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Everything posted by Arzok

  1. We use infantry soldiers like heros. So the casualties are heavy... I think that TOW is very realist from this point of view. In the reality, probably that 90% of our orders will not be followed because they are too sucidals.
  2. Arzok


    Thank you Sneaksie You save me Now, I can adapt my triggers from tow 1 to tow 2
  3. Arzok


    My question is not clear, I talked about the instruction bodymode, that you can use in triggers bodymode ( group , "g", lay ) for exemple.
  4. It is not possible to have a pause during MP. If each every player wants to pause every 10 seconds, you won't be able to play...
  5. You can watch here (it was with TOW 2 without centauro). http://www.39-45strategie.com/Premiere-partie-en-multi.7180.0.html First screen, then click on "order of battle", then second screen, where you can choose your units !
  6. In TOW 2, bodymode does not exist. Is there a way to do the same thing ?
  7. beautiful, and surely an interesting fight !
  8. lol, it is for Kursk. Bigger maps mean more difficulty and more time to make new maps... And difficulties to find your squads !
  9. the last version is 1.3.5 I think, and is complete
  10. me too, I never noticed this. But sometimes, the crew is dead, and the tank is still "red". So your men continue to shoot at the tank. It represents the fact that you are not in the tank, so you can't be sure the crew is dead, before some times.
  11. the question is more for battlefront ? :confused:
  12. lol, same for me, but in french ! Is it possible ?
  13. on battlefront repository http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314 or here, campaigns number 6,10 and 13 are in english http://www.39-45strategie.com/Telecharger-les-cartes-Theatre-of-War.5367.0.html
  14. Here is an AAR of the second mission of the centauro campaign (in french) with google translation : http://translate.google.fr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.39-45strategie.com%2FPreview-de-l-add-on-Centauro.7212.0.html&sl=fr&tl=en
  15. No problem, I will wait. I am still on the centauro campaign. I think it is the most interesting campaign
  16. "In addition to the new Centauro Division campaign and the standalone missions..." I have no standalone missions :confused: The single mission folder is empty.
  17. It is not very fair, and as there is not a lot of "multi" players, the situation will become worse. 1C should be this work, I am sure it is not very difficult, or players will wonder what is the policy of 1C Another grief, no MP missions with the Italians ??? And what about the compatibility with the balance mod ?
  18. I began to play the centauro campaign. Very nice ! I have 2 questions : There is no way to switch between centauro and TOW 2. Is it possible to play MP just with TOW 2 ? IS it possible to apply the balance mod ?
  19. 1/ it is not possible to keep damage buildings and damage tanks on a map, for two missions. Gnasher did this, by adding wreck in the second mission, but of course, wrecks are not the ones that were in the first mission. But it is enough to give the feeling of a second battle at the same place. 2/ the two others possibility are possible, but not the first I think
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