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Everything posted by Boche

  1. Campaign is up!! Cant wait to give it a new try. Again huge thanks to PT for great scenarios and campaigns!
  2. Great news, looking forward to giving the campaign another run!
  3. Very nice looking forward to your improvements, as always!
  4. Was that big carentan scenario released in the end then? I went MIA for a while...
  5. well, i enjoyed it simple might not have been the best choice of words. Just saying it helped me put all the operations (cobra, lutich, tractable etc) into perspective and see a basic view of how it all went down. I believe it does a good job in taht sense. seems you just cant win Just wanted to show those who arent major grogs an apparently good (IMO) source of info on what happened they could understand.
  6. I was searching for information about the Falaise gap battles and came accross this documentery on YouTube. Watched the first part and have to say enjoyed it thoroughly. Ended up watching all of it and IMO gives the viewer a clear and simple picture of what happened step by step as the gap closed further and further. Also giggled the fact that I had "been" in St-Lambert-sur-dives just days before with KG Engel! I indeed recomend it. Bad points ofcourse it reuses allot of images and some are out of place but you cant win them all. Playlist on YT: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAACC864167D3636E
  7. I give you: The Kolovrat Ridge: Place mentioned in a certian book, maybe one of you knows which
  8. Interesting, did the crew bail due to damage or moral?
  9. AFAIK black smoke does drift with strong winds, happened in CMSF aswell...
  10. Cheers, ill check them out, seen a couple of the world at war ones, great DOnt really mind that the images arent 100 percent accruate, I can understand it to a point. Aslong as the information is correct and interesting, dont really mind the images.
  11. indeed, btw, have a list of pro-grog documentaries?
  12. cheers for the screen. and indeed, Molek is alive!
  13. hard to believe its been that long already...
  14. Is there any chance of us getting the final AAR screen? cassualties etc? im interested in seeing how the units got on.
  15. jeje no problem, I alrady got it here for 8 quid. thing with getting things from the US isnt so much the price, but the postage.
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