to recall that all monitors have a "base" resolution i.e. the resolution that they are designed to operate at. Anything away from that may introduce a distortion of some form. I am guessing the key is to set your monitor at the native setting and the game to that as well.
  19. Well managed to make it through more or less unscathed. The M1A2 is pretty much done just all the little extra bits to paint now. Tip: For an amazing array of modelling equipment, raid the wife's cosmetics draw, veritable Aladdin's Cave of files, sponges, paints (erroneously labelled nail polish) etc
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