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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Great idea, Mord. But just to be clear, are you suggesting we mod flavor objects into destroyed vehicles, or just mod the vehicle mbps themselves? And was there a reference to me in your first post? ;-)
  2. Texas in August...must be a scorcher! I will try to get there, because it sounds like a blast, and semi-autos in the backyard is icing on the cake! (I left my phone in the truck last night, and so only got your VM this morning. When's a good time to call you back?)
  3. I'm there. Let me know when. I need to hit the SW anyway. I haven't been through Texas in about 20 years.
  4. Well done, sir! A VC or at least a Mention in Despatches is in order.
  5. Quite similar, as in they are all set in WWII and follow chronologically through each theater?
  6. Excellent report, Herr Fizou. Great job! You should have no real problem holding the town for 16 more minutes. He will have a big job to pry you out out of those buildings in that time. I didn't notice before...you have 3 flamethrowers! No pun intended, but I think he'll be toast soon! Keep up the good work and hold them, hold them, hold them!
  7. Lethaface, I tested a few scenarios for Fredrocker for Shimi's March. He did an excellent job on it as he always does on his scenarios and campaigns. Anyway, shoot me a PM with your email and I'll send you a dropbox link for the campaign. mj Ithikial's campaign will be awesome. He also does superb work, and his historical research is top notch.
  8. Yes, piats can fire from inside buildings, Sirocco. They are spring-loaded (as you probably know), so they've been capable of that from when they were first introduced in CW. After one of the later CMBN upgrades, panzerfausts, 'schrecks and bazookas also have the ability to do that, but with potential consequences to the pixeltruppen in the building, like suppression and wounding.
  9. Zane, the only thing modders can do is to mod the branches "flat" on the hull/turret, and would look very strange indeed. The 3D model would have to have tree branches modelled onto it in order to have them "sticking out" from the tank, like the gun barrel and machine guns, etc. are.
  10. Thanks delliejonut, I don't play QBs much, but when I do, I always forget what points I'll get for the different types of engagements.
  11. Is it me, or are there a lot of phallic symbols in that pattern?
  12. I really like these, umlaut. Any chance we will see ones showing the tank platoon in line all firing against the tree line (near the end of the first battle where they rescue the armored infantry platoon), or any of the ricochets, especially the first one earlier in that first battle?
  13. That does make sense, ASL. I was thinking, though, that with a new title, they would make new separate tiles for snow, light/heavy/high drifts. Too much work, do you think?
  14. Patrol...played it to death, solo similar to the way you did it, H. It had that solo WWI scenario "try to cross No Man's Land" with the random mg fire and arty rounds. I'd do a squad at a time, going through enough to make a company's worth, then keep the stats. Then battalion, then regiment.... Man, when you have no money and are stuck in the house responsible for a 5 year old, you do some strange things for entertainment!
  15. Tex and Edna Boil, Count Floyd... Heinrich, same here. When we lived in Milwaukee in the late '70s, wife worked the weekend graveyard shift at a hospital, so after I put the little one to bed for the night (Jebus, he's 41 now), I'd get one of my SPI boardgames out, turn on Saturday a Night Live and have a little "Dad Time". Then one night after SNL, this Canadian 1/2 hour comedy show came on, two episodes back-to-back, called SCTV. At first I figured it was some cheesy SNL rip off, but after about the first 15 minutes, I was hooked. Those Saturday nights are still some of my favorite nostalgia trips.
  16. Hey Phil, can I call you tomorrow...I just saw your help request. Lol, I need some help from you on working the Folgore uniforms.
  17. Lol, what are you crying about...he was like your third cousin 5 times removed! Besides, he was hiding at the time, or at least started the turn that way. Beleve me, it's better for you that he won't be around to sully your good family name anymore. In fact, you should thank me (and Chappy, who actually pulled the trigger, in case you happen to be in revenge mode).
  18. Lol, I'm afraid yours is bigger than mine...er, Total Victories, that is.
  19. Martha might object, plus I'd need a large dowry, probably too much for a retired Canadian infantry officer. But if you could get me backstage at a Rush concert, one where Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles show up, we could maybe negotiate....
  20. Chappy, they should also probably watch some Canadian cultural documentaries like Trailer Park Boys and The Great White North with Bob and Doug McKenzie, and of course listening to Rush. That's how I became an honorary Canadian.
  21. Well, this is interesting! The turn after I hit "Surrender", I get this: Surrender usually takes several turns, at least I thought so based on past campaign battles over at FGM. Anyway, Phil, this showed up when I hit the BRB to give commands after the playback, and the game goes to the loading screen when I hit "End", so I have no turn to send Chappy. Maybe he giot to vierw the turns before I did...I thought it was the other way around. Anyhoo, I put the file in our Eindhoven DB. Great game to Chappy, a fun, erstwhile, and very effective opponent! P.S. Lt. Burke bought it afterall...no more worries about being in a penal unit! And despite the "Draw", I got my ass kicked as you all know, and the Allies get the hex. But maybe, just maybe, Guyver slipped out in the smoke and chaos of battle and the collection of prisoners, etc. Or maybe he managed to sneak away from his tired, battle-weary captors that evening....
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