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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. It does look interesting but there seem to be some inconsistencies - the kind you get when you have concept that is not implemented yet. For example they say they will have the most detail ever in their models but then say the camera will not allow you to view things up close because that is not needed in a tactical game. They also are very unclear on the size of battles. On the one hand they have a plan to have an over arching strategy layer (their term) that the tactical battles will fit into. But then elsewhere they also say the tactical battles will be at around 300 soldiers or less. It is hard to square how all this will play out because they still have not made the hard choices and compromises that come with implementing things. Not trying to be down on them they do have progress - models, uniforms and maps. It will be interesting to watch how it goes. @para are you the same para on their forum? My cat avatars match...
  2. Well then no Stugs for you because so far it is not looking like there is anything to fix. It is one of those things where that MG is what the Stug has to defend against close in infantry and you have to open the hatch to operate it. So if they changed it it would have undesired consequences of allowing infantry to close assault the Stug more easily and people would start saying "This Stug not defending themselves when infantry get close is very frustrating and unrealistic, IMHO, and, I will not play any scenario that includes Stugs until the problem is fixed." The best thing you can do is have your Stugs operate in support of your infantry behind their screen. Then 1) you stugs will spend more time further back and 2) the enemy will get fewer / no side shots on the MG gunner. As and added bonus you will be happier and less frustrated. I hope As an aside story when this was first brought (months ago in another thread) up I literally though the OP was imagining things. Stugs are one of my favourite vehicles - I use them frequently. Sure I lost TC and other crew members but it was so rare I never considered it for closer attention. It actually took another thread some weeks later for me to finally get what the problem really was. Note I still don't loose Stug crew at a measurable higher rate than Panther TCs or Sherman TCs. And you can all experience the same goodness by tweaking your tactics.
  3. Yep, not every species bakes bread though only a few Fixed...
  4. Perhaps the right tweak is to base the decision on using the main gun on the significance of the threat they are firing at. Using the MG on a truck or a light AC or even the 20mm AAA might be just fine since they do not pose an existential threat to the Sherman. But a 75mm armed AC *does* pose a serious threat.
  5. Oh that is a strange claim - where did you get that idea.
  6. One thing to check is if the mortar is deployed. Special command tab first one in the upper left. I have forgotten that more times than I care to admit. In fact just this morning I noticed I had done it again.
  7. That I cannot comment on - as I am at work and unable to try it out
  8. Actually gun elevation limits are not modelled so that is not it.
  9. I just spent some time looking at their forums too and it seems interesting. But it is not clear to me how things will work. They simultaneously say they will have more detail and better animation and that the camera will not go down too low since that is not necessary for a tactical game. Then they talk about the size of the map and again say they will be big but not to many units at any one time. Until there is an actual scenario to look at it is hard to tell what it will really be like. They are in a fun place right now where they can say they have their cake and say they get to eat it too. I'll watch and see what things look like once they have to make the hard choices.
  10. I do not think there are any changes in this area that would effect them They still will. As with many things in the game there are plenty of variables that go into the TC's decision to button up. I do not recall seeing any differences in this behaviour. Some times they get the message and button up int time. Sometimes they are slow and get hit. Yeah that can happen. That does seem short but their own morale state, training and leadership play a factor plus were they in command with the platoon HQ at the time? That makes a significant difference too.
  11. LOL, there are other reasons too. True story (my wife was research assistant for a Biology professor for many years at a university) in answer to the question on a biology exam "Why do birds sing?" one student answered "Because they are happy" They also added some of the more practical reasons after that but as an owner of a budgie and finches I think that they were right that is one of the reasons birds sing. More seriously @Michael Emrys another primary reason for singing to each other like that is for social bonding between the flock so if you were outside of breeding season then I would suspect that they really were chatting with you. If it was inside their breeding season then yeah there is a good chance they were annoyed with you.
  12. Hello and welcome to the forum. Nice first post too - asked a question and got your own answer. Sorry I did not see that until I was already at work away from my gaming rig. We (I think I can speak for other forum members on this topic) look forward to hearing how your project moves forward and offering any help along the way.
  13. Oh I missed that. I thought you were going for the .45 blowing up the tank (or so it initially looked).
  14. But pretending that the tank is slipping in the snow is a good thing to do- for your sanity
  15. I love how the phaust shooter is bracing himself for the follow on explosion. That is what he doing right?
  16. For sneaking scouts into position I often do the same. Most of the time though I try to align my last movement in the direction I want them to be facing so I do not need to use a cover arc and can stick with the cover circle. But if that cannot be done then this is the way I'll get them facing the direction I want. Usually I'll use a near 180 deg arc to cover the most possible and switch it back to a circle once they are facing the desired direction. That is an interesting tidd bit. I suppose I have never noticed because teams that I want to have a cover arc on usually already have one before they get to the end of their movement orders. Ending the movement in the direction I want them to face is my SOP. When teams end up in a building though I usually give them a face command because it is not really clear after going up a few floors what direction they might end up facing.
  17. So, I certainly support @SLIM and @Dennis50 trying to get the tone of this thread back to civility, I have a small problem with the conclusion that they are both right. It seems to me that the whole .50 Cal ricocheting off the ground to kill tiger tanks has been handily refuted. The entire concept seems to be so questionable that I am not sure it really warrents a full dissection but @jons did any way. So, yes let's return to civility but let's also recognize that the myth is busted too.
  18. Because if they don't beat those enemy soldiers back they will disable their vehicle and that will be their end.
  19. Yeah but guys we are not talking about stand off ranges you are talking about enemy infantry at the sides and rear. That's separate stuff. The crew are desperately trying to fend off the existential threat and survive the war.
  20. Oh please. Clearly you have not played CMBS or you would not be making such a statement. The fire control in the modern game is wickedly fast and accurate. It doesn't even compare to the WW 2 titles. This has been hashed so often and so far no one has made a real case for gun accuracy being too high in the game.
  21. yes, it is possible. Try this - but make sure there are no fences, heges or walls near by - place your breach team in the second action square away from the building's wall and give them a blast command up to the side of the building. Honestly I have not done this with a building but it is my normal way of doing breaches for walls and bocage etc., so perhaps I should not be so confident . This way your engineers do not end up on the other side all on their own.
  22. Any time there are other blast targets nearby you can sometimes get unpredictable results. Was the team in that location with a blast command into the buiding? Or were they in the field with a blast command into the building? Or was the blast command up to the side of the building but not into it? What happens if you give them a blast command into the building now, does it work? ? what do you mean? Do you want a hot key to hide the falling snow? Or something else?
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