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Everything posted by lordhedgwich

  1. yes i need this your mod is a must for the game!
  2. Yes for me it is really annoying. Especially since the FJ uniforms are so awesome.
  3. one of the reasons i love the game is its attention to detail so this bug for me is annoying. When im playing a scenario as fj troops and save the game then load it the fj troops look really goofy this is after loading a saved game so far it has done it on scenarios green hell and the devil hill scenario. Before saving and loading the game they were normal FJ toops
  4. Coop would be bad ass. Wego for me is not fun. Its so helpless to watch a bad order play out. When in real time you can pause and cancel it and save your mens lives. I have nothing against wego Its just takes me out of the immersion. ^^ above post when i play real time i pause and give my orders so i really dont miss out on the amazing details this game has =D
  5. sadly this has taken to long to come out the money i had set aside for it went to steam sales.. lol so i hope it comes out next friday lol
  6. Haha Yes me too i had no idea i had a flashlight omg im going to install this game now.. It is such a masterpiece
  7. every time i meet someone that plays vietcong i get all gooey inside. It is an epic game. P.S. Do you know an easy way to get it to work on windows 7
  8. I will trust you. I just really want some hot and heavy north african action. I have cm north africa too but the older games are too hard for me to get into since i played cm bn first
  9. I have had strange things like this happen to me too. I claim the AI cheats sometimes. Normally its when i have a tank engaging another tank and i have a 2nd tank coming behind the currently engaged tank and somehow it knows and turns its turret around and kills me :mad:
  10. I know its too soon to be talking about it but what do you think it will be? Im guessing Gothic line although I hope they will do a north africa. I know that it is prolly not going to happen but north africa would be awesome
  11. no my idea is way better p.s. I know this is the wrong screenshot forum but i thought i would share anyway
  12. i just love the atmosphere CM games offer. I hope they make a CM korea one day
  13. god i hate tech support the downloads should just be linked to my account
  14. I was looking to install combat mission shock force so i went to my email where i keep all my battlefront keys and they are all there but shock force. What should i do
  15. I wish the game would work on steam so i could Use my steam overlay to take screens
  16. I personally feel like RT mode is more fun than WeGo. I can pause the game and still give orders in RT and if i make a mistake i can cancel them instantly instead of just watching a bad waypoint play out. Maybe thats fun for some ppl:p
  17. Are there any really advantages to having your commander exposed? When the AI have the commander exposed they always die
  18. I just beat it as the italians with a tactical victory. Has anyone else tried or beat this scenario as the italians?
  19. I am also looking forward to the eastern front. I honestly dont care for the western front. I really wish that market garden came after EF
  20. that is true but that is a mod. I love that mod but there is such a low north american population that i hardly ever play it
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