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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. So which is it? In large battles with everything on max it can dip to 18fps but mostly stays above 20 without issues. At 20 and above the game is smooth, the camera moves nicely and the view of the game play is fine. So are you actually experiencing issues with "playing" the game or watching the fps clock? That is not clear to me. I'm just trying to cut through the hyperbole. If, given the benefit of the doubt, you are seeing stuttering and choppy camera movement I agree with @Womble something else is a play here. My i5 3.4Ghz 16Gb machine with a GTX760 only stutters with the absolute largest game I have on the go right now (2+ battalions per-side on a huge map) and I am still playing it on full graphics quality. I just put up with it the few times it happens because I like the game on full quality settings. Every other game I have from small to large I have *no* issues with stuttering at all no matter what. Your machine should be doing better than mine so either we have different expectations or something is wrong for you. I suppose I could have a one off miracle machine too but since other have the same experience as me I doubt that.
  2. Thanks for thinking about it. I am not clear, did you say the middle floor has no windows but looks like it does? But the first floor has a door and the upper floor is wysiwyg? That is better for what you had before for sure.
  3. Yeah it sounds like missing text files or other resources. You could download the master installer. It is big but you get everything installed in one step.
  4. These do look fantastic. What did you decide to do about doors and windows?
  5. I'm not basing what I am saying on any special knowledge. Steve has said many times that the spotting comes from the troops eyes. Which is why prone soldiers in the long grass do not see very well. It has also been discussed many times that soldier casualties are based on bullets intersecting their models. By definition animation changes the location and orientation of troop models. I do not think that hacking soldiers like this would be a good thing. I highly doubt that one side wound be advantaged over another I think it would just be bad all around and simply cause confusion and strange behaviour.
  6. Fixed that for ya I am quite certain the game *is* using the model's plolygons for calculating hits and where the trooper's eyeballs are located. If @RockinHarry can, by using modified animations, re-position the troop models I am certain it *will* change their spotting abilities and their vulnerability.
  7. To play H2H both players need to be playing with the same version. While it is true PBEM players tend to keep up to date that has to happen in a controlled manner so players often have multiple versions of the games installed. When a patch or upgrade arrives I always make a copy of my current game and patch the copied directory. Then I finish my ongoing games with the older version and start new ones with the patched version. Sometimes opponents agree to update an ongoing game sometimes not. Once I have no games being played on the old version I delete it.
  8. Sorry I think this is a bad idea. You are entering territory where the behaviour on one person's machine will be different than another. Plus head to head play will be an issue. The exposure of soldiers will be governed by whose machine generates the turn but the look will not match what one player sees at all. Regardless of the arguments for or against the idea this confusion is reason enough to me to say: In my opinion you should not do this,
  9. Not a bug, they are mutually exclusive. You can give a unit a target order, a face command or a target arc. Only one of the three. Edited to fix typo, thanks @JasonC
  10. Don't tell me to much... Well, if I was really the Co CO there is no way my guys would rush into town without some solid intelligence that there were no defenders. Even then my rush would have been nothing like an actual rush
  11. I remember it as being fixed. I do not recall when but I would just believe @Vanir. I recall the original defect only reset the pause if you moved the first way point of many, not it it was the only one. Or the other way around. There was some additional twist I cannot remember exactly and I am also not at the computer for most of today to check.
  12. Indeed, I am not regretting my cadence, I am just surprised to not be taking fire yet. Small arms I get but guns and tanks having not fired is surprising. Rushing around near the enemy lines is a recipe for casualties.
  13. Actually my HQ unit made the call for the mortars an I have not moved at all. One mortar is still spotting and the other is firing. It is a little odd i agree but since they are hitting the village I think if is OK.
  14. Yes, phases of the moon too for night scenarios. In the editor you select the time - down to 5 min intervals and the location. The location is just France, or Holland, etc. Some games have a choice and some do not depending on what the game covers.
  15. Yeah, this is the first time I have had the AI take an odd choice since I learned how to influence it to do what I want. So, I'm not worried but I'll keep my eye on it. BTW hilarious Path A vs Path B discussion.
  16. LOL cross posted similar results. I don't think I like this. Good thing I have not run into it much.
  17. I just tried the same thing. I got the same results giving the orders like Vanir and my way. Two guys went through the gap and two guys went around the end through the gate. I ran the test twice with each order - same results all four times. I ran one more where I gave a 5s pause and a face command at the gap. That time one guy went through and three went around. ???
  18. Rodger that. A couple of things bother me about this battle. The fact that I have so few contacts and very little fire coming from the supposed enemy positions. I guess I am still pretty far away but I figured some IG or AT gun would be chucking HE at my infantry or now the tanks. The fact that I have spotted two limbered and towed guns. It feels like there is no defence here but they are just arriving. Weird
  19. Correct the version number must to match between the opponents. Another place to find opponents is theBlitz.
  20. Plan Here is my assault plan: Drop two smoke screens to block the visibility from the town so 5 and 6 Platoon can assault the town and the farm. Continue the mortar fire on the village to help prevent any disruption from the enemy in the village. 4 Platoon and 4th Carrier Platoon will also return fire from the river as they move closer and once the final tanks arrive they can join in. 5 Platoon will assault the town via the street closes to them. The will go house to house with their supporting tanks. I will setup the movement for the tanks before the smoke arrives and set it up so they will direct fire into the houses of the town. That whole move and fire plan will be paused until the smoke starts that will allow the tanks to direct fire into the town through the smoke screen. 6 Platoon will assault the farm so under cover of the smoke. Their supporting tanks will also get movement and direct fire orders before the smoke arrives to fire on the farm and town. Once the smoke is gone 6 Platoon in the farm can act as a fire base to support 5 Platoon as the move further into the town. Figure 24 Minute 38 Plan
  21. Minute 40-39: Capt. Bowie spots a recoil-less rifle moving in village. Figure 22 Spotted a recoil-lessrifle in the village Minute 39: Orders No Changes Minute 39-38: Not much to report except that a 75mm AT gun was spotted being towed toward town from behind. This was spotted by Carrier platoon HQ from way across the map. Situation Here is the current situation. I have received no significant fire from any location. Only a hand full of infantry teams have been spotted moving in the town or the village. Two guns still being towed were recently spotted and IG in the village and a 75m AT gun behind the town. Figure 23 Minute 38 situation
  22. Minute 43-42: More of the same. Minute 42: Orders I order two of the tanks forward to the farm. The Firefly to some hard cover and to watch over the village direction, and a 75 up to support the infantry if they run into trouble. Figure 12 Tanks move forward Minute 42-41: Capt. Bowie, the FO spotted movement in the village. Just a few soldiers moving from house to house. Figure 13 Movement spotted in village The lead elements of 5 Platoon spot an enemy team at the edge of town. Figure 14 Movement spotted in town Minute 41: Orders The tank arrived just in time to fire on the spotted enemy team. Figure 15 Fire on town target Another of the tanks will move forward and keep firing on the church tower – switching to MGs for now. Figure 16 More tanks moving forward Minute 41-40: Members of 5 Platoon head for the road edge while their supporting tank fires on the enemy. Figure 17 Moving up to the road Over on the other side of the map 4th Carrier Platoon’s lead vehicle takes some fire from the village. It is light and ineffective. Figure 18 Taking fire from the village Minute 40: Orders New tank troop arrives – move them up to the road with their infantry. Figure 19 New troop moves up to road 4 Platoon catches up to the Carrier recon group. Figure 20 4 Platoon catches up to recon The last tanks in support of 5 platoon move to the road. Once they get there they will put more HE on the church tower. Figure 21 Last tanks move forward to road
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