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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Another possibility is to switch some of these to touch objectives so the AI does not need to hold so many. Then your AI plan could focus more on one or two objectives and let touch objectives be earned as the AI progresses towards its final goal.
  2. Sigh, you still don't get it or I suck at explaining You, or anyone else, simply declaring that some thing you see I the game is wrong does not make you correct and the game wrong. It really is that simple. If people find things that actually are wrong or they show that something is not quite right and they gather some evidence the chance of getting fixes or improvements are nearly 100% actually. Sometimes it is downright painful, witness the long arguments about firing shreks and fausts from inside buildings.
  3. LOL I am not a "paid" tester either and I feel my time is better spent elsewhere as well. The point still stands: BFC feels that the current behaviour is as desired so if no one plans to show that it is wonky it will stay that way.
  4. So, I'm no expert so I am not arguing forcefully that what we see is correct but apparently it was (and is) not uncommon to use AT assets against non armour targets. The game is just reflecting that. My preference is to see this happen as little as possible but it has been made clear that it will never be zero and at this moment BFC seems happy with the level of usage against soft targets. We can have more of a discussion if you like but there is no way BFC will change this unless we (read you :-) do some extensive testing to show the current frequency and - unless those numbers look nutty - some serious research with citations that give some kind of indication of the real life occurrences. And by nutty I don't mean "but its nuts now" I mean if you can show that well lead units use up all their AT asses on a regular basis say in the first 10 minutes of battle - or something over the top like that.
  5. Oh OK how about these then (I did not read in enough detail to figure out if one is a replacement for another or complementary): http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1751 http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1467
  6. LOL had a few of those "how did I get here" or "I don't remember going through those last trafic lights" moments did ya
  7. Is this the one? http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1903
  8. Ammo dumps are in the game but like all things scenario designers have to add them. That's all.
  9. Nice work. I like your plan. I do have one comment about the above screen shot: Some of the objectives' boundaries are not clear. Specifically 1,2, 3, 6, 7 and 8. I am cool with non rectangle and non contiguous objectives however since there is no visible space between the members of that block it is difficult to tell where one starts and one ends. Clearly they are not just squares and I think I can make a reasonable guess at some from the screen shot but I highly doubt during game play at camera level 1, 2 or 3 it would be clear.
  10. That would be a bug - IMHO. If you conduct such a test and find that the .50cal operators are indeed only targeting the Panther please let us know.
  11. <whatever your path is>\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Final Blitzkrieg\User Data\Mods Above is the current expected place for you to put mods. You should know that you *can* still put mods in something resembling the old location: <whatever your path is>\Battlefront\CMRT\Data\z just manually create the z folder and go from there. The game will look in one and then the other (I forget which takes precedence so just don't put various versions of the same mod in both places:-). This can be useful if you routinely run multiple versions of the game - which I do for a while each time there is a new release so I can finish exiting games with the previous release version and start new ones on the newest version. In that case I use the Documents folder for all the shared mods and the local Data/z folder for the version specific mods.
  12. It replaces the full word text explaining what each solider in a team is doing. When you have a unit selected there is green status text in the lower left that shows what each member of the team is doing. It says things like "spotting", "medic", "firing", "driving" etc. With the animated text mod installed you see an eye, a first aid cross, a smg firing, a truck respectively. I cannot seem to find the Fortress Italy mod but the graphic for the CMFB version shows this fairly clearly: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=3694
  13. Wow, I thought you were joking. Oops. Sounds like the only reliable newsletter is F5 as @rocketman suggests.
  14. I have the anniversary edition, version 1607, and also no problems.
  15. Humm I have done this a few times and the spotter's green line followed the vehicle. However in all cases my spotter lost track of the vehicle fairly quickly and thus cancelled the mission. The rounds falling seemed to be trying to move as well but I admit it is hard to tell especially if the mission gets cancelled two minutes later. I should fire up a test and make sure...
  16. @Erwin mostly covered it. Just a few additions from me.... Welcome back. No, that cannot be done. One thing you can do is use a small battle but only spend 3/4 of the points. That mean you would have to manually select the enemy force though because the computer will not adhere to that house rule. Good question. I was going to say they will be longer at setting up and slower in their rate of fire but after reading @Erwin's post I think he might be right. This happens from time to time so it would be a good idea to test it out but I never have. I think a lot of the time it does not matter too much since the deploy times in the open are not too long. But in a building this could be an important thing to know. If it is going to take 2-3 minutes to setup and there are enemy is dangerously close it might be better to fire as best as you can before setting up. If the actions for the AT team is "medic" then they are providing fist aid to someone who is a casualty. That is what medic means. So at least two someones from some team have been hit and your AT team is tending to them. If your spotting unit has a ? icon then that is just hearing them or seeing something but not being clear what it is. If they have a selectable non ? icon (which is what you describe) then they can see the enemy unit. The vast majority of the time they can be given a target order too. Occasionally your unit cannot be given a target order to that unit. @domfluff gave you one example where this can a happen but it happens other times too. I don't have a clear explanation but it probably means the LOS is pretty poor and the LOF is just as bad. This will hopefully not happen often (I see it once in N games where N is greater than 3:-). One thing you can do is give your unit an area target order at the ground near by. Another possibility is to not give them a target order and they will likely target that enemy unit if the visibility situation improves (someone shifts positions). In fact you don't really need to give target orders - your soldiers will pick their own targets. No, I do not believe there is any way to do this.
  17. No I don't think that is the case. I believe that spotters can target moving "things". If your spotter can see an AFV you can initiate a point fire mission and target to strike the vehicle and if the vehicle moves the spotter continues to track the target as long as they can see it. Interestingly I am not sure if you can do that against an infantry unit. I'll have to try that next time the opportunity presents its self. Yes, they can. If you target a piece of ground they will continue to fire at that location but if you target a vehicle or other unit they will track it as it moves.
  18. No, it does show the year for posts made in previous years. Posts made this year do not show the year. So that thread does have posts from July 2015 (which are all marked with the year) but then it has more recent posts that are from this past July and they do not show the year. Not making a comment for or against the possible idiocy of that decision by the developers of the forum software.
  19. Yep, that can happen. I have even seen it result in friendly fire casulties (this was going over an obstacle just as the gunner was firing so the round hit only a few tens of meters in front of the tank).
  20. Cool. If this is adjusted to a per-capita rate Canada jumps up. Mind you it also helps Australia and the Netherlands so we probably only wind up third. PS. Still not a fan of stacked bars but hey better than a stacked line chart
  21. Yep. The TacAI does not have divine or even coded knowledge of the battle space. If you guys use a faust against infantry in the open they are not trying to telegraph to you that all the enemy tanks are gone. They are just being idiots
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