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Everything posted by lordhedgwich

  1. Yeah CMFI is also my favorite it just has a different feel to it that i love im not really sure why
  2. I did say that but i am also frustrated as i can not get any of my friends to buy this game to play as they say prices are to steep for what it is (especially the engine upgrades) and as much as i try and defend the prices sometimes it seems to be a loosing battle to people who have never really played these games. and i was bashed on a few times for saying that which i expected, but the people saying things like "well the editor is easy to use makes your own missions" or the people saying "dont worry we will make missions so these vehicles can be used" were the voices of reason and made my argument invalid not the people insulting or bashing.
  3. I agree with this 100% not to say i wont buy a Bulge game i love snowy battlefields, but i would much rather see Early war than another game set in 44 unless it was the continuation war
  4. Relax its not like he did not say anything bad about BF all he said was discount for holiday would be cool because his friends cant afford it. no need to get all crazy just chill :cool:
  5. I haven't made that many posts but i tend to creep around on the forums and i have noticed the people that have been here for a long time tend to get very hostile and defensive any time they hear something they don't like or agree with. I don't think most people that post mean to "pester" just would like to see what their fellow CM players think about their thoughts and ideas. Or maybe they want to see what battlefronts response is.
  6. Good to hear chris so far Fortress Italy is my favorite CM game I was super hyped for Red Thunder, but it wasnt what i had hoped for (not that it wasnt good) So im excited to see Battlefront still has plans for it. I hope Battlefront decides to do North Africa I would love to see some earlier war games being made
  7. I really dont want one that goes to the end i was really want them to do north africa sigh....
  8. i cant remember if this has been covered or not, but will there be any more for FI?
  9. I have also noticed the Engine upgrade and the Vehicle pack came out before the RT patch.. Which i found very shocking to say the least i have been waiting months for a patch.
  10. So for the battle pack would it work the same way any other pack? 10 battles for 10 bucks etc. I would throw money at you for that =)
  11. Battlefront, Have you guys thought that instead of making these vehicle packs to just do scenarios packs? I love the scenarios for almost all of the CM2 games and after i beat them all i replay the ones i like a few times, then i move on to the campaigns. I would gladly pay for more scenarios with even if they only included 1-2 new things.
  12. I wish you guys had the time and money of some of Some of the bigger game companies. With the budget of the battlefield franchise for example i bet you guys could make one monster of a ww2 game
  13. This was my first "not paying for this" post on BFC, but i feel with no scenarios 20 is just too much, but who knows maybe if i find a good video on how to make your own missions maybe i will get it then.. but i dont like quick battles in cm games so this pack would be useless to me sadly
  14. unfortunately i will not buy this pack especially for this absurd price.. I hate to be that guy, but with no scenarios included i dont see the point as quick battle in CM games arnt fun or the AI just bunches up and does nothing..
  15. well I played battle for normandy w/ commonwealth first the fortress italy then gustav line, and market garden then i played shock force so compared to all those CM games shock force just seems... outdated?? Is that the word im looking for? I think so... anyway i find it hard to get into So im eager to see black sea
  16. So im gonna be that guy... what is going on with this game... From what i have read it was supposed to release already, but we have no screen shots pre order or anything.. and like 3 weeks ago there was a post saying we would see something "very soon" I know the are a smaller company and make quality products, but man i just want some screen shots or a gameplay video the anticipation is killing me.
  17. played it had and won very nice a good scenario.. I lost my marder almost as soon as i got it though lol but my Stug and panzerschreck teams took out most all of the enemy tanks
  18. Thanks for reply Im very happy to hear this... I am very excited for this release i cant wait to play as Russia
  19. First off forgive me as i am too lazy to read all 40 pages of this threat I read the first 4-5. Seeing as this takes place in 2017 are we going to be seeing modern equipment? Or "future" equipment? I am hoping this doesnt turn out like ArmA III with all the weird looking near future equipment
  20. I started playing A little over two years ago I started with the CM battle for Normandy demo.. And i said F*** this its hard and i dont know what to do then out of curiosity i downloaded the FI demo. The same thing happened. I really loved the detail and the realism of the game So i watched the Armchair General combat mission videos. Then i played the demos until i beat all the missions they game with.. Now i own all combat mission games except CMBO and CMA
  21. Well I signed up for the forum in 2009 so i dont think my goal was to promote steam... lol I just thought it might help promote sales but apparently I was wrong.. I didnt realize this was such a touchy subject and would cause some of you to whip out the tin foil hats lol
  22. I wouldnt want them to go out of business.. I always thought steam was a good thing for games hence the Greenlight stuff and all these indie games getting on steam... I love combat mission i would just like it to get its name out there and be really successful
  23. What are some good shock force mods? and where should i go to get them? thanks guys
  24. I think you misread my post or i didnt communicate it properly. I know they said no steam i have seen posts like that before. I was just curious what all of you thought lol I would love to see it on steam personally, but thats just me
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