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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Nope. If there was a download only pre-order option I would but I don't need stuff shipped to me so I'll just wait for the orders to open up.
  2. For the occupy objective they do have to clear out the enemy from all squares and occupy one square.
  3. I would like to see some T34s though - you are not planning to ditch them all are you? Yeah I am cool with not having much / any arty. We have all seen artillery coming down...
  4. I just want to point out that currently you can have maps that are 300m by 400m so a minimum of 2000 meters will be - ah inconvenient for maps like that. I am hoping you mean there will be a minimum ratio side lengths.
  5. Agreed. I feel better now Especially since Aris stated in a post above that he would not be tagging his mods with his name.
  6. This is the message that sparked my fear. Yes, I have my file rename utility on stand by ready to go. However if you want modders to tag things with their names - which is cool BTW. Us players need a way of specifying what tag(s) we want as the default. Please.
  7. I hope that tags only get used for scenario specific stuff. Yep got one use it when I need it. Would prefer to *not* have to use it on mods. I know. My comment about asking my opponent to add tags was to restore current behaviour if all moders start adding their names to files. I was actually meant as a Reductio ad absurdum example.
  8. In the mean time F12 key selects the previously selected unit and the v key flips the camera 180 degrees. Once you try the F12 key you will know why you need the v key.
  9. Thing is that sounds like PBEM using a network share to sync files between games. Drop box holds the files for each player and you load a turn play it ans send it to the server and your opponent loads it and sends it back. If you use your suggestion you would be replacing the file sharing with data sharing over TCP/IP instead but the same amount of data would have to be shipped back and forth and the same cost of loading up the whole turn would be incurred. It might be slightly quicker if you left your game running because some things would not need to be reloaded. Not sure by how much.
  10. LOL I feel better already. You missunderstood my fear. Let me try again. Right now when you dl and install a mod it works. Us end users do not need to mess with file names. Excellent. The draw back is that having unit specific markings is now a file copy and move exercise. You have addressed this by allowing modders to tag their uniform, portrait or tank mods by, say, a unit id. Again cool. Now you can design a scenario with appropriate tags and unit specific markings will appear in game - if you have matching mods. Again Excellent. No fear so far - pretty happy actually. In all the examples so far people have been using modder names as tags. Now I am getting nervous. Lets say, for the sake of argument, Aris starts tagging all his stuff [aris]. Now I can no longer just dl his stuff and have them work. I have to rename every file to remove the tag or add the [aris] tag to every scenario and QB map and have my opponents do the same so that I can see his vehicles as the default. :eek: Fear.
  11. Sorry to hear things did not work out quite as you wanted. I am glad to hear that you have plans for more improvements and that they will make all play better not just big maps. Frankly this just another example of you guys being responsible and caring about our gaming experience. Thanks.
  12. Their worst case in the last couple of years was 67 days after pre-orders announced. But that was a one off. Since CMBN's Commonwealth module they have been hitting between 39 and 46 days after pre-orders. So I estimate the new game will be available for download between March 11th and March 16th.
  13. Interesting, my first thought was the opposite - that if flame throwers were in fire was in and it would spread, ignite etc. Now you are making me wonder about that. Remember the glass is always full (some portion might be air, but it is full)
  14. OK. I will experiment with which set of mouse controls I like best. This kind of thing is really not something that is easy to describe but will have to be experienced. To this day I have no idea what FPS controls even means.
  15. +1 to that. 2014 will be an interesting year. Those new features back in CMBN will be loads of fun all over again. Nice reminder about the new versions costing some $ We should all add that to our sig lines - perhaps then no one would be shocked and freak out. Nahww they will not notice anyway and we will still have the "why do I have to pay" threads popping up. At least we will not see that until later in the year - I hope
  16. Yeah, I did not miss it - in either sense. I am sure I will try it out but in CM1 I often wanted to turn it off.
  17. It will be a brand new game. So until a patch comes out you will not have that problem.
  18. Oh come on you are here every day - several times
  19. Oh that sounds sooooo cool. Thanks BFC.
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