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Everything posted by Ranger33

  1. I forget, will this module cover Market Garden? A Red Devils Over Arnhem campaign is something I've really been looking forward to. Ahh, I'm sitting here hoping the module will be crammed with scenarios and campaigns even though I have hours and hours worth yet to play through with CMBN (and CMSF). It's a viscous cycle!
  2. I don't know of one but you could join the Steam group and message people that are online, I've invited and been invited to a lot of games this way.
  3. After playing H2H, I can't go back to playing against the AI in QB's. Campaigns are still good since they are carefully designed to be played single player and usually a challenge. Right now I have one PBEM each for CMBN and CMSF, and that's all I need to get my daily wargaming fix. Going against a human makes it so much more interesting and fun.
  4. Agree x10 Every account I have read of Normandy seems to indicate that the hedgerows were fairly porous to infantry in most areas. It's really annoying when a map designer covers the map with solid walls of impenetrable hedges, when in reality you would be able to cross at many points.
  5. Flank, flank, and flank some more. Even if you don't wipe out his line, you can force him to pull back once he realizes the danger. Every defense has a weak point, somewhere with a blind spot or shorter distances to cross, you just have to find it. This is where scouting and the occasional bold attack can pay huge dividends. Attacking head on or just shooting it out from one hedgrerow to another should be the last resort.
  6. To be fair, 64-bit support is not even close to being the norm yet. The game does seem to be bottlenecked somewhere though. I have an i7 CPU and an HD 5770 (two actually, but I don't think crossfire is supported) and I still get the low poly soldier models and terrain if I zoom out very far on all but the smallest scenarios.
  7. I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, but try giving a slow command then click the end point dot thing and give a face command, your guys should try to find cover with that direction in mind when they get there.
  8. I have the mod (can't remember the name) which adds a lot of extra pictures but still get similar results. At first I thought it wasn't working since nothing new appeared for awhile but then they started filtering in. Even now one will pop up that I've never seen before on occasion while certain ones appear all the time.
  9. I've found having a couple jeeps or even better, trucks, around is almost always worth a few points. You never know when you will need to rush a certain unit somewhere. If this is infantry only though it won't be as important. If you have an FO I would recommend a dedicated jeep for him though. You should always try to give yourself as many tactical options as possible. Engineers also open up a ton of options on bocage and even none bocage maps. They are great for sneaking a tank around the flanks. Going for Veteran troops with decent motivation and leadership will also pay off greatly. They hit harder, won't run as easy, and have a much better chance of recovering and getting back in the battle if they do break. Setting mortars to "Off Map" is also for the best if you aren't going to use them in direct fire. I had a whole mortar platoon wiped out by a lucky arty strike one time, lost 100 rounds worth of fire. I'm only about an intermediate player so don't pay me too much mind if someone else disagrees. Something I saw asked but never got a solid answer on: If you increase the motivation/leadership of the Battalion HQ, does that trickle down some amount of bonus to every unit under them? I know it costs a lot of points.
  10. I'm playing a PBEM of Carbide Carbide as the Germans and I can certainly say that this issue is not as bad as it was. There are Shermans rolling all over the map but my infantry have resisted the urge shoot at them for the most part. I remember in the initial release infantry would just hammer away with everything they had at a tank 800m away and buttoned up.
  11. A better question would be: If this can be done with a free utility off the Internet, why can't BF do it themselves?
  12. This sounds awesome, now if I only had the time to play it, not to mention all the other scenarios and campaigns I have stacked up! Thanks to you and everyone else creating new content, really keeps the game interesting and fun.
  13. I second the idea of a weekly, or even just a couple times a month, dev diary of some sort. I've been following Naval War Arctic Circle and they are really good about giving the community an idea of what they are currently doing. Often its just a paragraph and a screenshot, but it gives the forum something to talk about while we wait. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about them here but all of the upcoming Paradox Interactive games (Crusader Kings 2, Sword of the Stars 2, above mentioned NWAC, etc) follow a similar style of dev diaries, and regularly post little tidbits on their respective facebook pages. BFC could take some notes. I know you guys are busy, but surely someone has time for one screenshot and paragraph's worth of PR once a week. Little breadcrumbs, that's all we want Edit: Oh yeah, I didn't make clear, these games all have pretty small teams and manage to do this.
  14. From Dawn to Setting Sun is another good one. Just one Marine platoon for 5 missions, so you will feel the loss of each man. A lot of the maps require you to take on numerical superior foes across long ranges, requires really good tactics to get a good score.
  15. I can't really add anything to this except that I live about 25 miles from Ft. Sill and can hear it every time those guys play with the artillery. The funniest thing is when you take someone to Lawton, OK who doesn't know about the artillery training base and they freak out when no one else reacts to what sounds like a war going on at the edge of town. Er, that sentence sucks but you get the idea
  16. I think you would be fine either way. I have two Radeon 5770's in Crossfire (I don't think CMBN uses it) and there seems to be a performance "ceiling" so to speak. I can run Crysis maxed out but in CMBN I still get textures popping in even on small battles. I can't speak for which company is better, I've used each over the years and it seems there will always be a couple games that don't like whichever card I'm using at the time.
  17. Fantasy baseball and football in general, are not really the same thing as a football management simulator that is more spreadsheet than game. WW2 is a very popular topic in all forms of media but that doesn't make CMBN a mainstream product, see what I'm saying?
  18. I don't really follow your logic here. High scoring does not equal mainstream. Football Manager 2012 just came out is probably selling millions of copies and has a score of 85 on Metacritic. I couldn't imagine a more niche game though. Would cite some other examples but new episode of The Walking Dead is on so gotta go!
  19. Not a wargame but it's in the ballpark: Operation Flashpoint. Well, you couldn't change the map easily, but you could create pretty much any mission imaginable. Mix in virtually unlimited mods and a few scripts and the sky was the limit. It was also really easy to use. Intentional attempt to derail the thread from it's current silliness
  20. Have you guys heard of Minecraft? Good graphics are not required to make a massively popular game. Just saying. I haven't read the review, but to be fair, the game does lag behind in pretty much every area besides the actual tactical goodness. Tutorial via manual is straight out of the 90s, multiplayer is the definition of barebones, all save games are thrown in one big folder, can't customize key config from within the game, no cancel button when ending turns, on and on. Just like the review summary says, the gameplay is there, but nothing else is. Still, 73% isn't that bad, plenty of my favorite games have been in the 70-79% range when it comes to reviews.
  21. You can reply to your own post and post more pictures. Just for future reference
  22. I take the relative silence to indicate that they are hard at work trying to give us all the things we want. Or possibly have faked their own deaths in order to escape to the Caribbean.
  23. I agree that for regular infantry units it doesn't make that much of a difference, but for units like FO's, HQ's, and ATG Ammo Teams, it's like painting a giant bullseye on the map.
  24. Well, it's one thing to use something like that to hold a street or suppress a strong point. It's something else to use it in an offensive role to directly fire at infantry that are literally 20 yards away. You have a good point though, if we took every scene from every war movie, book, and videogame, it probably wouldn't cover a tenth of the crazy things that have happened battle.
  25. It's even worse in Band of Brothers. The German infantry tactics seem to consist of "See that flat open spot totally exposed to American fire? I want you to go over there. Don't worry, if you kneel or lay down there is no way they will hit you!"
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