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Everything posted by Arzok

  1. you could have written it in english
  2. keep continue ! Sounds great !
  3. Please send me the draft too, I will translate it in french !
  4. I propose a new MP mission pack, with "original" missions +A take the flag mission, for 2vs2 +A take the flag mission (the same), for 1vs1, with reinforcements. In this map, you can use only infantry and reco vehicule during the first 12 minutes. Then, the first line of tanks will be released. After 24 minutes, the second line will be released. +the "clash" mission, but in a domination mode (like in TOW 2). You must control 5 of the 6 village of the map to win. The numbers of village controlled by teams are displayed top right of the screen, instead of the timer. 2:3 means for exemple 2 villages for the first team, ond 3 for the second team. +The first mission of the uchronic campaign, but adapted for multiplayer. The russian player must take and hold the village with ten more units than the french player. The number of units in the village is displayed top right of the screen. 3:15 means for exemple, 3 russians in the village, 15 french-poles in the village. This mission exists in 1vs1, 1vs2 ans 2vs2 ! have fun, and report in any problem. The link : http://www.39-45strategie.com/Telecharger-les-cartes-Theatre-of-War.5367.0.html Item 11
  5. I have a small problem with the map 'hill 112" there is no minimap. Is it possible to have one ? I would like to use this map in a small campaign
  6. Sounds good ! My girls are 3 and 6 years old tell me a day, and I am your man !
  7. TOW is not a game of forest nor cities Too many trees seems to be a problem, as I read it sometimes (path findings ?) I thing there are more trees in the map of the mission pack. There are some maps with "big" villages. I can remember the map 'ste mere', (the one of the game and the one of Gnasher), and St Lo (first map of the uchronic campaign). There is a big village in the map mp_map_003, that I used for the battle of Bulson, but the village is not in the playable area of my mission There is another big village on the map mp_map_008, that I used for the second battle of the second part of my campaign.
  8. I am GMT +1 - Centrale european time I play usually friday, 21H30-22H my time => 4H (GMT -5) But I can try sometimes saturday morning (If I don't play friday evening ) So for me it means 6-7AM and 24H-1H during the night for you !
  9. So the first time, I was very disapointed :mad: Alan mastered the village quickly, with no hope for me... But he gave me another try, and I changed my angle of attack I open 2 fronts, and my 7TP took the advantage over the T26. But I forgot the village, and Alan sized it for 7minutes !!! At the minute 8, I succeed to stop the timer, and then, it was a very bloddy battle in the village... And the poles won ! So it is possible, with some chance !!! But very hard against a good opponent
  10. I have a problem with the map st_mere_eglise I can't play the MP with this map. If I try to make a new single mission with it, it does work So perhaps a problem with units.
  11. TOW is not CC. I just outlined that it is possible to make a nonlinear campaign. But with a lot of work I think that you can simulate a front of three maps. But on an other hand, I don't think this worth, cause it is better to make a linear campaign with 12 missions than a non linear compaign with 3-4 missions. But if you want, I think it is possible to make a small front.
  12. the same for me when I played this mission for the first time :mad: But it is the last mission in Poland, all tanks will be renewed in France, so it does not matter. You just need to save your crew
  13. Schifty, "win" and "lose" are 2 possibilities. For exemple, you have the choice at the begining of mission one 1 to attack by the left, or by the right. If you choose the first solution, you will continue by mission 2, if you choose the second choice, you will continue by the mission 1.1, whatever you lose or win. But of course, it will not like CC ! It will be different, and less linear than classic campaign.
  14. It is not a problem of modder, but of "mission maker". I made a campaign for TOW 1, so I am interested...
  15. Sure I will not made something like CC, I have never played this one But I think that we can make something not linear. For exemple, you can put two different objectives on a map. If you succeed the first, you go the the mission 2a. If you succeed the second, you will go to the mission 2b. So you can do the campaign by different ways.
  16. Schifty, please, read again what Gnasher wrote. You have two cases for each mission, if you win, you can go to the following mission, if you lose, you can go to another mission. So it is not linear.
  17. you can use the trigger 'army retreate' (or something like this). You have just to specify the % of loss that the army can suffer. One it is the case, the army withdraw as soon as the enemy army of this army is more powerful thant the IA-army It is very simple to add to all missions. But there is no message the the IA Army retreat, so sometimes, you don't notice that and you have the feeling that you are fighting to the last IA man.
  18. Oh, you played this mission like it took place 40 years ago. General Anders was stopped a few kilometers before the border :mad: There is a trick to win this battle, or at least, to save 50% of the truck (the minimum I think). It is called in french "l'effet de pompage". Usually, soldiers forget the orders when they "meet" enemies. They try to fight them, instead of executing there first order. Same here. If you try to protect the convoy with your tanks, the germans will spot you, and send all avalaible units to you, so the convoy will be under ennemy fire. Instead of that, you have to fix the enemies far away from the trucks. To do this, you have to know where ennemies come from. So send your infantry on top of all hills (no fire , hidden), so you will know very quickly where come from the attack. Once you know, you have few seconds to notice where the convoy is trying to go, and to send your tanks to draw ennemies away. It is a sacrifice mission. With each convoy, you will have enough tanks to do your work. And I had several times throw my tanks in the melee, with no hope, just to win time for my trucks... Probably, it is the most difficult mission. If it is still too hard, I can modify the mission. Let me know !
  19. the same without google http://www.39-45strategie.com/Sommaire.5346.0.html but, parles tu francais ?
  20. I wrote something in french. You can try an automatic translation. http://translate.google.fr/translate?prev=hp&hl=fr&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.39-45strategie.com%2FScripts-Partie-A.5413.0.html&sl=fr&tl=en&swap=1
  21. Indeed, I won with the polish This map was played 6 times, 3times win the Poles, 3times with the Russians. But it depends of course of the opponents. It is not easy to balance missions, and after some test, we add the 20mmTKS to the pole force. Perhaps it is not enough. I can play this mission with the poles with you ! For the organization of the tournament, it is not easy, and it needs a lot of times. If every player can play with everyone, il will take more than one year :eek: And some players bought TOW2...
  22. Crazyman and Alan123, have you find a date ? Eniced and Coldfire ? You can also play Eniced-Alan Coldfire- Crazyman
  23. It is not the case for me too !
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