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Everything posted by vonRocko

  1. The word is Christmas, not xmas. Anyone who doesn't like Christ in it, shouldn't be celebrating it. Merry Christmas!
  2. Desert Dave must've found the peyote patch!
  3. Hi Marco, Try skipping the first step. A neighbors kid helped me and I'm pretty sure he skipped the first step. He used copy and paste to move the license information. I'm not sure how much this helps but hopefully someone, who knows more, will post soon. It's a shame customers have to jump through hoops like this.
  4. Oh man! Why replace the clown? There was a sort of apocalyptic metaphor to it. :confused:
  5. This activation and licensing scheme is the only complaint I got with this, otherwise, fine company. Why they can't be more customer friendly is beyond me.(think matrix games for friendly licensing). I feel they lose buyers because of it. I personally have two friends who would like some of the games, but won't touch these because of it. I've been lucky so far, but I smell trouble in the future because CMBN forced me to use several activations on install. All Battlefronts fault, but nonetheless, I hope my computer don't crap out for a year! Then there was trouble with Global Gold not taking the auto licensing, I had to do it manually, Who knows what future headaches are in store for me because of that. Thanks Battlefront, I love you guys, but DAMN.
  6. Yikes! I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, but I know I know I didn't do it. These damn activations! Battlefront, do you like raising my blood pressure??!!
  7. Yes I wouldn't dare uninstall now!:eek: What a can of worms that would open.
  8. Alright, I got the neighbors kid (8th grade), and he got the manual license install in 2 minutes! (I did say I was an idiot with these things). So I got the game going. Please disregard my previous post. It raises a new question from me though. If I have to install in the future, Is my original licensing number still valid? Thank you.
  9. "Retrieval of license failed with error code =-12." Ok, What should I do about this? I'm an idiot with computers, I don't know how to do the stuff for the manual install. I cannot get the game licensed. I never had trouble with any other battlefront install,my firewalll or virus protection never had a problem with any other battlefront game. This looked strange from the beginning. First you have to patch the original game.Then Gold makes a new icon.(Why isn't the patch just included with gold?). Is this a seperate game? or an expansion? So what should I do about licensing? Thanks It also says I'm not connected to the internet. My attempts at manual licensing always ends with the program not responding!
  10. Excellent! I've been fighting the urge to buy time of fury, because I know I'll hate it. Nobody, not even the developers, seem to know what goes on in that game. Thank goodness a quality game, by people who know how to make them, is near. I'm placing the preorder now!
  11. Yeah, I'm sold. I just needed a nudge in the right direction.
  12. I've always loved the SC games, they are some of my favorites and are always on my hard drive, just my opinion, but $25 dollars for this expansion is a bit steep.
  13. LongLeftFlank, what is this picture from? Music album? Book?:confused:
  14. Man made booze, God made grass, who do you trust?
  15. I have no proof, just a "gut feeling" from playing, but I try to avoid buildings if possible. Troops "seem" to be more vulnerable in buildings. I actually love seeing the enemy in a building, I know I can easily neutralize them with anyone, even troops in open ground. Like the OP wrote, it feels "un-intuitive". IMHO
  16. So armies, around the world, waste time and money teaching soldiers useless hand fighting skills for moral? Wouldn't vouchers to a whorehouse be cheaper? They teach it because they know it did, and still does, happen.
  17. That's a good point. This is just from informal conversation, and some of these guys had multiple tours and saw much action. I guess the percetage will be low, but it does seem that if you are fighting in a war, that sooner or later you might have to use hand to hand at some point. I would also expect that certain specialised units like commandos and spec. ops would have a higher rate of hand to hand, based on the missions they would recieve.
  18. This is totally unscientific and doesn't mean much, but I polled some veteran acquaintances of mine. 14 guys (4 from vietnam, 4 from Iraq pt.1, 6 from Iraq/afghan) All four from vietnam had used their fists, rifle butts or knives at some point. 2 out of the four Iraq pt.1 vets had used their rifle butts, 2 out of the 6 Iraq/afghani vets also had to resort to hand to hand. So out of these 14 vets, 8 had been in hand to hand combat. Different wars, different theatres, different time frames. It seems to me that it is not so "rare", even today.
  19. Same thing happened to me. Now if something happens to my computer or I get a new one, I'll have to beg or pay for an activation, for a game that I legally bought. God damn all drms'. Battlefronts' patch caused this, they should make sure I get my activations back.
  20. "Ask and you shall receive" Thank you Hubert edit: wow, new research rules! Very interesting.
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