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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I'm with ASL Veteran. I've never seen them, and I've been in a lot of virtual bocage for the last 2 years.
  2. I agree with the wall of tefxt problem. And black background doesn't help at all. I like your alternate idea, permanent666.
  3. Somehow, I knew there would be a message waiting for me when I checked the forum tonight, lol. Winter might be a tad late. I have more work left than I thought, and only had a couple of hours to actually work on it, as hings turned out. I do want to get it done myself, though, so it won't be long. You can get a good start on winter, youth, by downloading ellisam's mods on CMMODS. He did a lot, and his are what I'm basing mine on. My mod will addMa lot more objects/terrain with snow, and adding some German uniforms with snow camo. But his has a whole lot to scratch that itch of yours.
  4. Snowbart, v2.0 has the artificial light at night toggle. It really helps.
  5. Unfortunately, set-up zones are hard code and can't be modded. I hope future versions will tone it down, or better, just outline the zone like Womble suggests.
  6. I've already been watching it up to-I think- Episode 7 or 8. Very well done, Ith!
  7. No need, as long as you have at least one disabled tank's crew roaming around with pistols!
  8. Well, so far, it's sounds like O'Brian's series is boring as hell, just like the first one I tried to like, but couldn't. Isn't there ever any action, fer chrissakes? (Sorry Jeff, I'll get it back on track...) So, what color ya'll like your tracers to be? I like red.
  9. Some really good reading here: http://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getfile/collection/p4013coll8/id/3384/filename/3394.pdf
  10. Alright, here's the deal: I will work like crazy this weekend (no work to take home, no honey-do chores, no visiting relatives, etc., etc.) on this project in order to finish it up and release it. Then all you bastiges, with kohlenklau out in front, have to don pink bras and panties, and march into the nearest Biker bar and loudly proclaim how much you just love the TV show "Sex and the City." Those who survive can then enjoy a wintry CMBN.
  11. I can see why the bundle with South Gambit and KOTS only cost me $15 earlier today. I can't even start the game. Apparently, I need to install Ageia PhysX drivers????? But whguich ones? A few comments I found through Google search suggests I have to mess with the Nvidia drivers, and perhaps I have to try DirectX v.9. Seriously, WTF? Schrullencraft, can you help me out? I have Windows 7/64 bit, Core2 duo, 3Gig Thanks, mate!
  12. Yup, opinions are like a$$holes...everyone has one and they all stink.
  13. I found O'Brian too dry, but maybe I never gave him enough chance. I only read the first one. But Master & Commander movie was excellent! I didn't start reading O'Brian until after I'd gone through the complete Hornblower twice. Loved Hornblower! Alexander Kent is good too. Haven't read all of them though. Stuck in WWII at the moment.
  14. Highly recommended! Mad Mike did a superlative job creating this mod.
  15. I agree with Womble. I always give a face order before deploy order, and never have had trouble with walls or hedgerows.
  16. Yeah, don't use hide. One AS away from the place you want your troops to be, SLOW(crawl) them into it with a cover arc out to where you want them to open fire. May not work well with walls (not sure), but works great behind bocage.
  17. Real life has had the gall to interfere with my fun lately, plus I still haven't dug out the instructions I had from someone--Marco Bergman, I think--on how to work with Gimp and photoshop to do transparencies (needed for adding the snow to bocage/hedges/foliage). Also need to rename all the completed uniforms to conform to v2.0. Soon, but like BFC, I've learned not to give a release date! ;-)
  18. Ian, have tried not issuing a waypoint in the road, and just having them Quick across the road with no facing or target arcs? Or do they need that waypoint to stop and fire? I know I've had AT teams stop and fire when a good shot is available without any waypoints/orders...wondered if in this situation--armor broadside at reasonably close range--they would stop on their own or not.
  19. Er, um, did they actually have ammo(rockets)? I've done that before...take a huge chance by running the team into dangerous territory, only to have them sit there, get killed, and notice later that they had no rockets.
  20. You can, John. It just doesn't look that smooth. The crew will move it by foot, though.
  21. Fed, there's only one movement rate "MOVE" and it is slow, but still seems about right. augusto is correct about loading/unloading to/from a truck.
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