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Everything posted by Vein

  1. That thar grass is outta me garden mind. Maybe I'll go looking for some fallow fields on the weekend.
  2. I made the new furlowed field textue darker to start with but it clashed horribly with the default dirt texture. When I tried THAT dark as well it clashed horribly when the dirt was used on my grass texture. It's easy to make a new texture and slap it in, the difficulty is making all the textures look like they belong together without them losing all their detail and becoming a soupy mess.
  3. Patience. I have to keep updates to a minimum
  4. Water and riverbed already included in V1.
  5. Here are some pictures of V2 of my terrain mod.
  6. - Provide a readme detailing the contents of the mod and what it does/doesn't do. - See below - Provide screenshots, if at all possible with before/after shots. But please also keep them at an acceptable size. 5MB screenshots for a 20kb mod are just excessive. - That all depends on what the pictures show. A picture is worth a thousand words so by doing this step it avoids the need to include a read me detailing the contents of the mod and what it does/doesn't do. Over 1.5mb is excessive however. - Don't include elements not advertized in the mod. For example, if the main goal of your mod is changing doodads, and you also include any non-doodad elements, please mention that in the readme. It's incredibly irritating seeing some things change and not know which mod is responsible. - This one is my fault. But when I left the loading bar mod in my sound mod it was an accident. I can't update it though because I would hate to break the next rule - When it's done: Please don't keep updating multiple versions of the same mod. We've been waiting for this game for years. We can wait a couple of weeks for a complete and finished version. This is also something the mod hosting sites will definitely appreciate. - There is nothing more tedious than having to re-upload something because you idiotically put the patches on the wrong arm. YOU may be willing to wait for an update but if I didn't do it straight away it simply wouldn't get done at all. My aim is to mod the game till I am happy with it and then to leave well enough alone. I could always not bother updating though. No skin off my nose. - Repack your mods and give the .BRZ a unique name, including your own name, if possible. Loose files in the Z folder produce a lot of clutter. It's also harder for us users to switch out mods that cover the same elements if we can't instantly recognize them by name/description. - You can very easily do this yourself by dropping the folders into the INPUT folder in Rezpack in the Tools folder and clicking Rexpack.exe. The modder could easily do it but if they didn't, and you want their mod, now you can do it yourself Generally good advice though.
  7. I see you used my mod as a base. It has some of the new textures I made. Very wise.
  8. It's up there. It's called: Veins_supportchatter_CMBN_v1
  9. It's hard coded so you can't. They DID add more in the Shock Force patches so you never know.
  10. Cool, look forward to playing it.
  11. One or the other I believe. You MAY be able to randomise headwear, I haven't tried it out as I only want my officers wearing caps.
  12. Yeah, you're right of course. I got my reference folders all squirrely. I've changed it now. Repository should update to V3 soon with correct helmets.
  13. I did a bit of model swapping, hex editing, file renaming and texture modifying. Headgear IS swappable but not easily. As it's all stuff that isn't hidden (unlike the soldier skeletons) I imagine that I could update my german mod if you want it (I changed the cap after I uploaded the mod).
  14. The 82nd Mod affects AIRBORNE troops not the normal infantry. So start a QB in June using Airborne troops and viola, there they be. You can use the Rangers and 82nd mods together. They are for different units.
  15. The making of patches/decals and slapping them on is easy enough. It's the screenshot taking and uploading that's the bore. I tried adding some decals to the Jerry helmets but although the full helmet (i.e. both sides) are on the skin (texture) the same side is used twice. The US helmets are OK though.
  16. Not convincingly. The sleeve models project out a little more than the Marines in CMSF so that you can't hide the join even with gloves. It just looks odd.
  17. Yes. All my mods, although on my machine in a big soupy massive mod, are separate. They are somewhat designed to work together but work equally well on their own.
  18. Correct. I can't link to them yet as the great and powerful keeper of the Repository needs to check them before they appear up there. I assume they'll be up sometime this afternoon.
  19. No. The Rangers replace the vanilla (as in unmodded) GIs and EITHER the 82nd OR the 101st replace the vanilla airborne.
  20. Sorry, meant to reply then forgot. They are the same size: 512 x 512. As to whether they are better quality that depends on your definition of quality. The faces could easily be replaced by purpose specific photographs, but unless ALL the in game textures were replaced as such they would look a little out of place to me.
  21. Lol, true. And how many posts read: 'WTF, why have you wasted time making a video of a steel box!' Now we know.
  22. Thanks John. Looks like a good book. And for £8 I couldn't resist. Sold.
  23. No. Got to wait for the Repository keeper to check it over, then it should change to: Veins_82nd+101stAirborne_CMBN_V2... or some such.
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