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Everything posted by DLaurier

  1. thankyou. And appearantly "thankyou" is to short to post.
  2. Peng is the reason I gave up on sobriety. Peng Challenge Threads always make more sense when drunk
  3. As far as I know, it is still being made. And if they stay true to the book, it should be a good movie.
  4. I was Corvidae... Now I'm DLaurier. And I'm still fine tuning my version of this awfull scenario.
  5. If you can post it, I can click on it. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/topo/ http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/eastern_europe/txu-oclc-6519747-nl36-5.jpg
  6. I found a great map. University of Texas. ww2 era maps of eastern europe. The actual neck is a bit too big to recreate in a scenario. Perekop is just ahead of the first ditch. On the east side of the neck. Theres another ditch just a few clicks behind it that only goes halfway in from the west side. A road, and a rail line, both cross the ditch. A warm "thankyou" and a round of beers for Kingfish, Erwin, and Cuirassier. Any and all further info is also appreciated
  7. Ok, They go live in Calgary. Is that better?
  8. Ok. I'm just gonna crawl under this big rock, and wait for the staff to round up the psych patients.
  9. I did... Lots of info about other battles the involved units fought in. Very little about that one battle. It's almost as though nobody cares. Rather sad actualy.
  10. Oh yea gods, no. Jack Black is the lead. A Polish writer and decorated veteran of the 1920s war against Russia. Has lived with his mother ever since his wife and son died in a car accident in the early '30s. Called up in July of '39 because his old platoon commander (now a regimental colonel) wants him for his ability to inspire troops. He makes sargent, and gets assigned to lead a squad of misfits and rejects. Main figures of his squad: The ethnic german who looks so german it hurts... but he's deeply polish. The angry gypsy with a personal grudge against germans. The Krakow rabinical student who thinks he's better than the "gentiles". The minor Warsaw gangmember who enlisted to avoid prison. The weezy shopclerk who failed the health tests, and bribed the doctor to let him enlist anyway. The illiterate peasant farmer who is still smarter than the average provost. The pathetic drunk who can sniff out a bottle anywhere. The nobleman's son trying to pass as a commoner. And 2 or 3 others.... They do a training session, then get thrown in to stop a breakthrough. Classic fighting retreat to Warsaw... Gripping portrayal of a city under siege... The evacuation of the heros by air... fade to black. Monologue about the poles continuing to fight under every flag of every allied nation... and then being abandoned to Russian occupation. Final scene. 1959. The last survivor of the squad is reunited with his family at the brandenberg gate. Then they all go live in Seattle.
  11. So as long as Hollywood ignores it, The heroic Polish naval infantry that held out in a swamp untill forced out by hunger.... didnt happen. UGH!.
  12. More Normandy is nice and all, but we still havent seen the 1939 and 1940 battles in Poland and France. Will CM ever get around to fixing this oversite?
  13. Hullo ladies and germs. I has a problem finding info about a nasty brawl betwixt axis and soviet troops 'round a ditch that stradled the neck of the crimean penninsula. This ditch was appearantly the site of a lot of Romanian and Russian shooting and stabbing. Unfortunately nobody seems to care enough to post details of this event on wiki, so I'm asking the grogs for leads. Autumn and early winter, 1941. Allied was a mix of naval and army units. Axis was Romanian I think. (I've been wrong about a few things in my life) The neck was under 10 klicks wide... Swamp on the east shore, open sea on the west... I've looked everywhere for details about this little brawl. You folks are my last hope. JasonC I'm looking at you.
  14. Soon. I also play WoW... where "soon" means "any time between now and the heat death of the universe"
  15. as the green lumpy thing formerly known as corvid.... i approve of peng threads
  16. Oh bloody hell. Infantry going against tanks, is messy and dirty. If you can get infantry close enough without becoming dead, you can sometimes get a kill.
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