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Everything posted by finalcut

  1. I thank you for the offer of Gin,But I need to Apologize,You see,I am a Gentlemen Jack Drinker myself,never could develop a taste for Gin.Never tried Jack with Olives but it doesn't sound too appealing.:eek:
  2. You need to have a Son.Everyone should have thier own personal Fan Boi for this very reason.
  3. I accept.Even though I have No idea what you are talking about,and never remember being offended by any of your threads.I accept because a free apology is a rare thing in this day and age.Kudos to you.:DAny one else want to apologize to me for anything?I will always take an apology when offered,even if I have no idea what the offense was.
  4. I found the Objective to be not to get my Ass kicked by JonS in a PBEM game.I have also found that I have not acheived my Objective.I have been totally and ruthlessly destroyed by JonS in my first PBEM game,and I absolutely loved every minute of it.Thanks to JonS for this awesome game.I am now a PBEM Whore.
  5. I predict it will be on Patch Day.
  6. Thanks Rokko,You Big pile of #^%!@*&%%$%#$#@!!&^%$#%$#((*&*&%@##@!%$&*(*&^%$#$%^^&**((*&^%$#@!@#%%^&&((*><2
  7. LOL.I clicked the link and was like WTF.I was having flashbacks and it freaked me out.
  8. Le Desert is fun H2H.I am playing a H2H right now as the Germans and getting beat up pretty well.It is German attack on the town of Le Desert with about a Company on each side.American defense,good mix of Armor and Infantry.Highly recommend it,very fun.
  9. Cats chasing Dogs is a nice small one to play also.I am getting my ass handed to me by JonS in a PBEM game and I am enjoying it very much. I kinda wish I had tried it single player after the tutorial missions.I jumped into a Big battle and was so lost and overwhelmed it was ugly.I think Cats chasing Dogs is the smallest battle that came with the game.
  10. Maybe a forward lateral by the Quarterback.
  11. Or if you really want a challenge,try a PBEM game,I am finding it way harder,but way more entertaining then playing the AI.
  12. I had a Panther take 2 hits from some kind of AT asset in a PBEM I am in now(Still don't know what kind of AT it was,it is hiding in some heavy brush and I am currently hunting it down.)The first shot hit the left side of the Turret and killed the Tank Commander,2nd shot forced the rest of the crew to button up,it hit left side of turret also but did no real damage. Tank became rattled and retreated like crazy,stayed rattled for 3 turns then went back to normal.Not sure if broken can come back,but rattled can recover thier wits.
  13. So what you are saying is after Labor day they will Patch Steve back together.Am I reading this right?
  14. Nice.Got Himself a little bit of a crossfire there.Notice the Infantry on the right side getting the Hell away from the Tank.He knows this won't end well .
  15. You are in for a very fun time.I see you already have a couple offers.Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
  16. For those not sure about playing a PBEM game,I highly recommend it.I am in my first PBEM game vs.Jons.I want to thank him for offering to play this game and guide me thru it.I think the AI in this game is very good,but nothing can compare to playing another Person.PBEM is really pretty simple when someone will show you how to get started. PBEM is where this game really shines.I am enjoying it so much that I started two others.If anyone is un sure of how to get a PBEM game started,just put a shout out on the forum,there is an opponents wanted section in the forums and you should be able to get one started very quickly.Again,thanks Jons for helping me.Having lots of fun losing a round of Cats chasing Dogs.
  17. Thats the Balls of the Soldat that tried to hook three Guns to a Truck and ended up damaging all three Guns.
  18. It made it four minutes without a breakdown,so I don't think it is a real Tiger.
  19. Looking for opponent,Small to medium size,mix of Armor and Infantry Battle.Either side.You pick the Battle.PM me.
  20. She thinks you are "grinning like a Blithering Idiot"now,wait till you call in a Heavy Artillery Strike on some German Armor when they are caught out in the open with perfect line of sight from your Forward Observer.That will send a shiver up your leg.
  21. The failed German assault on the town of Le Desert.Someone is gonna lose thier job over this one. Love this Battle,if you have not played it yet,I recommend it.This round I was the Americans,next round I will play as German and see if I can do better.
  22. The problem is,on his next Campaign,he will be expected to top this one.I enjoyed it very much,as the rest of the community seemed to.You have your work cut out for you Blucher.We expect great things from you.
  23. So its not just me then,it does look weird.I'm telling ya,its a Chupacabra.
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