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Everything posted by lordhedgwich

  1. Will some packs come with 1 or 2 new scenarios? I really dont like quick battles they never play out good for me.
  2. Are there any GL scenarios that have italians in them? I havent noticed any.
  3. you make it seem like you guys are close to going out of business I thought cmbn and cmfi sold really well
  4. sequoia maybe it is a huge mystery and your just lost
  5. I know the line up for this year is already planned, but what do you guys think they will work on next? I personally would love a CM Korea or maybe even a fictional 1985 East vs west combat mission with Warsaw pact invading west germany
  6. so whats the big deal about butt plates i would personally rather have a server browser... Most of my friends wont buy the game even though they like it simply since the online is a pain..
  7. i know there are not any new italian things in gl but will we get more scenarios with italians? I really like the combined german italian scenarios
  8. formations would be pretty neat i hate the single file line thing
  9. when i first started playing i didnt know about the preplanned arty strikes and i swear a whole platoon lost all of its officers they were the only ones that got killed and that whole platoon was useless
  10. hey now i didnt mean i live in a hovel I was just broke that day lol anyhow I know there is a cmx2 eastern front game coming this year but i want one that has finns and romianians just like cmbb
  11. as far as i have played the whole squad has to die before you get a body. I wish they would remake this game on CMx2 engine with all the same units and countries... i would give them all of my money
  12. Is there a mod for CMBB that every time a guy in a unit dies you can actually get a body on the map? im enjoying the game but the lack of bodies on the battlefield is annoying
  13. I think he is resting his weapon on it not actually using it for cover lol
  14. you can never have too much ww2 as long as you have every front open to you lol
  15. im not that tight lol i just bought a new video card =/ so im broke for this pay period lol
  16. well what would be better to go for CMA or CMsf with all modules? If i get CMA i will prolly only play as soviets.. Also the units dont seem very detailed compared to the demo of cmsf i played or as detailed as they are in cmbn or cmfi. Which is a shame as i like the uniforms and what not to at least be mostly correct
  17. i will take a look at those mods also if i get what are some good mods to pick up
  18. this is what the unifroms in game look like at least the demo
  19. Hi first off i know there is a CMA fourm area but its kinda dead and sad.. Anyway i was wondering is it worth 35 bucks? i played the demo but i wasnt sure plus the soviet uniforms shown in the demo almost looked like they were were from the 50s i was expecting uniforms like the pics below
  20. ^^ i would also like to know this. Although there were only 2000 something made i would also like to see it appear =D
  21. any good pics of the french forces at monte cassino or other battles i found some online but they just look like canadians or the poles another country armed with commonwealth weapons and uniforms... If so whats the point how many countries do we need using the same stuff?
  22. I played the CMA demo and i thought the soviet troops looked kinda weird with those brown uniforms i was expecting them to be wearing something closer to what they wear in the movie 9th company
  23. im somewhat new to cm games only like a month or so. If they are startingpredorders in the coming weeks how long till the module may be released?
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