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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Why should you get instant spotting for all your troops? Why can't the other side spot you first? **** is not fair. Your job as commander is to work out ways to make things unfair in your favor. People don't have perfect perception that is what the game is simulating.
  2. Actually if it is a good simulation things will not always pan out as you expect. If everything were predictable and known before issuing orders what good would that be as a simulation.
  3. First post, provocative name, grandiose claims, not enough supporting information. I have my suspicions that this post is not really in good faith but lets start out charitably and assume it is. I think you are demonstrably wrong about that. Countless situations (even tricky ones) are simulated successfully every day when people play CM. The game simulates LOS and spotting with reality in mind. The reality is people don't spot everything - their brains make it seem like it but we don't. How often have you experienced someone trying to point something out to you but you just don't see it right away. Surely that's something we have all experienced. CM is simulating that. You screen shot is showing that the BRT has an obstructed LOF to the location of the BMP. It is not out in the open. The crew do know something is there but they have not yet spotted it. What is so wrong with that? Are you expecting that the crew are perfect? Are you expecting that they know what you know? There is a lot of unknowns in your screen shot as well. Is the BMP sitting and waiting? Is the BTR moving? Other way around? Even if the LOF was unobstructed (yes it is possible for the BMP to have an unobstructed LOF to the BTR while not being the other way around - hint gun height) we cannot tell from that screen shot why. But none of that points to any bug. If the bug is you didn't get the outcome you wanted - that's not a bug. If the bug is you feel like it should have gone differently - that's not a bug either. If you bug is the BTR should have known the BMP was there and spotted it first cause reasons - that's not a bug either. If there is a bug here and I highly doubt it then you need to show what the issue is. Because I'm not seeing it. If someone else sees it I'm all ears. Most of what you are upset about are features of the spotting and LOS system that are designed to be that way. The devs do care. LOL bugs get fixed improvements are made all the time. I am sorry you are butt hurt that things didn't go you way. Roll with it. Stop expecting perfection from your pixel troops because just like real troops they cannot deliver perfection. Here is the thing: the game is working as designed. It is supposed to be hard. It is supposed to be messy. You, or anyone else, declaring it's broken and has been for years does not make it true. The devs have made numerous design decisions and they are largely happy with them. No the crew new approximately where the BMP was. Once your BTR shows the BMP model when it is selected - that's when the crew knows exactly where the BMP is. That is how the system works. The crew in the BTR are desperately searching for multiple enemies through small vision slits. Suddenly a BMP opens up but they still cannot see the damn thing even where it is supposed to be. Then they start getting hit that doesn't improve their situational awareness any. Sounds pretty realistic to me. Mind you we don't actually know all of what is going on in that situation from just the screen shot. And that's not a good way to open a discussion about any potential bug. Here is the thing you can be arrogant and angry but that does not mean anyone else can automatically tell what a bug might be. Quite the opposite, the vast vast majority of complaints, even those phrased with honest intent, are not actually bugs. Sorry I guess I went and rattled off variables. Or actually no sorry at all. Here is the thing the game is simulating a combat situation all kinds of things effect a crew's ability to spot, morale, training, moving even luck. That's how it is. Heck you could re calculate that turn a number of times and it might not play out the same way every time. That's how the game is supposed to work. It is designed that way. Sorry you didn't get the result you wanted. If you cannot handle some unpredictability and some bad luck maybe this isn't the game for you. Switch to chess or go or something else where you are in total control of your destiny. Well other than the fact your opponent is trying to win as well.
  4. Not quite... Yep its the new way of working. No activation code does not download or extract anything. It has to already be there. This is the magic. Except its not magic or even rocket science It used to be there was a base game which could be patched and modules were separate downloads that added components. That lead to plenty of confusion and the need to know what was installable in what order. Those days are gone. Everyone gets all the content on their systems and the keys just unlock what you get to play with. But you have to have the latest version when new content comes out. Guess why: because they deliver the new content in a patch and update the full installer so that everyone who updates has the new content files on their HD. All they then need to do is activate the key. So technically the "There is no download for this product." is only partially correct. At this moment you do need to download something - the 2.12 patch. There is still no download directly tied to the battle pack but you do need the latest version of the game. After the 2.12 patch is out anyone that buys Red Thunder will already have the content they need to play the battle pack (and the other modules). Everyone gets the new version and they can download the patch to move their 2.11 (or earlier) version to 2.12. Or they can download the full installer whatever works for you. We all get any fixes that go into that version, if there are any. Then at that point anyone who wants to purchase (or already did) can activate the battle pack. Then it will work.
  5. It's hard to tell as the news blackout there is pretty through, but it doesn't feel like a feint to me. It feels like a tough slog through well prepared defenses by a defender that isn't folding up like a cheap suit as it did in Kharkiv. It could be hard for us to tell the difference. Part of the genius of making the RA think that the attack was coming at Kherson was that they pulled forces from other regions the the Kherson area. We now know that was the Ukrainian plan. Of course that means they actually face more troops there. They are effectively isolated but the Ukrainian army still faces more Russian army units simply because their telegraphing it as a major attack worked. So, even if it is more than just a feint that alone would mean they would have a harder time of that attack by their own planning.
  6. That's a good way to express it. I'll try to remember to seal that some time. Yeah, I struggle with that. By that I mean I struggle explaining it. My best friend's family in high school fled Vietnam when it finally fell. He felt no trust for the US government. He never let me forget about those moments where the US seemed just as bad as the USSR. I always knew the comparison was not equal and so did he frankly but what happened to his home country and that mythology always bugged him. I'm still weary too even though arguably we in Canada are the largest beneficiary of the Win-win+ strategy you describe.
  7. The question I have is what does "finish the job" mean? All of Feb24 land + Donbas + Crimea? Whatever the Ukrainians decide That's a good place to stop. 100%
  8. Fair enough - not much daylight between us if any really. True and I agree with the exception that there should be no special "do not cross" treatment of the previous lines. I think they should take what they can get. I do agree with focusing on the easier parts first. Except destroying the bridge would mean keeping it that way which would mean blasting any attempt to fix it. That's the part I view as what's the difference between that and straight up moving back into Crimea - it keeps the war going - longer if you have to knock down a bridge a few times a year. Not to mention that destroying that bridge now is one thing but destroying the repairs after two years of relative peace is another. I guess my fear is that if Ukraine doesn't keep going now and finish the job they might not get another chance. After all there is still a possibility that Russia remains intact and governed by someone who doesn't want to give anything back to Ukraine. But hey like we said the Ukrainians are the ones that get to decide. And the good part (no great part) is they seem to be well on their way to the point where they get to consider these issues an make that decision.
  9. Agreed Sure. But that's for Ukraine to decide. If this were 2010 and the Ukrainian army were to move in strength against the dombas "break away" regions I would have supported it then and I would still. I realize that back then they would not have the same international support they have now. I get that. What I'm saying is they do have that support now and I think they still would. Of course you are right there are other considerations and the best move might not be straight up military. TFB IMHO I don't agree. If the Russian army continues to collapse it could very well be the only time in the foreseeable future to get Crimea back. Possibly but there are a lot of possible scenarios that don't go Ukraine's way if they take that approach. They could following a general collapse roll in and take over or push a little harder and take over. Then they could make all the deals and motivation they want to win the hearts and minds. Position is 9/10s of the law - seems like Russia lives by this so back at ya. Yikes why would destroying the bridge be any different than taking Crimea back? Seems like a distinction without a difference. Other than who governs Crimea I even agree that's a good idea. I agree that's a good idea too. Yep I would let the Ukrainian government decide but I agree your proposed strategies have a lot of merit. I would recommend starting with some hard shoving to see how sturdy the three stolen areas really are on their own. I would do that while general battles are still on going - in other words not just stop at the 2014 borders. Even if I wanted to avoid the problems you cite with retaking the breakaway places fully by force. If the fall over - great. If they don't but you still hold more territory than they used to have - also great makes the negotiations easier. One thing I think we should avoid in the West is getting all dictatorial with the Ukrainian government over where and when to stop. I'm not even supportive of restricting weapons use to the Russian border. If the Russian army is grouping inside Russia that is a legitimate target and we should not be holding anyone back from smacking them.
  10. That is a scary thought. This trend is definitely worth watching.
  11. Trying to read the road signs and got a little too close I see.
  12. Feels like moving the goal posts. We don't expect you to hold out - oh you did, well it won't be for long. Wow you pushed them out of the north of the country but it will be much harder in the East. Now, they have shown they can do that too. So, the new goal post is - sure but can you win. LOL OK we don't know with 100% certainty if they will win but you have to admit it looks much better now. Way better. I have expressed my concerns before about if Ukraine can actually push back hard. My concerns have been 100% alleviated. They clearly can and that means they clearly can win. The only thing left is for time to pass and the UA to keep doing the work they are doing. I'm not even worried about the odd setback - seems unavoidable. For me the recent proof that Ukraine can shove hard against the Russian army is the tipping point that moved from Putin has a higher chance of staying on as president to he will not remain as president of Russia. I was waiting for that before trying to predict when Putin would fall. My best guess is that some time after he falls perhaps after the first attempt at replacement fails (I'm not sure they will but I think it is more than 50% chance) there will be a movement by some to break away. So, my time line thinking out loud looks like this: Putin leaves office: 2 months - 8 months Whomever is next tries to make a go of it: 6 months to one year after that First province tries to break away: 6 months to a year after that So, first to leave is 1 - 2 years from now. More will follow so I'll go with significant break up in 3 - 4 years. Someone already took 3 so I'll go with 4 years. So, by September 2026 is my guess. I don't see it that way. If I were in charge of Ukraine I would no longer hold any special significance to the pre Feb borders. The 2008 invasion is as serious as this one IMHO. Granted there are possibly practical considerations about if you really want to invite everyone back or force them. I get that. However let us not forget that the Russian government augmented or even faked a lot of discontent and inserted their own people as if they were rebels. They totally rigged the votes in all three territories. I would support Ukraine deciding what to do with all of their territory. If they want to take it all back and have a chance to work out a new deal for some regions or if they want to work out the new deal now with the current leaders that's their decision. Bottom line at no time do I think the Ukrainians should be trying for the Feb borders and stopping. Where the stop is totally up to them.
  13. I am pretty sure that units on the same side should be able to mount and acquire equipment from other nation's transport during setup or while playing. I have no idea if ammo of the same calibre is really shareable or not and I have never tired having one nation's soldiers fire another nation's AT weapons. I would conduct experiments before actually trying to use it in game.
  14. OR Someone else decides Putin is enjoying China and should stay but taking over the government and letting him know not to bother coming home.
  15. Something like this would be where I'd start: https://thenextweb.com/news/researchers-tricked-ai-ignoring-stop-signs-using-cheap-projector The issue with AI is that as amazing as it is, AI does not understand anything, not a thing. It's all about pattern recognition and algorithms to react to said patterns. Learn to disrupt or confuse that and the AI no longer does what the author / owner wants.
  16. There is no leash dude. The west armed and trained the Ukraine army and then stood back and watched.
  17. I don't know how long Putin has left. Now that we see some UA success I humbly suggest three possible time frames for the end of Putin's regime. I think it will either happen in the next month or two - I favour this one. Over the winter or by June of next year at the latest. General Mud will start making an appearance in Ukraine in October or November that will suspend the fighting for the winter. If the current collapse gets worse then someone will react in before Winter and end Putin. If the RA can stabilize the front even a little before general mud calls the season then Putin could survive the winter. Could. If he does then once the UA beat the living **** out of the RA in the late spring early summer someone will take out Putin then.
  18. I'm not so sure about not triggering Article 5. If there are radio active clouds moving across Europe I think there would be many people, my self included, who would say that is a reasonable argument for an Article 5 violation. Given the fact that a lot of civilians would be killed and hurt in horrific ways I think another possibility would be it could trigger our duty to protect. Exactly. Even if Germany and France were reluctant to put boots on the ground I don't think NATO would even need to send soldiers on the ground.. The respond could be simply no fly zone, destruction of Air defence infrastructure and bombing of the launch sites of the nuclear attack. As a start. All simply using air power and precision missiles. Honestly though I would hope that in the back channels the Kremlin is hearing a message of what the consequences would be and hearing it from more than just the US because we are all better off if nuclear weapons of any kind are NOT used. To be clear I'm saying that I think the best way to prevent a nuclear strike is to make is clear to the Kremlin what the response would be. None of that messaging needs to be done in public right now - no need be seen as adding to the backing Putin into a corner he just has to receive the message and believe it will be followed through on.
  19. While true I am not sure that is what the OP's test is showing. How many of you have noticed that if you have a full squad in contact and taking fire if you split it, one team is pinned and the other is not. The actual morale condition and behaviour is tracked by the TacAI on an individual solider basis. The suppression level we see for a squad or a team is some amalgamation of their condition. So, if one team is taking way more fire than the other then the whole squad can show some suppression but not pinned but if you split that squad the team taking more fire can often show as pinned and the other team not.
  20. They belive heinous westerners are about to infect RU people with the infertility virus. So, insane box is checked
  21. I recently started a meeting engagement via PBEM and forgot immediately it was an meeting engagement and treated it like a probe. It ended very badly, I was out of position and was slaughtered. I promised myself to never do that again... And I just did it again earlier this week. OMG talk about being thick.
  22. Yep, we can see the signs of strain and the stability of Putin's rule is shaky but the thing about falling dictators is everything seems fine until you wake up one morning and it isn't. Predicting Putin's fall is more a matter of seeing the precursors of problems and assessing the increased risks to his leadership rather than picking the day he's going to fall. I like the thoughts that have been expressed in this discussion. I rather like Mark Twain 's observation that history doesn't repeat itself it rhymes. There sure seems to be alot of poetry being thrown down at the moment.
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