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Everything posted by Boche

  1. These situations make the game what it is, brilliant and full of anecdotes!
  2. Sorry this might not be the place but just so everyone sees it! Finally! First episode! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMDxhIkgwJg&feature=plcp
  3. Finally! First episode! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMDxhIkgwJg&feature=plcp
  4. I believe you can solve this problem if you just give the vehicle a huge 360 cover arc that covers the entire map.
  5. Ive seen paratroopers launch demo charges into nearby deployed German MGs...
  6. Lets not get into that bloody nationalist debate please...sick of it.
  7. I am willing to exchange Mallorca for some territories in the Ruhr...
  8. I stand guilty Glad to see the AAR back in progress, too bad I wont be able to get CMFI in a while
  9. You know what is going to be interesting? Italian vs Italian battles, that sounds like a whole new different war.
  10. Ive been working on a couple of scenarios that still wont be ready for quite a while. I suppose they will be but... Will these "1.0" maps be compatible with upgrade 2.0? Thank you
  11. bad thing is, 55$ used to equal some 35 euros...now, 45! Dont think I will be able to afford that in the short term
  12. Well, ive been watching allot of the Olympics, and all ive seen is pure sport. No fancy interviews, no fancy public awareness adverts, nothing. Must be an US thing with your channels...
  13. So none of you celebrate that there just may be some actual sport in all this?
  14. thats great, love all the Medal of Honor and Call of Duty music
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