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A Canadian Cat

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    A Canadian Cat reacted to Artkin in "Assault" order anybody?   
    I use it along fencelines
  2. Like
    A Canadian Cat got a reaction from Lethaface in "Assault" order anybody?   
    I do that too.
    It is also super useful for pathing around through obstacles. For example a small gape in the bocage can cause guys on other teams to get tried of waiting and seek another way around. If you use the assault command the only one team at a time is trying to go through the gap. Cuts down on taking the long way into trouble.
    For the same reason it is my default for building entry too.
  3. Like
    A Canadian Cat got a reaction from PEB14 in "Assault" order anybody?   
    I do that too.
    It is also super useful for pathing around through obstacles. For example a small gape in the bocage can cause guys on other teams to get tried of waiting and seek another way around. If you use the assault command the only one team at a time is trying to go through the gap. Cuts down on taking the long way into trouble.
    For the same reason it is my default for building entry too.
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    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Now if we could get a guided over the horizon PGM tank round with about 10kms range, we could be onto something.  Tanks are big and hot but 10kms out they would make effective mobile self propelled guns. They are already built for integration of fires.  Kinda of a line of steel in front of artillery but behind leading edge infantry/unmanned pairing.  Then if you can make a hole there is rapid precision long range fires able to move quickly.  Unless 10km is still too close.
  5. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    ??  Which one?  The first was over 100 pages long before annexes.
    I want it put in a wine cellar so that I may drink quality in peace before I fade into the dark.
    Come back in a decade or two.  The problem with generations older than us is that they are trying very hard to forget/erase their mistakes. And the one behind us have not made any that they can see yet.  We do not have either luxury.
  6. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Unsurprising.  For the record I am a Gen X, caught between two overly entitled and self-righteous generations - one we are putting into homes, the other through university.
    We have tolerated breaches of "non-aggression and potential genocide" before (see Rawanda, Yugoslavia, Syria and Sudan), so before one climbs on the soapbox, check your history books. 
    You are free to hold onto your position all you like, but do not come in here and "missionary" someone who has been playing these games a lot longer and a lot closer to the heat that you ever will.  I am as free as you are to cast cautious eyes on Ukraine for every reason we did not pull them into NATO before 2022.  On this thread alone I have seen: antisemitism, xenophobic anti-immigration, continual western shaming, possible violations of LOAC, reckless targeting and reports of corruption. 
    Ukraine is a nation worth fighting for and supporting, but high minded principles will only carry so far.  Our interest align..to a point. And always keep an eye on partners and never pretend that they are just like us in every way.
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    A Canadian Cat reacted to FancyCat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Macron might have cornered Scholz admittedly. 
    Same press conference together, 
  8. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Careful.  F-16s are no more of a magic bullet than the M1s/Challies/Leo2s. And they die a lot more visibly.
  9. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Mmm. Good point, and good relevant examples.
    Still, interventuon/separation forces *have* been shown to be successful in various contexts. This would be different in that it'd be a half-and-half (ie, "this area is peaceful so leave us alone or we'll kick you in the balls. Go be dicks to each other over there, where we aren't"), which definitely adds complexity, but not necessarily impossibility.
    The big kicker, I suppose, is that intervention forces are particularly successful when *both* sides want them to be. When only one side wants them there then shenanigans tend to ensue.
  10. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I also think that before Bucha many believed the Russians would act with some semblance of legal restraint.  The idea that they would line people up in the street and execute them, or that the level of war crimes would reach these heights was simply not believable.  It definitely is now, and we know from captured plans and documents that the Russian actually planned systematic torture and executions as a form of stabilization and control - likely thinking to get out ahead of an insurgency.
    I also think most thought the most likely COA was a Russian land grab in the south as an extension of where things got left off in 2014.  A full country invasion was still an outside option.
    I think it is fine to come here and criticize Ukraine when merited (I just did on the strikes on nuclear radars).  But then there is being completely upside down on the issues.  Russian occupation horrors are still to fully come to light.  We already know about children being forcibly deported and men pressed into service.  God knows what hellish stories are still out there.  For Ukraine this war is existential in just about every sense of the word.  Putin is a spiteful little dictator that was pre-planning brutality before this war.  How do people think he will react after getting pants by Ukraine and made to look the fool?  And how do people Russia is going to behave after losing 100k troops?  Ukraine cannot lose this war because what will come next will likely be medieval for them.
  11. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to ArmouredTopHat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    See there it is. That right there tells me you are not Ukrainian at all.

    Obvious to see that thin veil of contempt you have for Ukrainians daring to fight against an invading country. Also hilarious to suggest that Ukrainians 'retreat from a real fight' after literally fighting for years against the Russians. What is up with this crazy idea that Ukrainians are somehow not fighting properly yet Russia is unable to gain much ground at all (After losing over half of their initial gains since the invasion) You do realise that your propaganda makes no sense right?
  12. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Baneman in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do you realise that out of an entire population, "a few of them" could easily be tens or hundreds of thousands of people ?
    You're effectively saying that accepting a level of mass murder is the way forward. And that also doesn't equate with "if they stop resisting, the bloodshed will stop".
    That's just mad thinking, if not propaganda. Cheers, I'm out.
  13. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Fair point.  Maybe you live in Belarus, Europe or even NA.  But what I think you are is a pro-Russian shill pretending to be a Ukrainian.  You have openly argued that Russian war crimes did not happen while promoting what is essentially Ukrainian surrender.  You have access to a lot of dubious social media feeds on Russian support in Ukraine.  Which will be followed by a Czech and Hungarian surrender as "Mighty Russia" swallows up most of Eastern Europe - you are literally reading directly from Putin's hymnal.
    You cite no credible facts, your opinion is compromised, your credibility is completely blown. This makes you one of the worst IO operatives I have ever seen. I am wiling to bet you are a volunteer/amateur crusader who thought this would be a good idea - it was not.  But keep posting and we can all lay down bets as to when you get banned.  Or go silent until the heat cools off and come back for another pass in  a few weeks and drag this thing out. 
  14. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the upside, I think our little forum has made just enough waves to get its own Russian IO op.  Ham fisted and about as elegant as one could expect, but we made the target list!
  15. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Ultradave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just as a general comment about propaganda, I have continually been impressed from page 1 that the overwhelming majority of posts have been well vetted, or if not, along the lines of "I found this, can anyone confirm?" There are people here with vast experience, and not just militarily, who aren't easily fooled by specious claims. Posting the verified facts and then getting some good discussion on what those mean is very good reading.
    So basically, good job everyone, and keep it up.  I don't post too much - just mainly about things I really know a lot about, and sometimes do catchup reading, but I do read almost everything, and follow a lot of the links.
  16. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Grey_Fox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If you just give Hitler what he wants, he'll be happy and we'll have peace in our time.
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    A Canadian Cat reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we have a russian troll!  He finally gets to his point.  The only way for the suffering to stop is for UKR to capitulate.  I am hoping this post leads to an immediate ban because you are obviously just an RU propagandist.
    And same with NATO countries, the only way to ensure you are not attacked is to capitulate now!  
  18. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Sojourner in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I recommend abandoning Russian propaganda, it greatly distorts reality.
  19. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well yes, you’re right, because pro-Russian parties have been banned in Ukraine.  I’m not aware that they’ve been banned in Czechia so, on the face of it at least, no representation in Czech Parliament means not many people want to be represented by them in Czechia.
    Ok, well that’s your friends’ and relatives’ right, confusing though I may find it (‘I don’t want the trauma and inconvenience of mobilisation, therefore I support the people trying to kill us’ - I mean wtf?!).  What is clear though is that they represent Czech opinion even less than those thousands who turned out to support PRO, don’t they?
  20. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think he is saying that you really have no idea what you are talking about.  Let’s just throw some facts on this little theory of yours.  Here is Hungary’s trading profile:
    So your theory is that Hungary is essentially going to walk away from the west and jump in with Russia, who is currently under an enormous sanctions regime that definitely won’t be lifted any time soon.  
    “The most common destination for the exports of Hungary are Germany ($35.5B), Italy($8.02B), Romania ($7.94B), Slovakia ($6.78B), and Austria ($6.32B).“
  21. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And this is when I stop listening.  If this were remotely true then what is stopping Russia from conducting strikes into Poland right now? This is the complete BS line of thinking that Russia is somehow some unstoppable juggernaut that only Ukraine can possibly stand up to, while the weak kneed western powers are too scared to do anything other than support Ukraine.  This sort of nonsense is the mirror of the pro-Russian crap that we get drive bys on every month or so.  It has no basis in facts and is basically propaganda lines.
    I am about as enthusiastic to being a target of Ukraine IO campaigns as I am being a target of Russian ones.
  22. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    While I don’t wholly agree with the above being a likely scenario (for example I’m not convinced that any amount of “logical thinking” would lead a country to think leaving NATO will make Russia less likely to invade them), it is undeniably an unpleasant one.
    Where I think your argument falls apart is in implying that we should risk actual nuclear war in order to avoid it.
  23. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    When I hear silence from “top officials” and we are talking about some of whom were openly advocating strikes on the UK.  It means everyone is working to keep a lid on things.  It also means there has likely been a lot of traffic behind the scenes.
    The major problem with this strike is that it makes Ukraine appear either incompetent or reckless.  I would actually be more comfortable if Russian officials were publicly making hay.  It would likely mean the site was decommissioned or somesuch and they just want to make noise.  When everyone gets quiet, that is when you need to worry.
  24. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So after two years of this thing, you have not noticed that the Russians tend to up-play things they do not care about and stay silent of stuff they do?  An apartment building gets taken down and it is all over the RUS-IO sphere but things that actually hurt - like deep strikes on oil infra - they really don’t make a fuss. Ya think maybe it is a bit of a ploy?
  25. Like
    A Canadian Cat reacted to hcrof in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interesting signalling coming from the Kremlin. I do think we are seeing early signs of Russia running out of steam but it will be a at least until the end of the year that the cracks become really evident IMO.
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