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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Plays fine in iTunes 16bit, stereo 48 Khz. Will not play in Mac CMBN even with ZZZ prefix. It is an ambient sound so it should be stereo. I converted it to mono to see if that might make it play but no luck. Like the idea.... Next frogs at night in the swamp
  2. Sherman M4A1 Late "Party Color" Just reinstalled CMBN/CW/MG. When I reinstalled my Z folder I notice how many Aris vehicle mods I have in the game... GBs worth! Thank you Aris for making so many great looking mods for CM. They do look great!
  3. Very good to hear. "The game purposefully doesn't 'see' QB maps without AI plans..." I did not know that! "Many (most?) of the scenario maps are also QB maps." I did recognize this.
  4. "Now, let's just say someone gave us that amount of money, free and clear with no need to repay it." Is that millions or Tens of millions? Everyone playing CM would be happy ... but the owners of Battlefront might be even happier Threads discussing the merits of Game improvements vs. Graphical improvements would still occur Tens of millions later. Michael is correct. "Everybody is entitled to their own priorities and tastes." Some folks need more eye candy, some more minutia accuracy and others RT with unlimited playback / re-play ability on 3 hour scenarios. I actually admire what Battlefront has accomplished in moving CMx1 into CMx2 a much improved family of products and readying a roll out of CMx3 with new families.... while making a profit! That takes good business sense, talent and luck.... with customer's prioritization mixed in the alchemy. This is not an easy group of tasks to juggle but BFC has pulled it off in style. Carry On!
  5. "bones to keep the circus happy" Is that "Modern Bones" I hear rumbling round the tent?
  6. The customer's prioritization is often worthy of attention in "non terminal" aka "successful" business models and often how a sound business succeeds over decades. Game improvements trump Graphical improvements but do not exclude graphical improvements. Works for me.
  7. Got much closer to the Hospital using tips from BlackMoria but I an to "obsessive about micromanaging my forces" as I should be. Started taking hits trying to avoid collateral damage to baddies. Will make the push this weekend to see the doctor and check out my end of game #s. It will be > 1 KIA, 3 WIA. So I learn and fire her up again. Good job on Fallujah Hospital Combatintman. snake eye, Thanks for putting the mods up for the scenario too.
  8. Andrew Jackson would approve of this message. Fire? Like this? Toggle intro video, War Movie Mode ON and...
  9. Wittmann's Swords at Villers Bocage (2013-11-21) A very large map (around 1.5km wide by nearly 3km long). Activity Monitor showed CMBN was using @ 2.8 GB of memory for game. Mac Pro 2 X 2.26 GHz Quad-Core ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB DELL U2713HM Display 1920 X 1080p Resolution
  10. Applying v1.11 alone did not work. Trashed CMBN/CW/MG and installed everything CMBN/CW/MG and all patches clean but game would not start. Force quit. Trashed CMBN/CW/MG and installed everything CMBN/CW/MG and all patches clean again but this time I stopped to start the game after V2.0 upgrade. Game started! Completed patches and MG and all appears fine. Lynx has all the textures now. I wonder if I simply missed installing v1.11 patch back when I purchased CMBN_Commonwealth_Bundle_Mac & V2.0 upgrade? Aris Panzer II Lynx Mod displays different textures than stock Lynx. All appears corrected on the my Mac installation. On with the fight!
  11. Interesting. On a Mac here. Had same missing Lynx textures and there is no v1.11 .brz in my Data folder! I purchased "CMBN_Commonwealth_Bundle_Mac.dmg" can I grab v1.11 .brz from the disk image and apply it w/o clean install?
  12. Yeah! I played Panzerblitz, among @ 4 or 5 other Avalon Hill games, as a pre teenage gamer. Before that I constructed a vast 4x8 plywood battlefield with little lead men. All got started for me when I did a read several detailed books about Waterloo one summer in a library reading program when I was very young. My brother caught the war game bug from me. He inherited all the games and little lead men I wish I would have kept for "nostalgia". Then I don't have enough time now to play as much CM as I would like to, It is much easier and more fun to play CM than board games. I could set up vast 4x8 plywood battlefield with little lead men in the shop as my wife would not allow battles inside and the dog might abscond with the little lead men. They both disagree when I crank up the Z-5500 during battle now but battle sounds are sweet in 5.1 with a little power behind them.
  13. Thanks for the tips and Unit Portraits 4 Mord & DC.
  14. Yes. As I noted the old CMSF Tactical Vignette 98-5 STEELERS scenario - Map Size: 2.7 x 2.9Km - is completely playable and fun on my older Mac.
  15. Yes. I have the same Lynx Texture issues with and without mods. Mac and I am running 2.12.
  16. MikeyD ... "Talk to longtime CMSF/BN/FI players about going back again to CMBB/BB/AK..." Difference between board games, multi headed dice and a flashlight in a tent.It works if you have no other options. Fortunately Battlefront (despite rumors of dying) is pumping out great games that are much better products. Saferight "..nostalgia.." Yep... about all CMBO-BB-AK evokes now in me nostalgia for a few minutes. CMx2 is a far superior product.
  17. Mord & DC's MG Unit Portraits 4 is, IMO, one of the must have mods. Thank you & DC. The simple method of enjoying it is as Fuser noted "...use some generic portraits for everyday battles and if on a campaign or a looong battle, choose the appropiate portraits, which surprisingly adds a lot to immersion." Loading specific icons by "delete suffix at the end of a BMP file name.." is not difficult but does require effort.. to make the game even more saturated with realism. Would be worth the effort if I am spending many hours / days on a scenario I value. It would be cool if CMx2-3, etc made managing all mods easier and semi automatic but that would require more programing time = $$$.
  18. Will have to check for "fog looks better" in both. Thanks Phil.
  19. Yep. Modern warfare has plenty of "really cool weapons systems and vehicles and such.." Yep Fenris, " ... lethality of modern systems will the new title may require bigger maps..." Might want to check out George's very well done Tactical Vignette 98-5 STEELERS. The scenario comes in three different ‘flavours’.* Map Size: 2.7 x 2.9Km but completely playable and fun on my older Mac! Wodin, I suspect "Black Sea" will offer both asymmetrical and more balanced parties. Michael, You will enjoy. Modern warfare a whirlwind of power and stealth. Like having any flavor ice cream in the store and as much or as little as you want Play modern RT and it gets very intense vary fast (at least for me). Sounds like Placebo * Tank Hunter are in for the win as well.... Oops... I forgot... this thread was about how CM was dying I got distracted by the TWO new patches Battlefront provided today for CMx2 WWII in time for the holidays.... never mind.... nothing to see here.... "Bring Out Your Dead!"
  20. There are listings in both for new features. Installed the 2.12 CMBN patch and the 1.12 CMFI patch on my Mac with no problems. CMFI v1.12 = 1.9MB CMBN v2.12 = 415KB Vin's animated text CMFI v1-11 appears safe. Have not had time to test for improvements but I am sure they are there. Happy T-Day.
  21. Blimey is all over the world in CMSF and looking great. Thanks. I wonder what you are going to be creating when the New Modern is deployed too!
  22. Hard to die when CMSF the "Original Modern" won't cash in the chips either With "New Modern" soon to be birthed well Battlefront will not slip away into some "Black Sea."
  23. Maybe that is why I have the 29 year old board game sitting in a dusty shelf Another reason I don't think CM needs cardiopulmonary resuscitation just a solid cash flow. Based on their track record I think they won't be cashing in the insurance policy soon. I tried to remember all the AH board games I "loaned" to my brother over the years. I gave him all the miniatures as he was much more patient and talented painting the the little lead toys figures.
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