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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yeah. Don't use that method. The HD point is determined by either the final move point or the target specified on that final point. Above, people are talking about the first method. Do not do that. If for any reason you make a mistake your tank will drive to that point - which is nearly certainly not what you want. You may ask "what mistake"? If your tank starts out in a place where they already have LOS to the HD place then it will never stop moving since it never reached HD. So what you do is add your move orders out of LOS of the place where you want to be HD to. Then specify the HD move command up to the crest of the obstruction. Once there set a target order to the place you want to be HD for. This is a bit iterative just keep tweaking until you get the target command set. This way the worst that can happen is your tank stops at the top of the obstruction. Which is much better than driving down the other side and into the open.
  2. No the core units file is not saved inside the .cam files (or no one know where it is - I actually don't know for 100% certainty). The extracted scenario names are constructed using the campaign file name, the count and the internal scenario name. So, not quite the original names. Yes, you would have to do that. I am not aware of anyone having done that yet. Please report back if you do.
  3. No, the experience setting and available equipment already do this. What we should likely do is up the experience of dedicated scout teams when designing scenarios. As long as the training advantage is appropriate for a given force. Modern NATO armies do select some of their best soldiers to receive recon training, for example. So, if the training infrastructure is in place it would likely be appropriate for a dedicated scout formation have a higher level of training than the line infantry.
  4. Not as a specific "enhancement". However smaller teams are harder to spot so a couple of scouts will be harder for the enemy to spot. Again not as some kind of skill enhancement. However in some TO&Es those formation s will have more experience and better equipment. If so those things will make a difference. That is a factor. So is equipment (scopes, IR, etc).
  5. My MO is to try using group orders for company sized units. What I do is select the whole company, change the focused unit to something either on one of the edges or in the centre depending on where they will be moving. Then I plot some moves for all of them. Then I just check to make sure nothing too crazy was plotted for anyone and adjust as necessary. If the units are in a reasonable formation before the move that is all I need to do. If not I pay attention to the end points so that platoons are in a formation I want them to be in the end. Also I usually add some pauses so that small units (HQ, LMG, FOs etc) don't get ahead of the squads. Last thing you want is the company CO to be leading the charge all by themselves after a few minutes. All of that is for units not in contact. Any contact or likely hood of contact and there is no way I'd do that for a company sized force. Then I would do platoons at the largest and there would be a lot more adjusting and pauses and changes for quick to hunt going on as appropriate for the terrain. Not to mention ending in cover of some kind if possible.
  6. That thought has occurred to me as well. How many heads of state have been killed by any drone so far? I think the number is zero, right? If you mean more people will have access to these weapons, maybe that makes it more likely but will non state actors really get more access than they already have? I'm not sure it changes much to be honest. Clearly this possibility has to be something security teams are paying attention too but I'm not sure the chances go up a lot really. Clearly state actors are refraining from doing such a thing and the non state actors that might don't really have access to many resources with a long range so their choices of targets are limited by geography.
  7. Or, and hear me out, you could just by a nice Windows machine and be happy you saved money and have a great machine.
  8. Only to go into the second floor of an attached building, onto a balcony or onto a roof of an attached building.
  9. I believe that copyright is referring to the game not the image itself. Slitherine does not restrict themselves to in game only pictures the way BFC does. I have no memory for what uniforms may or may not be in there but I am very sure those soldiers' positions riding on the tank are not the animations included in the game. So, I predict that is Slitherine doctored or entirely made up image.
  10. .50 cal can straight up cause friendly casualties. If you saw it with 556 or 762 then it would be more interesting. Maybe. Simulating it is hard. Given the TacAI limitations and human player issues along with orders (not able to say fire on that building until the entry team is within 20m) means that it would be all to easy to create friendly fire incidents that are way above normal. Couple that with the complaints it would generate and I can see BFC just choosing to not tackle improving this aspect of the game any further.
  11. Cool. Back in 2016 I heard about this program "Dutch police fight drones with eagles" (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37342695) It got cancelled in 2017 because training the birds proved harder than expected "Dutch police will stop using drone-hunting eagles since they weren't doing what they're told" (https://www.theverge.com/2017/12/12/16767000/police-netherlands-eagles-rogue-drones) Perhaps every little bit helps. I wish them luck.
  12. Check this out: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/uncategorized/cm2-ww2-combat-mission-career-record-system/ It is pretty dang cool.
  13. The scenario in question identifies itself as and "Axis Probe". I think you can see that on the Battle screen when you have the scenario selected. You can also see that in the scenario editor, plus it is visible here: https://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/FortressItaly/Scenarios/TWC Right Hook at Valguarnera.html For the purpose of the my CM Career Record Tracker I just go with what the author designated it as. That stops all that hard thinking
  14. I don't know why i didn't already say please add me to the list but I am rectifying that now....
  15. If you are already operating at the air field just hit them taxiing or hell parked even.
  16. Ah, I see so the hybrid doesn't refer to the addition of the 17pdr gun but the hull and some of those were converted to Fire flys as well. Thanks
  17. Ah cool. Yep. He was in the first rotation. I forget how long the mission actually lasted but I am pretty sure he handed off before coming home. The observer teams rotated in and out between Islamabad, Pakistan and Kabul along other locations in the north of the country. I have a photo album he made of some pretty cool pictures. I got to visit as a teenager but was not allowed to go to Kabul (their plane actually took fire on a number of occasions and their HQ in Kabul did have a close call or two with artillery fire so, stupid teen was rightfully denied access :-). We had an interesting time off in Islamabad and then Singapore. Great trip great memories. I know it changed his view of the capabilities of the Soviets.
  18. Definitely more robust and better resourced than what we saw in '22. I think yes. In 1989 my father was in Afghanistan observing the Soviet withdrawal. Even though he was watching a force pulling out he was impressed by the professionalism and capability of the Soviets. That was the summary of what he told me. He had a lot more to say to his NATO colleges. He spent his initial years in battalion stationed in Germany in the 1960s so he spent his time then thinking about a possible fight with the Soviets.
  19. But that does not look like a 17pdr gun that looks like a normal 75mm. Am I missing something? Some of the pictures posted by @Frenchy56 look like 17pdrs and others like 75mm. The way I read the post was the hybrid was also a 17pdr. I'm just trying to get this straight in my head. I appreciate all the learning going on.
  20. Indeed a good explanation. Not to mention that it pays to control a bit around the objective some how to prevent the enemy from reentering it especially those pesky human opponents.
  21. @Mad Mike released ScAnCaDe 2.1 which handles Shock Force. You can find it here: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/uncategorized/cmx2-scancade-v2-1-by-mad-mike/
  22. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September's Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Fortress Grosshau CMCW: Iron Within, Iron Without - HvsH - LowTech The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  23. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September's Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Fortress Grosshau CMCW: Iron Within, Iron Without - HvsH - LowTech The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  24. You forgot "and update the community regularly about all things that are going on".
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