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Everything posted by Boche

  1. Just face the unit first, then set the cover arc. Atleast thats what I do.
  2. Would it be a surpise to find foreign fighters a-la Iraq in Syria?
  3. Thing is, it is a game after all, and if you want to play it you are going to have to click your mouse no going around it!
  4. I do the same as Noob, if I ever split squads I pick off the assault unit.
  5. Also, before you start the scenario. make up a plan you want to use, and stick with it! Also put yourself in the enemies shoes and think. "As a defender/attacker, what would I not want the enemy to do", and do just that.
  6. And get to see the odd units destroyed while you watch powerless to stop the carnage jajaja!!
  7. I think its the black box glitch. I think you need to reinstall the game in some sort of propper order. Atleast thats what it was like in Shock Force
  8. I try and put lots of small waypoints in turns, liek that I myself dictate how the vehicle turns. Try it out
  9. Well, thats that 9 men killed, 1 wounded, 2 tanks lost and 4 other vehicles lost, not bad for an F-15.
  10. Seen plenty of afghan videos of Javs been targetted at what seem to be enemy strong points, So I tend to try and to the same in-game, especially against MG or Sniper positions. If used right it can be preety effective.
  11. I suppose its going to be in a similar format to the Desert Lance Campaign?
  12. Yep, keeps on hitting. Sorry gona have to go on. thats 3 fenneks and 2 leos lost to this F-15...when I hadnt lost a leo or a fennek in the entire campaign. But well, just gona have to send a real angry letter to that pilot.
  13. pFtt. I dont know if I will even be able to get it this month!
  14. Nah, keeps dropping them jaja, thing is its on an inmobilized Leo that has its crew taht "bugged" under it while they where recrewing it (before it got inmobilized), lets see how it goes. hopefully one of these saves the F-15 will actually miss like it ussualy does!
  15. I dont mind 1 or 2 bombs, fine for story puropuses, and im lucky ive only lost 5 men to the strikes. (2 drivers and 3 leo crewmen), but it keeps comming around. I really do want to finish the mission and ive been reloading the map and managed to get a save where the f15 misses. hopefully it will go away now.
  16. Im on that mission now. funny how my airstrikes are never as precise as these, already los 2 fenneks and a leo to 2 strikes...
  17. Hey, I was curious since I am scared of loosing all my CMSF setup files and CMBN ones... Do you guys know of anyway I could put said setups onto CDs? Ive already lost my CM:Afganistan setup file and dont really have the money to buy it again, never mind buying all CMSF modules and CMBN + modules aswell If I loose them. help or advice would be apreciated!
  18. It will be ready when its ready sir, dont worry. Ive had he flu aswell. Just up and over and go on!
  19. 2 MAJOR game releases tonight! what are the chances!!!
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