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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Bliz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the October scenario of the month has started over at theBlitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Hot time in Hatten CMCW: Brauersdorf The forum post on theBlitz for sign up is here.
  2. My absolute favourite CMBN scenario is Huzzar! It ships with the game.
  3. LOL there was a video? I had no idea I just read the article. I just watched it, cool.
  4. That looks damn good actually. My limited experience with soldiering is that there are actually a pretty wide range of sizes and shapes. None of that is currently reflected in the models in the game already. It doesn't bother me in the game currently. Adding faces that look like the above into the mix would work quite well. We had some really tall and some quite short guys in the platoon. Granted the women were skewed to the shorter side and the shortest woman was the shortest squaddie but we also had a few women who were over the average height too. So modelling that with a bunch of computer models all the same size is really any less reflective of woman any more then the men.
  5. The person quoted about wanting more points of view in the war (game) room was not explicitlt talking about skin colour correlating with thought patterns. At least I don't think so. He's a Brit so he is likely talking about the class of British citizen that used to exclusively make up officers and is still a large part of their officer core. If you get a bunch of people who grew up with comfortable amounts of $ and went to a short list of boarding schools taking the same education curriculum then yeah they tend to have learned similar views on the world. If they want to in crease the diversity of experience and educational back ground in their officer core then they are going to get some different races joining the club too.
  6. Niether. The APS modelling in the game models the system as one thing not a multi segment system. So, to compensate for that they limited the system to four cartridges (assuming you have the correct terminology because I have no idea). It's not perfect but clearly having 20 to 30 actuations from shots fired from one side would not be appropriate either without modelling the multi segments and areas of coverage there has to be some abstraction as a compromise.
  7. Me too There are some really cool things buried in the games' code.
  8. Or we could not worry that the coin is broken because someone reported having managed to get 10 heads in a row. Unusual an unlikely things do actually happen. I have no problem checking things like this out - obviously that's how bugs get found. Just know when its not needed any more. The other factor could be the intervening foliage - avoiding hitting branches could be causing the shooter to not adjust their aim the same if they were in the open.
  9. If the Bradley is under my command then one and done. If the infantry are under my command then they will run out of ammo first. That is based on my experiences in the game - that I remember. I forget all the rest.
  10. Anyone reading this looking for a challenge join this. @slysniper's CMBS tournament was really good. Very different and challenging. Totally worth playing. None of this balanced scenarios stuff - this is way harder.
  11. I missed that there was an issue with the method of doing it. So, not yet.
  12. LOL oops, yeah a lot more than me. I didn't mean to sound like I was replying to you but instead adding to what you said for the benefit of @Pelican Pal and anyone else embarking on this journey.
  13. Make sure you really start the game in Scenario Author mode. When you first load it up the units are all in their default positions and then after you press the BRB any setup areas assigned to the AI are used and the units jump to their true starting off points.
  14. No what you said was: Which I simply pointed out is not what any of us mean. OK I cannot speak for anyone else but I'm fairly sure - it's not what I mean. and there ya go again. The thing is they have this working in the Pro version. I have never seen it so I don't know if moving it to the User version would be considered a code port of if there is some aspect of it that they don't think is quite right and it needs more work. No one here knows and assuming something is as easy as a on char change is just setting your self up for disappointment. Steve and Charles know what they are doing and they have a track record of doing thing well and right. Just saying - that's a cool feature I've always wanted that can we get it in the User version - is more than enough. Getting your self twisted around about how easy it is or isn't is just, well, silly. Enough said by me.
  15. Oh yeah. The thing is when people say "that's not as easy as you think" they are not adding anything close to "and therefore why bother" all they are saying is its some work and needs to be evaluated along side all the other things the require work. Even something that is "done" is not free. I have no actual inside knowledge but I would not be at all surprised if window entry made it into the version we all play. It's just not getting added this afternoon and shipped to you tomorrow.
  16. It's not a mod. It's a different game. OK different program.
  17. The sort answer is no. Mods do not effect PBEM games. There is a slightly longer answer where there is a class of mods that effect a small subset of actions on the margins. But even those you will not notice because they effect both sides equally so you really cannot install a mod that give you an advantage over your opponent.
  18. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFI: R2V Riva RidgeCMBS: Figherfight The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  19. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFI: R2V Riva RidgeCMBS: Figherfight The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  20. If this is still happening then I would recommend contacting support: Battlefront Help desk
  21. Also note that you can call artillery and use the Personnel option - that means the rounds detonate above the ground - which is better against infantry.
  22. Interesting. I have not experienced that at all. My guys sometimes attack AFVs, they never use an armoured cover arc, sometimes they die, sometimes they succeed. I have not noticed a lack of desire to take out the tank.
  23. Not AP rounds but they can sometimes catch HEAT rounds since they move slower. Protection of the top aspect is very limited so I would not expect protection from artillery.
  24. Ack - don't do this! If they have an armour cover arc they will not defend themselves from anything that pops up. Plus don't force them to not fire or attack at 30m or less range just let them do their thing. Yes, you have to get them close, yes closer than 30m but why restrict them? This
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