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Everything posted by toxic.zen

  1. track length 875 meters, with tanks running at fast speed. the following is the lenght traveled in one minute. 1-396m 2-441m 3-279m 4-92m 5-398m 6-398m 7-83m 8-0m 9-115m 10-0m 11-68m 12-0m 13-504m 14-335m 15-398m 16-441m 17-351m 18-322m 19-441m 20-399m 21-502m 22-503m 23-68m 24-504m
  2. I did a simple test to see how treaded vehicles move over the differant terrain types. I will do one for wheeled vehicles as well. the tank used was the US M4 Sherman, which weighed in around 30 tons. the terrain types from left to right are as follows: 1 dirt, 2 hard, 3 rocky, 4 sand, 5 grass, 6 weeds, 7 light forest, 8 heavy forest (tank could not be placed here), 9 mud, 10 marsh (no tank), 11 shallow ford, 12 deep ford (no tank), 13 pavement, 14 cobblestone, 15 gravel, 16 dirt lot, 17 plowed field, 18 crop field, 19 dirt road, 20 gravel road, 21 paved road 1, 22 paved road 2, 23 railroad, 24 highway. one minute in. and this is at 1 minute 27 seconds.
  3. i was tooling around with the editor and noticed the fords i placed across the water were invisible! is this supposed to be the case? or is it just the graphic settings for the capabilities of my computer? at first i didnt think they had even placed at all, until i looked from under the water.... i guess in any water based scenario i play i will need to scour the rivers and creeks from below to find any fords that may be available..
  4. thankyou Erwin, and thankyou erwin, fredrock1957, and tomkonczal for the playtesting! this is an allied assault on a poppy growing/opium manufacturing compound. The blue side has some support by local Afghan military. this should be a hard mission for blue! use everything you got, and be careful! blue vs red AI or H2H.
  5. play someone who has played CMSF a lot, and ask them questions as you go along. (and accept the annoyance of hearing about a game you don't care for...)
  6. well first impression of the editor is it kicks A@#!
  7. can i actually design a complete playable scenario with the editor? (can be played on gold release) or do i need to wait for the gold release? :confused:
  8. yes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwESraWEpSU
  9. downloading now, i'll do the one player version to start...
  10. good point Erwin, i'll do that with mine.
  11. thankyou both for input both here and via e-mail.... the final version is going to have a couple 81mm mortar supports added, a couple bradleys added, a better briefing, and some minor tweaks... thankyou again guys, this feedback is vital!
  12. no i haven't... i'll double check. THANKS! by the way guys, this really helps in making the scenario more balanced...
  13. i appreciate Bin Laden getting his skull shot open by a young American soldier and his gun and all... but in the long run, is he now just gonna be a martyr? are we now gonna leave the middle east and stop accidental bombing civilians and poisoning the environment with depleted uranium round ammunitions dust? are we gonna stop creating more terrorists? maybe focus on problems closer to home? I truly hope so...
  14. game clubs seem a good solution to me, I know there are more then just my club http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/directory out there that support CM:BN after all... here is a list of club links from the battlefront site: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_weblinks&catid=165&Itemid=23 I never have an issue finding a game or a tournament to participate in, and have had many familiar opponents for years now!
  15. im 36 and have been playing cmbo since 2002 and have been with the WEBOB combat missions club since 03
  16. thankyou Tony, the help is appreciated! so since this scenario is a bit "unusual" for US military tactics, the briefing should reflect that with a reason of some sort... perhaps the US troops are just a spur of the moment detachment brought about by an impulse from the upper ups to win hearts and minds by helping the Afghan authorities raid a drug compound? I could also work it as maybe due to attacks suffered at base after deployment artillery and air support is not available. i'll come up with something
  17. I wanted info to be scant, even the mined outer wall around the main compound was a giveaway... so I should make it more clear in the briefing that the info is second hand, from the Afghan scouts, that have been spying on the compound?
  18. thankyou! as for the ammo load-out, i didn't mix vehicles this time, so I'm unsure why there may be compatibility issues...
  19. im counting on the customers who pre-ordered (like me) to be able to download earlier then other customers who order when it is "officially" released. Like i did with NATO.
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