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Everything posted by DLaurier

  1. I have only been asking for this since I first got a CM game (CMBB) back in the 1990s.
  2. I wanna play this map. Theres no such thing as "unbeatable"
  3. I use the name of a fictional ship who's home port is the Eiser obital shipyard.
  4. My ex can stay in the parking lot behind the mall. she likes it there
  5. "Astonished", The word is "astonished", not "astute". I have a dead watch that is right twice a day.
  6. And once again,,, as documented in his bragging list... Mr Emrys nails it
  7. Blessed Yule. And Happy Saturnalia. and that jewish holiday nobody can spell or pronouce... happy johnica. Merry x-mass
  8. I googled APOS. I have not found a game with that name. Several outfitters companys in Alberta, and an explanation of grammer, but no game.
  9. I have never used "emergency" barrage request. I do not have a save.
  10. I find that off map artilery tends to fall everywhere except where you want/need it, and frequently it falls on my own troops. On map is little better, I've seen on map guns target my own infantry off to the side rather than the enemy straight ahead. It's almost cute watching a 150 mm infantry gun rotate away from the point you aimed at, and fire at the infantry squad behind it instead. It's also the only time artilery is accurate.
  11. -Killable Civilian refugees and livestock as neutral NPCs. -Destructable trees that become stumps and/or uprooted logs when bombarded by artilery.
  12. sensationalistic clapptrapp. The M4 sherman was a very well designed tank
  13. It would more likely run as follows. Syria keeps defendng its soverignty as a state. NATO decides to conquer Syria. Syria is invaded and recolonized. The Syrians realize too lae who their enemys are. and Yes, I'm guessing Syria is next on the list of former colonys to be recolonized.
  14. So sometime between next week, and the heat death of the universe. Got it
  15. Riiigghhhtttt.... I'm gonna jump up into a storm of bullets, then plunge down to the ground over 2 metres below... and I'm gonna do this wearing 30 kilos of gear??????????? I dunno what they taught you at Potsdam, but I'm parking my arse next to the rear door. When that order to dismount comes, I just pull the handle, let gravity open the doors, and roll out into that nice little safe zone at the back.
  16. The driver, Mac, was a hefty guy. Even without his left torso, he still weighs over 200 pounds. I think the turret crew are trying to keep everyone else alive while the radio/bow gunner, Donald, cuts Mac into smaller (more easily lifted) chunks with his pocket knife. Once Mac is out of the way, Donald will take over driving. Uh oh. Donald's knife just snagged on a bit of tendon, and closed on his knuckles. This might take a while.
  17. So I'm downloading the movie, which I saw about 24 years ago. I liked it then, I expect I'll like it now. Has anyone else seen it?
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