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Everything posted by DLaurier

  1. This map is great. Two compounds seperated by a valley. The axis compound is walled. Playing as axis, and defending the compound. First off, I have to reach the compound. this is a hundred plus metre mad rush uphill to take up positions. Next I have to deploy. Then I defend against an allied attack aimed at throwing me out of my position. I'm thinking of editing the map to have more water in the valley, Muddy ground and shallow fords sounds good.
  2. So it occurs to me that we could collectively write a very historicaly accurate novel about WW2. Or at least cobble together a halfway believable story that would entertain readers. Set against the backdrop of the Normandy campaign, this story needs characters and a plot. Anybody up for it?
  3. The Germans still had the AT rifles from early war. Personaly I would like to see these, rare as hen's teeth, but usefull against light armor.
  4. Awww... Come on. If not for the trolls, then for the simply ignorant who need educating. And of course the entertainment value.
  5. Ok. The American M4 series has defined western tank design for the last 65 years. The M4 series were a very good general purpose, medium, tank... and are still in service in many countrys. A very versatile 3 inch main gun made it excelent for infantry support, and alowed it to square off against any comparable German tank. It had a reliable engine that pull it up a good 35 degree slope at speed. It had a rugged suspension that could cope with most ground conditions. It had it's shortcomings, but those were countered by well trained crews who were warned about said shortcomings well in advance. I'm not touching this Not realy. They were undertrained, but not poorly trained. They learned on the job, and they learned quickly. Most were educated. They were generaly men of better overall health than average. They were on par with most english speaking troops. They also had very good officers. Yet are still in service more than 90 years after they were designed... The M1918 medium MG is still in production today. Yet is still in service in dozens of countrys. The garand was one of the least sensitive semi autos of the time. It didnt jam in cold or wet conditions like the G41 or G43. It was also simple to strip and clean. Given the choice of any american weapon to take into combat today, I would pick the M1Garand Radios and logistics. The Americans refined logistics to a high and a precise science. Nope. The Americans had a fully motorized army, and more tanker trucks than you could count. See point 6. I noticed. Welome to grogdom. Your journey into madness begins HERE. Be advised that some of the older grogs are prone to apoplectic fits of rage when confronted by blundering novices... bring a raincoat.
  6. CM;BC Combat Mission Battle of Caen. British, Canadians, Anzacs, Polish army in exile, Free French, and others.
  7. Most of the peoples colonized by the democracy sent troops to fight for their white masters... And yes, little brown natives were routinely executed for even the smallest infraction. Colonial troops were taught to fear their white NCOs more than death itself.
  8. I want CM:TW Combat Mission Ticket to Warsaw. Covering from sept through december 1939. Axis player can be German OR soviets. Allied player is Poland Then we can discuss CM:BF 1940. and CM:EA, covering the Japanese war in Korea, China, Indochina, etc.
  9. Being right seven times in eleven years... We can let the poor guy crow. He's been beat by the proverbial broken clock
  10. Eagerly awaiting the return of my turn Has goodale buggered off? or has I been hoodwinked by a imposter??? UGH!
  11. Welcome to the cesspit. Hope you brought clean hip-boots, and lots of prozak
  12. You did. You did feel a disturbance in the force. Details and pics to be posted as soon as the action starts.
  13. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. turn sent. my tomatos are ripening nicely, though my cilantro has all died. oh christ on a crutch. you are in Barrie... I'm in Owen Sound
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